Fog light wires removed as they are no longer needed
I think i'll need to take more out of the front crossmember if i want to add some air feed or an actual duct
Decided to relocate the horn and make a bracket so its not directly on the chassis
I am going to redo the bracket better/make another one as im not overly happy with this, although it does work perfectly and is out of the way of the bass port.
Went to Alex's yesterday (If you've read my previous threads you will know im good friends with Alex and he helps out on my cars loads!) to get him to look at my EML light as it hasn't gone off since ive removed the carbon cannister. He was also doing some work on missus car. Ive been telling her for years that her micra is actually french, to which her response has always been "french cars are s**t, jap cars are well built." Well this is picture proof after she saw the rear wiper motor had RENAULT written on it! 😂:tongueclosed:
While i was there we got speaking about spacers and alex has a set spare of 16mm spacers...
Trial fitted
Decided i wanted them so i will fit these fully at a later date. Alex looked at the car with hes clip and it turned out after all my efforts that it was the air temp sensor not fully plugged in!
All wiped out so he was cleaning hes bike while i took a picture then took the spacer off
Alex's driveway just before i left
Took the spacers to work as i wanted to clean them up and paint them fully black.
Then the coilovers turned up so i fitted them. Decided to take the day off and have a tinker day instead. Pics to come...