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iOS "must have" apps

  E87 118d M Sport
Re: iphone appstore must haves?

do i need 3 different twitter apps lol? which is the best?
tv guide is a good one. thanks.

(not a sport fan, only F1)
  E87 118d M Sport
Re: iphone appstore must haves?

thought twitterific won some awards or something? i only need/want the basics reali. as long as it works quickly


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
Re: iphone appstore must haves?

sn00p is it any good?

I only installed it this morning when I found the invite in my inbox, I will have a play with it later on tonight.

I didn't expect the redemption code to work as the last one (the AP app)was only for the US, but was surprised when it worked this time around.
  E87 118d M Sport
Re: iphone appstore must haves?

i WANT tomtom if it is under £50. not sure if id use it enough to spend more than that on it.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Re: iphone appstore must haves?

I only installed it this morning when I found the invite in my inbox, I will have a play with it later on tonight.

I didn't expect the redemption code to work as the last one (the AP app)was only for the US, but was surprised when it worked this time around.

Wanna hook me up with the code? ;)
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
Re: iphone appstore must haves?

ok, for some reason my Peggle thread got deleted. I'm guessing its because I must post in here. Peggle is on sale until 14th June for only £0.59


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Re: iphone appstore must haves?

Can you screen shot the notification setup screens?


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Re: iphone appstore must haves?

Im guessing you cant change the sodding noises!!
Re: iphone appstore must haves?

Can you change text tones yet?

Can you get an MSN app?

Is 3.0 jailbroken and Winterboard out yet?


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
Re: iphone appstore must haves?

Can you get an MSN app?

I wouldn't hold my breath for an official MSN client. This would require the MSN servers to support a keep-alive (i.e log me in and don't log me out until I tell you that I want to log out) and support for pushing messages, I can't really see MS having any interest in doing this.

Option 2 is to use a proxy service where you hand over your MSN username and password and they login to MSN on your behalf, they then provide an app that talks to their server and messages get pushed if the app isn't connected or if the app is running then they just appear. There are a few of these in the app store, I expect they'll nearly all support push come release day.

I started to write my own (it was actually pretty complete in terms of functionality), but it got pushed to the back burner as I've been way too busy.


ClioSport Club Member
  BMW I4 M50
Re: iphone appstore must haves?

Definitely, I've finished it, proper addictive!

I officially hate you both lol

upon reading these posts yesterday i downloaded the free game, i didnt put the phone down all night - and this morning ive come in and entered my card details and bought the game!

£0.59 lighter lol

Its bloody excellent!


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Re: iphone appstore must haves?

I wouldn't hold my breath for an official MSN client. This would require the MSN servers to support a keep-alive (i.e log me in and don't log me out until I tell you that I want to log out) and support for pushing messages, I can't really see MS having any interest in doing this.

Option 2 is to use a proxy service where you hand over your MSN username and password and they login to MSN on your behalf, they then provide an app that talks to their server and messages get pushed if the app isn't connected or if the app is running then they just appear. There are a few of these in the app store, I expect they'll nearly all support push come release day.

I started to write my own (it was actually pretty complete in terms of functionality), but it got pushed to the back burner as I've been way too busy.

Beejive IM or Shape IM+

Both are brilliant, im just trying to decide which one to use.
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
Re: iphone appstore must haves?

IM+ full is good! stores messages if you dont have the app running and you can upload images etc.
  BMW E92/Audi S3
Re: iphone appstore must haves?

The new Deadmau5 - touch mix looks amazing. If you're into DJing that is.
