Quote: Originally posted by vee6 on 29 December 2004
i have to jump to the defence of simon here ..poor bugger is defending all the vees here (why?.....i never said it was bad, infact ive said it is nice.......i only said i would RATHER have a megane because..........yadda yadda yadda) , ok yes its a big heavy car but it has street presence real presence. It stcks to the road like glue and is a real hoot in the twisties (drive harder, its far from glue
) . you definitely come out the other end with a big smile on your face .And for those who say that it is impractical ... agreed but impractical cars litter the roads ..
TT roadster .. 2 seater , mr2 .. 2 seater , lotus exige... 2 seater , z3,4 i can go on . TT roadster 30K ish ,Z4 30k , Lotus 27K ... do you bat an eylid at any of these ???
Not an issue with me and i never brought it up.
When production stops on the clio the nose diving prices will stop, anyone who wants to own one will have to buy second hand. And the fact that there arnt that many on the road means prices that will hold ( somebody mentioned the escort cossie ... have you seen how much you have to pay for one of those ?!?!?!?!?!?!). (yea, too much for a crap car)
Just so you all dont get me the wrong way, i dont hold a grudge or anything against the car. Not got a problem at all. Im only expressing my views. The proble with V6s though is the king stromba syndrome that the owners get free, along with their car mats, when they buy one. They never say anything against it. Which again im not complaining about, but boy do we never hear the end of it. I know its the biggest and fastest clio in std form, and i know its got presence.
Now, because i was daddys little boy and was privvey to any car at the Ren and Porsche dealership i had a choice after the days work, of what car to drive home in. Now i never took a Porsche on a working day as it doesnt impress potential buyers when you roll up. So its between the 172 and V6, and almost always i took the 172. Why?.....because the V6 gets the oooohs and the ahhhs and the *ahem* boobies (the porsche gets more though ).......but along the mountain roads and on street races at the coast....its the 172 which would annoy the scoobs/evos.
Whats my point?
Nothing really.
I just like the megane cause its quirky.