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Kit’s New Ph1 172


ClioSport Club Member
Today couldn't have gone any better! All mapped up and it now runs! I am so pleased
Started the day loading it up onto @VenomUK truck an headed for some fuel

Got to EFI, had a quick chat with Chris and said what the issues I was having to get it running. Turns out the ECU thought the throttle position sensor was at full throttle at all times so no wonder it was not fuelling correctly! Spark plugs looked like this

Chucked a new set in and more fiddling with the ECU was done. Got it idling perfectly. Chris wasn't quite happy with how it was sounding either...turns out it wasn't running on cylinder 4. Swapped the injector connections over and it starts to run on injector 4. Something wasn't quite right with the wiring. Opened up the ECU wiring plug, looked for injector 4 wire and it was where has that gone?! No wonder it wasn't working. Turns out muggins here swapped pin 89 (injector 4) and not 79 🤦‍♂️ pin 79 was for the knock sensor that needed moving so no wonder it didn't care about how rich it was running!! Sorted that and was all good to go. Only other thing I had to do was re-route the thottle cable to be behind the heat shield a bit more so it didn't melt (quick job to get it working and will need to come back to sort that out).

Obligatory dyno run photo and read out


The highest power it made was 199.4bhp but on all the runs it did a 199.somthing. Would not quite get to the 200 mark. All the curves were pretty much identical too. I am well chuffed with that!! This must have been a strong engine to start with I think as I was not expecting that kind of power. The noise it makes is glourious! I will need to sort out a centre silencer though for it to pass any form of noise limit checks on track days.

The only thing that I need to sort out is the throttle cable and the return spring on the bodies isn't up for the job - it is like a suck throttle and holds the revs. The throttle cable was quickly re-routed as a bit of an ad hoc thing so making that better might help some of the issues. The ITB kit came with another spring too iirc so might see if that is better, otherwise it shouldn't be too hard to soruce one?

Things left to do before it is "done":
  • Sort throttle cable
  • Better spring on the throttle linkage
  • Fit the rear ABS sensor
  • Make the fuel pipe feed better (was never happy with it but it got the job done!)
  • Coolant flush - this is now brown, annoying as it was brand new and hardly used!!
  • Break it so I can justify other nice parts

Spec of the engine is:
  • Ph1 172 engine
  • Standard pistions
  • Standard cams
  • KTec ITB Kit
  • Gen90 ECU with custom map
  • Megane 225 injectors (genuine new ones)
  • 4bar fuel pressure regulator
  • Magnecore HT leads
  • New spark plugs
  • New-ish coil pack (new less than 5000 miles)
  • Lower temp thermostat
  • Cambelt and dephaser changed less than 5000 miles ago.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
You’re welcome mate. Was a great day out and deffo food for thought for my Clio build now. Get those odd jobs sorted so we can do a track day soon 😉


ClioSport Club Member
You’re welcome mate. Was a great day out and deffo food for thought for my Clio build now. Get those odd jobs sorted so we can do a track day soon 😉
Will start doing them this week. Will see if re-routing the throttle cable will help as a start as I don’t really fancy taking the bodies apart to fit a spring! Track day will be great to shake down. Will try and get a noise test first to see if I can get away with how loud it is before committing to a centre silencer.

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
Mega result that for just itbs and nothing else.

Catcams next, join me in the 200 club ;-)


ClioSport Club Member
Had some tinkering time today on the Clio.
First job was to re-do the fuel pipes going into the fuel rail.
Before - the fuel rail came with a straight and a 90deg banjo fitting so this was like the best solution I could come up with for the first iteration.

After - got another straight fitting so now I don't need a massive U-bend in the pipe work. I will find some sort of cover to go over the joints/clamps so it doesn't rub through with the vibrations. Or....fully braided system 🙃

As you can see I marked the TPS so I have a reference point in case it moves so I know what the angle was - from what I can tell and read up it has been callibrated so I don't really want to remove it! Talking of which I should probably put a plug on it as it currently hard wired into the loom.

Trying to source a a new spring for the throttle linkage as the one with the kit is 'backwards' (need this extra spring to give the linkage more oomph when closing). Bought one yesterday so waiting for that to turn up. But I adjusted the throttle cable on the linkage and it is a lot better. Not perfect but better. I also had it running upto temp with the cable not behind the heat shield and it got worse with the heat. I have got a new throttle cable ready and I am going to put it in some heat proof sleeve. But in the interim I have on order some of that heat proof gold tape I am going to wrap this one in, it might do something 🤷‍♂️


ClioSport Club Member
I have been using the Clio to get to work a few times these past few weeks, get some miles under it to make sure I am happy before I start using it a bit harder and that.

The throttle linkage spring came from KTec and it is now night and day. Throttle response is spot on. I haven't even moved the throttle cable routing to how I originally had it and it is still behind the heat shield in a slightly worse run but you cannot notice it.

Things I have noticed when driving it that it starts up cold fine but takes a few moments (about 5 mins idle??) to like come to life if that make sense. Its like it doesn't have a choke. Not the end of the world tbh. It likes to pop and bang on the over run at lower speeds, like when approaching junctions. Sometimes a single bang and others it will burble. I just don't want to be accused of having an awful pop and bang map! The current mpg and distance to empty on the OBC doesn't work any more. And oh my it likes to drink fuel. I topped the tank up for mapping and it hardly used a single increment on the guage for that. But I have done about 160miles in it since filling it up and it is now about a quarter of a tank left 😬 I will do a proper mpg calculation on the next fill up.Also hasn't used a drop of oil either. Tried to measure how loud i is and it was 90dB at 5k RPM so this should be good for track day limits!

Driving wise it is very nice and smooth. I was expecting full race car harshness but it commutes fine, does the morotway at 70mph quite civilised and then when you want to give it some right foot action it picks up and goes. And the noise is amazing. Very happy with it!

I was going to take it to work to Manchester in the week but noticed that one of the injectors was weeping. It was never seated fully like the other three as the clip was being blocked by one of the adjustment screws on the bodies. But it wasn't leaking. I have been looking over the car every time I use it to make sure it is all ok but this has just happened. So I didn't want to risk it and left it at home. Taking the fuel rail off the mounting brackets broke, tbh looking at them after the quality isn't the best in them. I didn't even put any force through the nuts and the one threaded the stud and the other stud fell off. Thankfully my brother is a whizz with tools so fixed it by drilling the stud out and we put a blt through them. Also bent them a bit and the injector now seats beautifully. Happy days


Took it to the Morgan factory gathering this morning. First time it was used as a showing car as I usually take my E34 for these kind of things.


On the way back got caught in traffic for about 20mins, stop start not moving anywhere and got a bit of a twitchy bum as I watched the temp gauge rise and rise. It is running a lower temeprature thermostat and it sits at that beautifully in normal conditions. It crept up to just under the penultimate indcrement on the guage and then dropped down to half way. The fan should have kicked in. Then about 2mins later it crept up and up and was held on the penultimate incremement. Traffic got going as it was starting to rise again so it came back down to normal, although it kept it at half way which is higher than normal due to my lower temp thermostat. Need to do some investigating on this. Like the ECU I needed to move a pin out to make way for the fuel pump but the pin I removed had no where to go and this was a temp warning or something. I should just wire a fan override in. Oh and the brand new coolant now looks like this. Was a new expansion tank too! Will need to flush the system through.


So far very happy with it. A few more tinkering jobs but I can just crack on with these as and when now. Will be making a new job list for it (along with the E34 and E60). Track day will be booked.


ClioSport Club Member

Was doing some diagnosis on if my radiator fan worked. Unplugged the coolant sensor expecting the fan to kick in and it didn’t. So took it for a spin to get it up to temp. While I was waiting for a shop to open I had it running was getting to the temp the fan should kick in and I noticed coolant was pissing out of it. Great. It is leaking from the radiator bung


Topped the car up with water and crawled home, was about 5 mins away thankfully. Let it cool down a bit and the bung was basically finger tight. But then wouldn’t actually do up. Great. Took it out and there is a slight damage to the thread. No idea how or why that happened as it’s not been touched! The seal is also looking tired which is odd as the car has barely covered 200 miles since it was fitted. Thread in the rad look fine.

After some more googling and speaking with my brother can confirm the fan doesn’t work. Our reasoning is that the standard fan set up is controlled by the ECU and I’m running an after market ECU now. So it was never going to run! I’m just going to get a Revotec fan controller and over ride and put that in. Measured the bung and they do one that fits so that is a better option than the self sealing ones that go into the hoses.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Is that something that should have been sorted when mapping? Just thinking Chris was a little redhead that day and under a lot of pressure to get the mapping done and may have overlooked it?


ClioSport Club Member
Possibly, I can’t be certain though. But not sure if it is because it’s a Ph1 and slightly different set up than the Ph2 so I just have to deal with it. I’ve bought an external fan controller to go in the radiator bung with an over ride switch so this should sort the fan out. Just not sure why it decided to start to leak when it’s essentially brand new.


ClioSport Club Member
Fan issue resolved. With the help of my brother we fitted a Revotec fan controller and over ride switch. The bung in the side of the radiator was the same size as one of the fitting options so that was the best solution (the one from PMS was a self seal thing after inserting it through a pipe which I was not comfortable with). I managed to tidy it up today and put the over ride switch through the bulk head. Currently it is dangling in the passenger footwell until I think of where it can go. I’m thinking of removing the stereo and getting a blanking plate for it. It can go on there as I also want to fit an electrical isolator switch too. But the car is now usable! Gave it a quick wash as it was covered in dust from something.

Ok so onto the next item on the to do list!


ClioSport Club Member

Fitted the fan over ride switched. Went full race car and removed the stereo and speakers.
Really do need to sort the centre trim out too but it’s a dash out job and I really cba until I need to remove it!


ClioSport Club Member
Ok so I think this is broken.....just filled it up, first time after fitting thr ITBs and it has returned 35.63mpg 😲 I will admit this was mainly due to a trip from home to Manchester and back sat on the M5/M6 when I went to the other office for work last month. But still it has done 319 miles and used 40.7ltr of fuel.
Very impressed with that! Was expecting high 20's mpg on a motorway run. Wonder how low it will go after giving it some abuse on track...

Also just renewed the insurance, filled in the mileage declaration form and realised I have done about 1000 miles in it this year. Somehow it is used less than my E34 and that rarely comes out of the garage!!


ClioSport Club Member
MoT test passed yay 🎉


Oh balls, it’s started 😭
For sale: one kidney

Tbh it was the next job on the list to do really. I’ll probably sell the standard seats (front need a re-trim) to help cover the costs as keeping it OEM went out the window many many months ago, probably when I fitted bucket seats with the rubbish excuse of re-trimming the originals would cost more than the buckets.


ClioSport Club Member
This is what stops me from driving my Ph1 all year round, I'm so paranoid that it's going to turn to dust overnight :cry: Hopefully you can catch it now before it gets too far gone!
Tbh it’s done 8k miles in the 3 years I’ve had it, most of which have been summer and dry days. I had noticed some rust around the arch lip but not bubbling around it like you can get. I did look down the inner sills when I bought it and it was good and chucked a load of Kurust down then for good measure, front jacking points are mangled so I knew they needed doing. I’ll use it a bit more this summer and then look at getting it sorted in the new year after I sell some things in the garage and save up a bit. I knew it needed a respray when I bought it so this is just this job happening! Every cloud and that


ClioSport Club Member
Tbh it’s done 8k miles in the 3 years I’ve had it, most of which have been summer and dry days. I had noticed some rust around the arch lip but not bubbling around it like you can get. I did look down the inner sills when I bought it and it was good and chucked a load of Kurust down then for good measure, front jacking points are mangled so I knew they needed doing. I’ll use it a bit more this summer and then look at getting it sorted in the new year after I sell some things in the garage and save up a bit. I knew it needed a respray when I bought it so this is just this job happening! Every cloud and that
Just seems like it's a Phase 1 thing really, no matter how few miles they do, they always end up rusting!

I bet it'll look spot on after all the work is done though! I've enjoyed following this thread, it gives me ideas for what to do with mine, especially the throttle bodies :love:


ClioSport Club Member
Back seats removed and a little clean up in there.

The middle bolt holding the seat backs down put up a fight and had to go to my brothers to grind it off. Will weld a nut to it to remove the threaded part at a later date.
Seats and belts will be for sale shortly, just need to write an advert.
Plan is to put some sound deadening on the floor then cover with a false floor, sure I’ve seen someone selling them? Then one day in the future a cage will be added.

It is also where I might be spending tomorrow night as I’m camping at a friends wedding and do not want to be in a tent in this weather! Oddly there is more room in the back of this than either of my 5 Series as the rear seats in them don’t fold down so lying across the rear bench isn’t as roomy as a Clio with no back seats! The down side is that it’s not that good on my back 😂
  Ph1 track 172
Great build! i love this as i am currently following a similar path restoring my old ph1. I've just picked up some KTR Jenvy's and GEN90 ECU.

Out of interest, what drove you to increase the fuel pressure and redo the rail? The current PH1 fuel pressure is 3bar (i think) is this not enough for your build?


ClioSport Club Member
Great build! i love this as i am currently following a similar path restoring my old ph1. I've just picked up some KTR Jenvy's and GEN90 ECU.

Out of interest, what drove you to increase the fuel pressure and redo the rail? The current PH1 fuel pressure is 3bar (i think) is this not enough for your build?
I was reading some other builds of a similar set up and they were running higher FPR’s. And the fuel rail was a bit of bling really! I still need to sort out the fuel lines to it as I’m still not happy with them, but I’m not doing a full braided lines that are rerouted in the car….yet. I do wonder if it helped me get to 199bhp as I was surprised it made that much

Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
4bar FPR drops straight in and seems to run better/smoother. Or at least it did on mine, and it gives you a bit more headroom with fuelling the top end.

The Phase 2 1*2 have a 3.5bar FPR in the tank but the Ph1 only has 3bar.


ClioSport Club Member
late to the party, does the ecu not have a setting/output for fan wiring? I know when I ran an omex in my old ph1 i forgot that side of it initially, had an overheat moment, and then added a relay setup and output for it.


ClioSport Club Member
4bar FPR drops straight in and seems to run better/smoother. Or at least it did on mine, and it gives you a bit more headroom with fuelling the top end.

The Phase 2 1*2 have a 3.5bar FPR in the tank but the Ph1 only has 3bar.
It was your pictures and comments that made me get a 4 bar one. That was the other reasoning about it and having an extra capacity for performance if required.

late to the party, does the ecu not have a setting/output for fan wiring? I know when I ran an omex in my old ph1 i forgot that side of it initially, had an overheat moment, and then added a relay setup and output for it.
Tbh I’ve not checked but seeing as I’ve got an external fan switch now it doesn’t matter. I thought it would be fine but obviously not. I did the trick of removing the temp sensor plug when it was running and apparently it defaults the fan to on as protection but didn’t do this so I assumed it is not sending signal from the ECU so the easiest way was to run an external sensor and switch. Plus the sensor replaced the leaky bung in the side of the radiator!
  Ph1 track 172
4bar FPR drops straight in and seems to run better/smoother. Or at least it did on mine, and it gives you a bit more headroom with fuelling the top end.

The Phase 2 1*2 have a 3.5bar FPR in the tank but the Ph1 only has 3bar.
Do you mean you can just buy an off the shelf FPR that is 4 bar and works with the current fuel rail set up? Got a link? I'm changing to 225 injectors so cant hurt to have a slightly increase pressured (especially if everyone else is) but I didn't plan on redoing all the fuel lines... yet.


ClioSport Club Member
Do you mean you can just buy an off the shelf FPR that is 4 bar and works with the current fuel rail set up? Got a link? I'm changing to 225 injectors so cant hurt to have a slightly increase pressured (especially if everyone else is) but I didn't plan on redoing all the fuel lines... yet.
I have the PMS fuel pressure regulator housing and the Bosch FPR that is an option to it
Shouldn’t need the housing if you are running the standard Ph1 fuel rail

Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
Do you mean you can just buy an off the shelf FPR that is 4 bar and works with the current fuel rail set up? Got a link? I'm changing to 225 injectors so cant hurt to have a slightly increase pressured (especially if everyone else is) but I didn't plan on redoing all the fuel lines... yet.
If your Ph1 fuel rail already has a FPR fitted in it then this is a straight swap.

What is the spec you're running with 225 injectors?
  Ph1 track 172
If your Ph1 fuel rail already has a FPR fitted in it then this is a straight swap.

What is the spec you're running with 225 injectors?

My rail is of that type, so thanks, i will look at adding this to the shopping list.

When you ask what spec I am running with the injectors, do you mean the full list of engine mods?


ClioSport Club Member
I have been really poor at using my Ph1 over the summer, just got busy with other things. Took it to work a few times and that was about it. Not really done much on it either.

After taking the back seats out I put a load of soound deadening material in the back. Had to wire wheel some rust off in the drain point in the spare wheel well and chucked some paint in there too



Now have a full boot mat in the back too so it looks a lot smarter too


I also got a centre silencer fitted too as I was a bit nervious with the sound levels and track days, one reason why I haven't done one yet since fitting ITBs.


The sound deadening and the silencer has made such a big difference on how refined it is to be in. The ITB noise is now more promenant too which is always epic. Must be getting old to quieten it down! It isn't a race car and I won't be chasing lap times so happy to have that extra bit of weight in it.

Gave it a nice drive back from the exhaust place through the back roads. I keep forgetting how good it is as this kind of driving. Throttle response is spot on and picks up with so a great sound track. It is very smooth in how it delivers its power. Can't wait to get it on a track again.

This is probably it now for the year. I need to get it up to North Wales as I am moving up there in December. Going to be a mission moving four cars - Z3 was dropped off last weekend so now just have three to move! Plans for the new year:
  • Give it a good clean and polish - noticed yesterday it could do with a full decontamination, good going over with the DA and some wax. I know the paint isn't the best on it but it is looking a bit sorry compared to the rest of my cars. Will also get some attention cleaning all over it (door shuts, engine bay, behind trim etc).
  • Sort out the ECU cover as it is broken and I am struggling to find one
  • Ignore the rust issues
  • Re-do the fuel lines as I have never been happy with them since fitting the ITBs. I did the bare minimum to get the fuel lines plumbed in so just need to have a rethink of how to do them
  • Remove the rest of the air con system
  • Sort out a solution for the front arch liners - might just get some material and attach it to the inner wings to cover up the big holes into the engine bay
  • Get annoyed at the rust issues as sell a kidney to fund sorting it
  • Fit some front wheel spacers on it


ClioSport Club Member
Did notice there was a bit of oil on top of the catch tank, like it had been leaking from the lid. The little tube gauge thing on the side isn't showing any oil and there isn't much in the tank at all. So it must be coming out of the lid. It is a Torques one and I did notice someone post on here that they have changed from a Toruqes one as it was rubbish quality. I might have to do the same if it continues to do this.


ClioSport Club Member
Got the Clio to the new house. Driving it down the lane was questionable! Not really suited to a track focused car....


Now sat in it's new spot on my drive way, which is where it will stay until the spring. Couldn't ask for a better view for when tinkering on it! When the weather improves in the spring will be doing some weed killing on the gravel bits to get the driveway sections back as the previous tennants haven't looked after the garden much. This will also help getting the cars on and off the drive as currently the grass is went and slick.



I think I am going to sell it next year though, it really isn't practical where I am now living. Although will do a load of track days in it first to get the most out of it so realistically will be later on next year. Will most likely be replaced with a V8 Range Rover.....


ClioSport Club Member
Emptied the catch tank earlier. Glad that hasnt gone through the engine! Consistency of water/fuel but doesn't smell of fuel but has a slightly oily smell to it and it is full of bits, or could be scum that has formed on it.

Took the advantage of the dry and sunny weather today to clean it so I can cover it, first time in ages that it has been clean. Also gave the door and boot shuts a good clean as they went a bit green.


Will be booking CSF this evening and taking a look at the calendar for other track days. One I need to book is Llandow for 1st June.


ClioSport Club Member
Giving this a little once over as it’s not been driven since December and I’m going to tax it for April. Started first time and ran really well which I am very surprised about! Drove it up and down the drive a bit to try and clean the brakes off but will need a good run next week. Good weather being taken advantage of the dry weather and opened it up and letting it air.

Got some front spacers to put on. While I’m there I need to clean the front arches as you can see the wheels are now mud slicks as I wheel span up the drive….whoops. Looks like I won’t be able to get the car out if its wet, won’t be a problem as I live in Wales 🙃

I’ve currently got two track days booked, Anglesey in April and then CSF. Want to book Llandow for June and I’m tempted to book either Oulton Park or maybe an evening session at Three Sisters at some point.


ClioSport Club Member
Decided to take a quick spin in the Clio this morning while it wasn’t raining, mainly to see how it was after several months of not moving and a bit of a shake down ready for Anglesey in a few weeks.


Got it off the drive, shut the gate and realised I needed to tax it 😬 £30 a month now!!! Might need to slim down in the fleet of cars soon if this keeps up (only 5 more years and the E34 is exempt! But that means I am also 40 in 5 years fml).

Did this loop, was very nice. Good roads, only got caught behind one person for a few minutes before they turned off. Nice and quiet. Didn’t realise the average speed check came so far up the A543 into Denbigh but tbh it didn’t really bother me as I was sensible all the way around.

Despite it not moving since December it was flawless. Drove really well and I’d forgotten how well it goes. It’s probably the first time I gave it some proper beans along a twisty road since fitting the ITBs and keeping the revs up through second and third gear sounds amazing. Very happy. So far nothing has gone wrong and worked perfect. Will use it to go to work a few times this week too.


It has a similar power to the Z3, this has 200bhp and the Z3 standard has 190bhp but as that has an M50 manifold it could be a lot more, over 200bhp. But they drive totally different. I always thought the Clio was a bit of a yobbo but it is so more refined than the Z3, that might be partly due to the lack of roof and extra road/wind noise. I am hoping the new suspension and that in the Z3 that I’ve got coming in a few weeks will make it on par with this, as it is an old car and it’s time a lot of it is refreshed.


I’ll be doing that little loop again for sure, can’t wait to do it with the Z3 and my E34, which I really want to drive now!!


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ClioSport Club Member
Weather is definitely great for a drive out and that is a nice loop, I always use the bit from the top of engine hill to Moelfre to test new bits fitted to the Clio 😂

Can't wait to get mine back!


ClioSport Club Member
Track day at Angelsey today. Was good...was bad.
First track day since fitting the ITBs and oh my it is amazing. Car drives a lot better, a lot smoother acceleration, bit more grunt and it sounds epic.

Weather was great. Got "set up" in the paddock....aka took the stuff out of the boot. Turned out I forgot my socket set 🤦‍♂️ fingers crossed I don't need to undo anything! Remembered the ratchet though which was useful.

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 3.50.05 pm.png

Was a bit shocked that there were so many race cars there. The lorry in front of me unloaded a Saxo that I am sure was broken as it was not iddling properly (nothing to do with the lairy cams in it, definetly not...) and I am sure it also unloaded a Cayman too. They also pulled out a set of shelves, took it into the garage for stuff. They meant business.

The track was very good, really enjoyed it. Suited the Clio well I thought. Didn't need massive power. As always the Clio was very good, only let down by my lack of skill. First corner of my first hot lap and I span....breaking point is not at the same place as the pace of a sighting lap or with cold tyres. Whoops. Sat facing the wrong way on the outside of the corner while everyone passed was interesting. Came back in straight away, checked over and all good. No evidence of this happening (yet) as I had to remove my GoPro as they didn't like the suction cup mount, this will be sorted for CSF.

First proper open pit plane day for me, the ones I have done in the past are sessioned all day or session in the morning then open pit in the afternoon. So I am used to doing like 20mins every hour. But today I did about an hour in total in the morning which is a lot for me in a way! Towards the end of the morning I was noticing like a rubbing noise on corners, especially the longer faster ones. Drive shafts rubbing on the chassis? This has happened on my old Ph1. Pulled in, ontp the ramps to jack it up and noticed I had a lot of gear box oil pouring our of it 😬 hard to see on this picture but it is all over the subframe, subframe mount and the wire by the catalyst in the picture. Oh balls.

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 3.50.27 pm.png

Made worse that I had forgot my sockets so couldn't remove the undertray to wipe it away and wipe away the problem!! So decided to call it a day. So next I need to get it in the air and take a proper look. I knew the selector seal was a bit weaping (who actually has a selector seal that doesn't leak on one of these?!). Now what to do next....worst case it needs a gear box or this one rebuilding. Quick ebay and the two on there are about £1k each. But then while it is out new clutch and I would want a single mass flywheel. Then the dream is an LSD. The catch is I was planning on selling this at the end of the year after CSF. DOn't want to be pouring money into it if I couldn't recover it kind of thing. I have Llandow in June and no time to remove and replace the gear box, so might have to use the Z3 for that day. But then I really enjoyed today and forgot how good track days are! Gahhhh decisions!!!!

Apart from the gearbox issue the car was flawless. Didn't use any oil or fluids. I am very happy with it. Did use half a tank of fuel in like 77miles on track today...going on a quick google of a 40ltr tank size so about 20ltr of fuel used is 17mpg. Worst I have ever had on any car which I am quite chuffed with!
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