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K4M Project Blog



It's keeping the road dry ;)

They will do once they are flatted down and all decalled up! Thos epics were taking after I'd just given them a fresh coat. PITA!

Edit for Cwissy's fast hands-Done! Pc the door cards too, they have fine scratches in them :eek:


LOL! I have a massive sheet of it in my room too with bits missing as I keep making things and f**king them up.

I'll try dude, see if I can find a box big enough....


  Racing Blue 182
I wonder if you can CNC Carbon Fibre....? I don't like the health and safety odds though...:S

Revels are you going to CNC a CF keyring perchance? ;)
I wonder if you can CNC Carbon Fibre....? I don't like the health and safety odds though...:S

Revels are you going to CNC a CF keyring perchance? ;)

lol, was my idea that transparent? :(

Its got a cover that goes over the top, i'll get it secure, close the top and hide! :D


  Racing Blue 182
lol, was my idea that transparent? :(

Its got a cover that goes over the top, i'll get it secure, close the top and hide! :D

Nah I'm just smart LOL :p

And I would lol....but I was thinking about abusing the capabilities of my 1200 x 600mm CNC Lathe :evil:


I cut the peice for in my dash with a hacksaw, lol! It'll cut fine on a CNC!

Gray, drop me a PM in what you're stuck on!


  Racing Blue 182
Brittleness FTL me thinks...

It's less brittle than acrylic/perspex IMO, and it all depends on what speed you have the spindle set to...I reckon you could do quite intricate stuff TBH.

I'd just be concerned about the extraction, spesh as of where I work.


It's mostly fibreglass TBH, be fine Gem.

Yeah it was snowing pretty much all day Kev :(


  Racing Blue 182
I want snow!!!!

Thought the glues/resins used in fiberglass was pretty nasty s**t though? Meh, sure I'll be able to wing it. The extraction system we've got is pretty good. I'll just bodge a risk assessment :eek:
It's less brittle than acrylic/perspex IMO, and it all depends on what speed you have the spindle set to...I reckon you could do quite intricate stuff TBH.

I'd just be concerned about the extraction, spesh as of where I work.

Get the kids to do it ;) and you can stand behind a closed door?
  Mondeo TDCI 130
I want snow!!!!

Thought the glues/resins used in fiberglass was pretty nasty s**t though? Meh, sure I'll be able to wing it. The extraction system we've got is pretty good. I'll just bodge a risk assessment :eek:

You worry to much!!! Just dont breathe it.....


  Racing Blue 182
Get the kids to do it ;) and you can stand behind a closed door?

Trust me, after the accident I had to deal with before Xmas, there are certain kids who won't be allowed through the door again, let alone near the equipment :eek:

Sorry Dave, spamming your thread :eek:, whens the dash going back in?


When I send it off to be flocked, lol! I've been busy and forgot. I'll get Laura to do it tommorrow I think ;)


  Racing Blue 182
God you suck gay ass lol. Mind you, you've got enough already to keep you busy for a month LOL :D


Dash will be sent ASAP, need to order the RSport spacers for the handles too. Then get the brakes on and all the scuttle area removed so I can get rid of the tar and AC crap left behind there.

Then, ECU should be back in time for the Haynes sprint day on the 11th feb....
  Mondeo TDCI 130
Dash will be sent ASAP, need to order the RSport spacers for the handles too. Then get the brakes on and all the scuttle area removed so I can get rid of the tar and AC crap left behind there.

Then, ECU should be back in time for the Haynes sprint day on the 11th feb....

They book sprint days over 12 months in advance?!?!?!
  clio 1.6 16v
Well, i liked your project, its a singular project and it will be a really fast machine, that's got a be just a track day car.


Dave...You Dead Man.....

Yeah man!

Got a few things going on at the minute dude so CBA with the car while I'm working mental hours!

Well, i liked your project, its a singular project and it will be a really fast machine, that's got a be just a track day car.

Daily driver. I'm a man, interior is for Lawrence Llewelyn Bowen. Or howver its spelt.


  Racing Blue 182
Spelt correct IIRC.

It's s**t weather for working on a car anyway...hope that ECU arrives soon though lol.
  clio 1.6 16v
Yeah man!

Got a few things going on at the minute dude so CBA with the car while I'm working mental hours!

Daily driver. I'm a man, interior is for Lawrence Llewelyn Bowen. Or howver its spelt.
So the interior isn't going to be just with that single seat or is it?


I have another seat to go in but I'm not putting it in until the cage is paid for and in. Time and money have run out!


Made some decent progress today, nothing massively exciting but its definatly moving in the right direction now. Started the day by putting the final coat of high temp lacquer on the calipers, the plan was to fit them this weekend but I'm STILL waiting for my spacers to turn up! Ah well, next weekend for that I guess.....

So, the calipers look like this now, all I need to do is un mask everything, new bolts through (2 piece caliper) and new bleed nipples when the lacquer is dry....




Collected my cheapo "set-up" pads from the loack factors too. Going o use these in the calipers when I bleed the brakes to get them spot on, then swap to some fast road/track pads. £22 for the fronts, CHEEEAAAPPP!


Then decided to crack on with the rest of the tar in the car. I bolted the battery cage over the patch in the boot before FCS as I had no time to sort de-tarring it all as you'll know if you've been following the thread. I was cursing myself getting it off as when I put it on, there was no exhaust :eek:

Cage out, and a shot to show where the nuts were, above the backbox and heatshielding...


Anyway, minced the tar off from their and in the rear quarters...

Next job was fit the fuse box cover I picked up from the Kev's after they got me one from Renault. I needed an excuse to visit the anyway ;)

Anyway, I snapped the clip on the lower half so ragged it out and I'll get another, lol.

Carrying on with the tar, I knew there was some under the wiper mech and under the blower assemly in the scuttle area. I wanted to remove the blower stuff anyway and replace with a non-AC model since I've ripped that out. So, removed the dash bar from inside and cut away another un-needed section....

Anyone know what this is? Left the Haynes in the car and CBA to go fetch it. And dont say calculator.

I had some more foam deadening crap to remove from behind the air distributor on the inside too so got that out when I dropped it out to get the blower assembly out of the scuttle...


Had a nice pile of bits building up too, even had a threat to be sued off some old bint who claimed she could trip over it, which was nice.

With all that out the way, I thought I'd see if I could find a height for the column that was comfy as with my seats so low, the wheel feels too high. Dropped it about 20mm on the threads an it feels MUCH better. Made a video to show how much it moves from the drivers seat...

Next, got the heat gun and scraper out on the tar in the scuttle, comes off so easy this stuff, just a wipe with white spirit after and its done.





Then gave the whole area a rub down and a few coats of satin black to keep any tin worm out where the scraper has dug in getting the tar off.



Called it a day then and had a tidy up, which took forever.

Thanks for looking!
  172 Race Car
Be a shame not to have a citroen wiper conversion, now that you've got all that out ;)

Good progress mate, you planning on binning the aircon/re-circ box?

Need a fan from a lesser model WITHOUT Re-circ, Base model I got my dash from had re-circ. You need one off a cup, its like a little snail shape


Yeah thats why I ripped it out, gonna roll without heaters for a few weeks until I can find one because getting that out was a bit of a ballache and would mean removing everything again if I put it back in.

Cup specific?? I need the heater panel without AC switch too!

Re. wiper set-up, funny you should say that. Thought about it earlier but didn't want you to go all Ph-reebone on my ass so have another motor in mind, lol.
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  172 Race Car
Yeah thats why I ripped it out, gonna roll without heaters for a few weeks until I can find one because getting that out was a bit of a ballache and would mean removing everything again if I put it back in.

Cup specific?? I need the heater panel without AC switch too!

Re. wiper set-up, funny you should say that. Thought about it earlier but didn't want you to go all Ph-reebone on my ass so have another motor in mind, lol.
Im not sure if its only the cups but they deffo have what you need. The main part of the heater box (interior) can go back in. just bolt it down from the scuttle side with the plastic fan inlet, then when you get a fan just whip the scuttle off again. Im not sure how the cups etc run the speeds. the resitor is on the a/c type fan.
