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My 6 sessions at Blyton...


ClioSport Club Member
Featuring the lovely Chris @Cads , great to meet you sir, pleasure to have you alongside.

The video is in two parts, first single camera shots only, and then the entire session with all 4 angles combined. If you were on track, see yourself here and want me to pull together footage of you just using the front and rear camera footage, let me know and I'll knock something up.

Sessions 2-6 will follow one by one. They're a ballache to edit, I should have them all done in a week or so.


ClioSport Club Member
Featuring the lovely Chris @Cads , great to meet you sir, pleasure to have you alongside.

The video is in two parts, first single camera shots only, and then the entire session with all 4 angles combined. If you were on track, see yourself here and want me to pull together footage of you just using the front and rear camera footage, let me know and I'll knock something up.

Sessions 2-6 will follow one by one. They're a ballache to edit, I should have them all done in a week or so.

Lovely bloke is @Cads


ClioSport Club Member
He is! You're not too bad yourself 😘
Other than when I turn my gopro on half way round a corner and distract you from doing fast laps?

Btw, do you want me to send you whatever footage I have from my passenger laps? I suspect its mostly me wobbling my head about trying to hold on etc... but your welcome to it.


ClioSport Club Member
I wish I had remembered to hit record to get some footage of @MarkCup and @Touring_Rob both going sideways 😂

The difference is ones RWD and on skinny tyres and the other was a FWD on semi slicks, Rob got more sideways if anything. I was f**king howling 😂
In the next installment;

Me: is that Kyle?
Me: it is!
Me: right, let's go 😁


ClioSport Club Member
I wish I had remembered to hit record to get some footage of @MarkCup and @Touring_Rob both going sideways 😂

The difference is ones RWD and on skinny tyres and the other was a FWD on semi slicks, Rob got more sideways if anything. I was f**king howling 😂
There was a black Clio following me towards the end of the day, he was loads quicker than me but at one point I thought I had let the back go a bit too far... he suddenly put about 5 car lengths between us thinking I was about to be on my roof :ROFLMAO:


ClioSport Club Member
  Jim's rejects
Interesting, that for over a decade I thought (some) people on this forum sounded a certain way.

Daniel has surprised me. He sounds like a lovely bloke, the guy next door type, you'd ask to feed your cat.
I thought he sounded like Grant Mitchell for 10+ years!

Great footage Mark


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Mark .. every time you go through that chicane, something goes 'beep-beep' and I'm sure it doesn't happen again all lap. Is it something to do with the rapid left right change in direction & a warning, or what...?


ClioSport Club Member
This one's been live since Sunday but not posted in here as I've been a bit distracted with a nice 3 day break and trackday at Donnington.

So here's the delightful but sadly misguided @Flat Eric , penultimate session of the day 😁


Mark; "See I wasn't sure we were going to get stopped there"
Eric; "Its alright, its alright"
Internal Eric; "Its not alright Mark, its not alright" :ROFLMAO:

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
So cringey to hear myself on video.

My facial reaction says it all everytime you breaked into that chicane 🤣🤣

Cheers for taking me out in it though Mark. Loved it.


ClioSport Club Member
And lastly, with the quite frankly chewable @Touring_Rob , session 6 ended the day.

Congratulations, you've finished editing a million hours of Blyton!

Passenger lap was great fun, thank you for editing out all of my girly squeals and especially the bits where I was comparing the feel of your Cayman seat to @Iranian Pudding 's mums face (y)

It was a superb day, I have since done a track evening at Brands hatch and that highlighted how decent everyone was on track at Blyton, although Brands is nearly 3 hours closer to me the day at Blyton was twice as fun. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon Mark 🥰
