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hello....first clio 172

  172 sport
Hello....jsut got myself a clio 172 rsport on a 02 reg.....havent a clue about these cars,before this i had a punto GT running 196hp....i knew alot about fiats but nothing on renaults so il be asking lots of questions!!

I ve noticed ppl mentioning different phases...can someone help me out with a guide of what is what as regards phases

thank youuuuu
  Mk4 .:R32
phase 1 172 is the one with the rounder headlights, usually about W reg, the phase 2 is the one you've got. that punto GT must have been seriously quick.

welcome by the way
  172 sport
phase 1 172 is the one with the rounder headlights, usually about W reg, the phase 2 is the one you've got. that punto GT must have been seriously quick.

welcome by the way

thanks for quick ive got a MK2 phase2??yes it was really quick....the clio feels slower because its so much smoother,and dosent have a turbo, but i think clio is faster.
  Mk4 .:R32
you'll soon learn how to extract its power. You got any plans to mod it??

yeah yours is a mk2 phase 2!! what colour is it?
  172 sport
you'll soon learn how to extract its power. You got any plans to mod it??

yeah yours is a mk2 phase 2!! what colour is it?

at the min no plans to mod it as i spent way to much on the punto...but i probs will!!not going to go silly though....its silver even though the log book says grey!!??

ive been fitting my sound system in today and im gettin a horrible humming /whistling noise through front speakers(amped up).....never had this prob before,is this common with clio`s as its driving me mad.

oh yeah,also whats the difference with a 172 rsport and the 172 cup??
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