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MK3 Clio Dynamique S *Pic Heavy*

  07' 1.6 Dynamique S
Hey all! Purchased my Clio March 2013 as a second car for commuting back and forth work!

Car History:

Citroen Saxo (my younger, chavier days)

Seat Ibiza Sport

BMW 318 Convertible (My current Car)

And now my Clio:

When I bought it last week...

First thing was to change the aerial to a spare stubby I had from my old Ibiza


Then to debadge and desticker the rear


Today I fitted new Silver Vision indicators and tinted my fogs using Lamin-x:

As she stands now:

Team Heko wind deflectors are currently on their way to me :)

**Plans for next few weeks**
Alloy refurb in very light silver with gloss black badges and lower profile tyres
All rub strips smoothed and colour coded
AP Coilovers and 20mm Hubcentric spacers all round

Hope you all like! Comments and criticism all welcome

Dan :)

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
I wouldn't call 10 pictures 'pic heavy'

Im confused, why do you have a 318 and a pov spec clio?
  07' 1.6 Dynamique S
I wouldn't call 10 pictures 'pic heavy'

Some of the pictures are quite large and I wasn't sure how to resize so it was just a warning

Im confused, why do you have a 318 and a pov spec clio?

My BMW is my pride and joy, but due to commuting 60miles daily to work, I have put 20,000 miles on it in less than a year. I wanted something that is cheap to run and maintain to use as a daily driver back and forth work, that's where the clio comes into it.
  Superleggera'd MK3
Looking smart mate :) looks like ur gonna struggle on that driveway if you go low on the coilovers though
  07' 1.6 Dynamique S
The clio looks smart mate - same as mine apart from the colour. Do you have any more plans for it?

Yeah I have a few plans mate! Wind deflectors are on their way to me! It's booked in at the spray shop for a full alloy refurb in light silver with gloss black badges and colour coding all round. Then I'll be fitting 20mm spacers all round ready for the AP Coilovers :)
not going to overdo it, just want it looking tidy!

Looking smart mate :) looks like ur gonna struggle on that driveway if you go low on the coilovers though

Cheers buddy! And yeah my Ibiza was right down on coils and I wouldn't even attempt my drive haha!
  07' 1.6 Dynamique S
Okay so had my team heko wind deflectors arrive today!



Also had my new FK grilles arrive! It was between these and the 197 grilles, but I've always had a thing for honeycombe grills so thought I'd give these a go! To be honest they are a really good fit and changed the front end a lot for the price!


After: (Test fitted my personal plate to see how it would look, contemplating transferring it)

Love the progress I have made so far! Only owned the car two weeks and I've done all the little things i wanted to do, now time for all the big mods, coming very soon :)
  07' 1.6 Dynamique S
Renault sport steering insert came today! Wanted a little 'something extra' in the interior!



Also attempted to wrap my interior trim in a brushed steel vinyl, failed miserably when it came to the vents though and ripped it all off, I may try again at a later date :dapprove:
  07' 1.6 Dynamique S
Today I fitted rear speakers. For some reason my car didn't have any but had the wiring present so I just plugged in some new Pioneers..



Also Dewipered the rear.. Made a makeshift gromit whilst I go out and buy one today! I love how smooth the rear looks without it :)

  Clio World Series
Didnt no :().Well best off having the badge wrapped or buying a carbon fibre one ?Mine needs a sprint spoiler looks s**t been quoted 280 painted and posted my spray shack


South Central-Oxfordshire
ClioSport Area Rep
Personal preference on the Renault Badge. I'll keep mine chrome, as having the same colour car as Lewis, I think it looks better.

Considering the spoiler Danny is about £190, then that's not a bad price painted and delivered.
  07' 1.6 Dynamique S
You need a spoiler on too!

I did consider a spoiler but mark of me quite likes the look of the car without a spoiler when it's slammed!

Didnt no :().Well best off having the badge wrapped or buying a carbon fibre one ?Mine needs a sprint spoiler looks s**t been quoted 280 painted and posted my spray shack

Personal preference on the Renault Badge. I'll keep mine chrome, as having the same colour car as Lewis, I think it looks better.

Considering the spoiler Danny is about £190, then that's not a bad price painted and delivered.

I'm not really into the black on black look. I quite like mine chrome but I'm having the wheels refurbed in a very light satin silver, so I may have the badges sprayed to match!
  Superleggera'd MK3
I like them without a spoiler when slammed as well mate :) Also, im not a massive fan of the chrome but the satin silver sounds spot on! Just had a proper look at the Seat u had and think that is mint, if you keep it smart and simple like like that then this clio will look sick. Also, i wouldnt take the diamond off :)
  07' 1.6 Dynamique S
I like them without a spoiler when slammed as well mate :) Also, im not a massive fan of the chrome but the satin silver sounds spot on! Just had a proper look at the Seat u had and think that is mint, if you keep it smart and simple like like that then this clio will look sick. Also, i wouldnt take the diamond off :)

I'm not a lover of chrome tbh but it's a good contrast with the black! Excited to see how the satin silver looks though! Especially as it'll match the wheels! And cheers for the comments on the Ibiza mate, that was my absolute pride and joy! It saw all forms of life! Went track, then euro and then ended up pretty much OEM+, have the same plans for the Clio, just reasonably standard, but low and clean!

oh btw heres a link to my mk3 if u get bored and fancy a gander bud :)

Ive read through that a few times mate! Adore the superleggers on it, looks amazing! Any more plans for it?
  Superleggera'd MK3
Yeah best ibiza ive seen in a long time. Ah cheers bud, umm yeah there is a few things I want to do but it will probably be done slowly as of now. TH Wind deflectors, 20mm rear spacers, would like RS seats but dont think i can afford them, few interior bits like 197 Mats. Gonna try have this stuff done by CSS'13. You going CSS?
  07' 1.6 Dynamique S
Yeah best ibiza ive seen in a long time. Ah cheers bud, umm yeah there is a few things I want to do but it will probably be done slowly as of now. TH Wind deflectors, 20mm rear spacers, would like RS seats but dont think i can afford them, few interior bits like 197 Mats. Gonna try have this stuff done by CSS'13. You going CSS?

Cheers buddy. Plans sound good mate! Similar to mine! Going to have some smoothing and spraying done, and then space and lower it and I'm done! I considered the rs interior but to be honest I think it's a hell of a lot of money for what it is and I'd much rather spend that on the exterior! I'm not to sure about CCS yet, I only read about it today but know a few lads with clios so its possible that I may end up going with them!
  Superleggera'd MK3
oh cool, what you smoothing over? Yeah see what u mean about the interior.....dont think i will be getting it, bit out of my price range :( i really want the recaros though lol Yeah do it mate, wanna see if we can get a bit of a mk3 presence this year :)
  07' 1.6 Dynamique S
oh cool, what you smoothing over? Yeah see what u mean about the interior.....dont think i will be getting it, bit out of my price range :( i really want the recaros though lol Yeah do it mate, wanna see if we can get a bit of a mk3 presence this year :)

Going to be having the rear bump moulds removed and smoothed, and the sides and front moulds colour coded! Been thinking about fitting a brake light at the top of the rear window and having it removed and smoothed out of the tailgate! Want it to look as smooth as possible when finished!
