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Megane 225 better than mk2 V6

Quote: Originally posted by vee6 on 29 December 2004

i have to jump to the defence of simon here ..poor bugger is defending all the vees here , ok yes its a big heavy car but it has street presence real presence. It stcks to the road like glue and is a real hoot in the twisties .

Thanks, and I totaly agree with you...:D


Quote: Originally posted by cliotuRS on 30 December 2004

were the only two still awake and we have been arguing this for hours lol. :)

perefer the term "Discussing"

Its a great way to get my posts up and defend the V6s here, where are all the other V6 owners I wonder? lol;)


Dont forget this thread is about standard cars, in standard form the V6 is a faster car and there is no way a 225 could keep up with a 255 round the bends. There is noway i would choose a 225 over a V6 haveing driven both and now own a V6, when choseing my car I could of bought any car i wanted with cost not really being a problem but i went for a V6 but each to his own.

Why do people quote and rely on performance figures alone when buying, choseing or judging a car, its about the whole package. And unless you are buying a car purly for trackdays whats does it matter the public British roads are not race tracks.

Anyway back on topic, the raceing driver Craig speaks of, probably preffered the 225 because of the additional traction control lol . Maybe Jeremy can confirm if Renault do actually give there racing drivers a choice of Renault Sports cars?????? Seems unlikely to me. But i guess this is a downside to the internet people can post anything they like and people will tend to believe it and follow like sheep.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

Quote: Originally posted by jon_r on 29 December 2004

However, he must be the first boring racing driver Ive ever heard of.
David got a job at renaultsport?

At least he got a seat.

Quote: Originally posted by SimonV6 on 29 December 2004

Quote: Originally posted by BenR on 29 December 2004

Exactly my point....FI against a big capacity NA. Easier to get power out of....and one of the reasons its a better car.....Because your certainly not going to pay for any of the proper V6 tuning kit are you.....i openly admit that it is very expensive......but what can you do.

Its ok....i dont own a V6 or a meg, so im the only unbias one

We can settle on the meg then...done, brill.

*quick, somebody lock this thread!*

If one can afford a V6 in the first place dont you think we can also afford to mod it if we choice too...;)

Not from my experience no lol!

but I dont buy any car for it modding potential, if you do then fine, its your choice but a Scoobie or an EVO would be a better choice becasue they look a damn site better than a

Actually, neither do i. But since i run a tuning company, the tunability of an engine and its bang per buck if you will, has a large effect on just what the non racing fraternity will and can afford to do to them. For example, sure, your car may of cost what, a tad under 30 grand? gonna pay me over 50% of that for a 400bhp version of your engine?, didnt think so.
Oh, and i do have a scoob....admittedly not one your probably thinking of, but again, i didnt buy that because its tunable.

We can settle on the V6 then....done, brill.:D

Now lock the thread if you like..must have last ;)

oh no you wont! lol


Quote: Originally posted by SimonV6 on 29 December 2004

Gotta keep this thread going as long as possible, as me banging on about my own car is the only way I can get my posts

Sorry to all for my pigheadness,(ITS ALL IN FUN I CAN ASSURE YOU) but lets face it, if we dont all LOVE our own cars, then why did we buy them?, pulling someones car down without good reason (and money is not one of them) is no way to make friend...ROFLOL

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL, my daughter is calling me to watch tonights DVDs, we are having a HORROR

Dont worry, all is in jest aswell.

But i do like to get my point could call me a b*****d if you want..........oh go on, it turns me on.

I dont actually hate the V6 at all, im more annoyed that nobody is buying my nice bits for it. You all complained that nobody did V6 parts....well now you can have 3.5ltrs and over 390bhp........:(

Quote: Originally posted by miketheman2k on 29 December 2004

I have the disabled mk1 version and I think its great. Its not quiet, spacious, comfy and forgiving like the megane. Ben, of course youre going to hate them, they must really mess up your day having to improve what is a totally flawed project, but hey, thats your job! ;) Having said that, you can make more money doing V6s than plugging in a laptop to unleash 40bhp more in an Megane.
Operative word being can. I can make more money doing the v6 yea, it has 8 more ports, 2 more cams, 2 more cylinders, 2 more injectors and a whole lot more issues.............but to you V6 owners, that means 8 more ports, 2 more cams, 2 more cylinders, 2 more injectors and a whole lot more issues................££££££££££££

Come on, somebody must have some wonga left over from buying the thing!

Tell you what, first one over with a box of chocolates get it all for free.




Quote: Originally posted by vee6 on 29 December 2004

i have to jump to the defence of simon here ..poor bugger is defending all the vees here (why?.....i never said it was bad, infact ive said it is nice.......i only said i would RATHER have a megane because..........yadda yadda yadda) , ok yes its a big heavy car but it has street presence real presence. It stcks to the road like glue and is a real hoot in the twisties (drive harder, its far from glue ;)) . you definitely come out the other end with a big smile on your face .And for those who say that it is impractical ... agreed but impractical cars litter the roads ..
TT roadster .. 2 seater , mr2 .. 2 seater , lotus exige... 2 seater , z3,4 i can go on . TT roadster 30K ish ,Z4 30k , Lotus 27K ... do you bat an eylid at any of these ???

Not an issue with me and i never brought it up.

When production stops on the clio the nose diving prices will stop, anyone who wants to own one will have to buy second hand. And the fact that there arnt that many on the road means prices that will hold ( somebody mentioned the escort cossie ... have you seen how much you have to pay for one of those ?!?!?!?!?!?!). (yea, too much for a crap car)

Just so you all dont get me the wrong way, i dont hold a grudge or anything against the car. Not got a problem at all. Im only expressing my views. The proble with V6s though is the king stromba syndrome that the owners get free, along with their car mats, when they buy one. They never say anything against it. Which again im not complaining about, but boy do we never hear the end of it. I know its the biggest and fastest clio in std form, and i know its got presence.

Now, because i was daddys little boy and was privvey to any car at the Ren and Porsche dealership i had a choice after the days work, of what car to drive home in. Now i never took a Porsche on a working day as it doesnt impress potential buyers when you roll up. So its between the 172 and V6, and almost always i took the 172. Why?.....because the V6 gets the oooohs and the ahhhs and the *ahem* boobies (the porsche gets more though ).......but along the mountain roads and on street races at the coast....its the 172 which would annoy the scoobs/evos.

Whats my point?

Nothing really.

I just like the megane cause its quirky.

Quote: Originally posted by SimonV6 on 30 December 2004

Quote: Originally posted by cliotuRS on 30 December 2004

looks are good on the v6 (I WILLIAM HILL BET THIS WILL MAKE 6 PAGE @ LEAST) but they dont count for a cars performance read what i said above. how the hell could a 27k v6 beat a 20k megane with a £300 remap upto 260bhp and 400nm torque for evey induction or zorst the megane could gain 20hp in £ to performance ratio. you cant win on performance so only looks..

btw do you think a decat 260hp 2.0T twin scroll mitsubishi turbo Renault meganeRS sounds sh*t ???? no way.

still a interesting

There you go on about money again, money is NOT an issue with me...if money had been an issue I would have bought something cheaper (but not a diesel or Megane).

Ahem....My friend of all friends, could i interest you in 290bhp whilst retaining your engine cover?

Std for Std the V6 255 is better looker and performer than a Megane 225...period. bbut I do aree that a turbo is cheaper to mod, if MONEY is your problem??

No, its my customers problem.........and no customers means no development of bits i wanna develop.

The V6 255 is still the fastest production car Renault make, FACT.:D

We need a Megane 225 driver to turn up at the Big V6 meet and see how many V6 255s it can beat on the track, would be very intresting indeed.

Could be, but only if i get to drive both in my totally unbais nature. Im a slut i tells ya!


for me my clio is alright but when its my turn to drive down the pub its just not practical to try and squeeze 4 men into a clio. having a v6 would mean id have to drive myself eveywhere everyweek and id not be able to have a social drink. also i dont like all the attention you get with them, quite why anyone would see that as a plus piont i dont know.

megane for me, boot, space and fast as i wanna drive it.

surely your friends wouldnt be able to have a social drink? lol

Id personaly prefer a V6 over a megane. think the meganes are f**king ugly. why give it an ass?

To borrow a classic quote from Red dwarf, and modify it to suit this situation: -

Id go with the Meg, but id be thinking of the V.

I think BenRs right, some V6 owners wear Rose tinted specs when it comes to their cars. They can see no wrong, only the goodness of their cars. Fair play to them I say.

A V6 is a lifestyle thing. Its like New Mini owners paying more for a car that will be out classed by cars like the Clio. They buy it because it looks different and stands out from the crowd. (Well the Mini did do this until BMW Tsunamid [sorry bad joke] the market with them, now it is the crowd!). With the V6 you get a great, if slightly flawed, car that does handle well and looks different (not too everones taste by the look of this thread), but you could have cars like the S3, R32, 147 GTA, 350Z, Scoob, Evo and other cars all in a similar price bracket, that will all do similar if not better jobs, and a lot will be more practical and just as interesting to look at.

Hmmm, dont know where this post is heading so ill just stop now, hell it is 04:23!! Damn these crap night shifts!

Shame I missed most of this. The only Renault racing drivers who have a choice of company car are our 2 F1 guys - I dont really think the post started about their opinion. We have some development drivers who have 182s. All the other teams have to buy their cars.
  E91 M Sport

Quote: Originally posted by Jim172CUP on 30 December 2004

for me my clio is alright but when its my turn to drive down the pub its just not practical to try and squeeze 4 men into a clio. having a v6 would mean id have to drive myself eveywhere everyweek and id not be able to have a social drink. also i dont like all the attention you get with them, quite why anyone would see that as a plus piont i dont know.

megane for me, boot, space and fast as i wanna drive it.
If you had said "Every week I try and squeeze 4 hot bitches into my clio" I could understand! ;)

The attention thing is going to be down to the type of person, Im not a major outgoing, extravert junky, but I do like my car to be an interesting talking point (which they obviously are from the previous 4 pages). Touch wood I havent had any negative reactions when driving the V6, but I had a superbike slow down from about 120 on the M1 the other day just to give me the thumbs up. You wont get that in a totally standard family car with a slightly more powerful engine in!

No one (apart from maybe Simon, but Im sure thats for his post count) is saying that the V6 is the fastest and best car on the road (and track), but it has bags of character, looks so different from anything else (unless you seem them everyday Ben!) and more importantly, it isnt boring - its an enthusiasts car. The Megane isnt..........until they bring out that Trophy version.


North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep

I really like both cars and was considering a 225 before I got my 182.

If I had the money id get a mk2 V6 though just becasue I like been stared at and feel inadequate due to my small penis.
  Mark 1 Clio V6

I am just giving you the opinion of a friend of mine.

He is getting his car given to him (whether it is by Renault or by his team I am unsure), and he did prefer the Megane to the V6.

Glad you have all had fun with this thread; but remember it is just one persons opinion (albeit a very good racing drivers opinion).

On points raised previously; I have owned a V6 and found the attention that you get in one to be the cars biggest downfall. Having people you dont know pretending that theyre your friends or stopping you to take your photo is my idea of a pain in the ass. The novelty soon wears off and if it doesnt and you enjoy complete strangers being your "mate" then you should get some real friends who see further than your wheels!

I did say I would keep it for ever and in an ideal world I might have, but not to be, so it went. Dont miss it at all to be perfectly honest. I will enjoy the Megane 10 times more as it wont get all the attention and still be as fast and on the road will handle just as well as a mk1 or mk2 V.

You can already get a mk2 V with under 10k miles for £17,500 and I have seen loads for sale recently. Not sure why they are all coming up for sale and are so cheap, but they are! The mk1 price seems to have bottomed out after four years and I think it will be the future classic.

Play fair kids!

Quote: Originally posted by leeds_182 on 30 December 2004

If I had the money id get a mk2 V6 though just becasue I like been stared at and feel inadequate due to my small penis.

its not about having a small penis ..( to which i feel sorry for you ) its about having really big heavy hairy balls !!

Quote: Originally posted by CraigV6 on 30 December 2004

I am just giving you the opinion of a friend of mine.

He is getting his car given to him (whether it is by Renault or by his team I am unsure), and he did prefer the Megane to the V6.
he is probably thinking of his naggin wife and 2 kids.. so he can sell his worn out mondeo

Ahem....My friend of all friends, could i interest you in 290bhp whilst retaining your engine cover?

you could interest me all you like but im guessing that 40 bhp is comin in at about £200/BHP..

i could offer my car free for you to work on so it would be a kinda demo car for your capabilities as a tuning company !! and ill give YOU the free box of choccies !!
  E91 M Sport

Quote: Originally posted by vee6 on 30 December 2004

Quote: Originally posted by leeds_182 on 30 December 2004

If I had the money id get a mk2 V6 though just becasue I like been stared at and feel inadequate due to my small penis.

its not about having a small penis ..( to which i feel sorry for you ) its about having really big heavy hairy balls !!
Yes, au contraire my dear boy, I actually need the powerful engine to haul my donkey-sized c**k around

Quote: Originally posted by BenR on 30 December 2004

Ahem....My friend of all friends, could i interest you in 290bhp whilst retaining your engine cover?

Still checking out a Swiss company that does a Supercharger (360PS) WITH engine cover ON and also talking to your mate AndyGDI re what he can do (TBs with Engine cover on, over 300bhp))....I will spend money on my car to get well over 300bhp, just not sure with who

  172, Tiguan

Quote: Originally posted by specialK on 30 December 2004

Quote: Originally posted by jon_r on 30 December 2004

Since we are all playing at being broken records, Id rather have a 350Z thanks.
:mad: - dont start that one again you ..... ;)

Today, for once, im allowed.


Quote: Originally posted by Max172cup on 30 December 2004

I think BenRs right, some V6 owners wear Rose tinted specs when it comes to their cars. They can see no wrong

Thats because there is NO

They could do with a little more power (that can be sorted) other than that they are PERFECT....for my needs ;)

They are still the fastest (and best looking) Car that Renault have in production....imho.... :D


Quote: Originally posted by SimonV6 on 30 December 2004

Quote: Originally posted by BenR on 30 December 2004

Ahem....My friend of all friends, could i interest you in 290bhp whilst retaining your engine cover?

Still checking out a Swiss company that does a Supercharger (360PS) WITH engine cover ON and also talking to your mate AndyGDI re what he can do (TBs with Engine cover on, over 300bhp))....I will spend money on my car to get well over 300bhp, just not sure with who


Only reason i havent looked in to modding my V yet is i want to keep the warrenty for a little while and wont be able to justify the insurance hike from mods. But the time will come ;)

Quote: Originally posted by SimonV6 on 30 December 2004

Quote: Originally posted by Max172cup on 30 December 2004

I think BenRs right, some V6 owners wear Rose tinted specs when it comes to their cars. They can see no wrong

Thats because there is NO

They could do with a little more power (that can be sorted) other than that they are PERFECT....for my needs ;)

They are still the fastest (and best looking) Car that Renault have in production....imho.... :D


LOL - you will never relent will you Simon?!?!? :D - mind you I feel much the same!!!

Quote: Originally posted by jon_r on 30 December 2004

Quote: Originally posted by specialK on 30 December 2004

Quote: Originally posted by jon_r on 30 December 2004

Since we are all playing at being broken records, Id rather have a 350Z thanks.
:mad: - dont start that one again you ..... ;)

Today, for once, im allowed.


ok, just this once then .... I shall be keeping an eye on you ... ;)
  MKIII 138

LOL. the megane is just as fast face it. ok so the car has been designed around a lower ins grp basis but for £260 ( xbox money for gods sake) bbpt can take the car with just a zorst upto 240+bhp.. hmm thats closer.

ok...ok.. we are ALL car enthusiasts on this site. I could pick up a brand new, no stains or smells fresh meggers 225 for 15.5k. I could maybe get a new v6 for 25k (3k of list yea right ! but im being favourable) thats still ten thousand pounds more for a car thts less well equipped , not as safe and with a fration more performance .

keyless entry, keyless starting. starter button six airbags, climate control xenons, multicdchanger, 5***** euro ncap, electronic LSD + ESP TCS + ABS + LEATHER etc.. etc.. etc..

just jesting btw.. no hard feelings, this is a good debate
