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my bird is killing my 182

  MK2 Audi TT - 2.0T dsg.
My Wife hates driving my 182 as she is used to driving her girly Pug 206 :p
Which makes me happy! as I keep mine really clean :D
This ones easy, take the following steps..

1. Strip the car out
2. Fit it with a full roll cage
3. Only have the drivers seat in the car and no other seats at all
4. Buy a bucket seat that only you can fit in (one of those specially molded ones)

If all else fails stick in one of those security devices where you have to inpout a code to start the car and forget to tell her the code lol

Or you can just hide the keys and tell her that her driving sucks :p
  MK2 Audi TT - 2.0T dsg.
^^haha that's good point. Since I put a customer AAS zorst system in there, my lady drives mine even less! more noise is the way to go mte!
muffs said:
having finally decided to insure my girlfriend for my 182 i am now so regretting it!!! man she cant drive. she s killing my clutch and crunching the life out of gearbox.
she came home last night to tell me she had been doing 120mph on the by pass and my heart sank. i had to go out and check over my little car and by some miracle she was still running....
it gets worse she had it at work today and as she works in a nursery she took a few of the kids to the park and oh the mud on the back of the front seats is freakin me out and the door seals and you can hardly see the renault sport badge on the sill for mud and scratches.
How do i tell her that her clio days are over?????????????????:mad:

I have Been married for 18 years (oh my and my wife has NEVER been insured to drive any of my cars, they are my toys and no one can drive them but
I reckon you have a lot of guts letting your girlfriend drive your car..... ;) :)

  1996 Renault Clio Hybrid
Just tell her... my misses knows not even to slam my car door as she gets out, coz she should respect whats not hers.

Tell her untill she learns to respect other peoples things she aint driving it. Simple.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
1. kick her.
2. Take keys from her.
3. Shout at the top of your voice "NEVER AGAIN BEEEEEATCH!"
4. Sit back down and continue reading the sun.
  57 Ibiza Formula Sport
^^ haha, someone told me that women can't fit in bucket seats also cos of their hips?!! surely they're not that small, unless the woman is very large?
  RenaultSport clio Cup 172
muffs said:
she ll kick my ass man

Get some b@lls and just tell her that she can't drive it no more. I'm sure she's not insured to drive kids to the park in it anyway as that's classed as using it for work. If she complains, tell her it's your car and that you pay for it... If she wants to go halves when it's broke then she can.. Then pretend everything costs ten times as much.
  Der Panzer
Yeah, just get her told. If she starts to cry or get emotional just look discussed. :evil:
  57 Ibiza Formula Sport
Loony said:
It can be an issue, i dont think any women above a size12 fitted in mine.

aah, well surely fat men are wider there too then? so are bucket seats only ok for skinny men?
womens hips tend to be wider even if they are thin (curves *drools*) so a bloke would have to be pretty big/chubby to be too wide whereas a slim girl might not fit.
  Lux'd Glacier White R26
Buy her a 50p run-a-round, and let her loose on that. 182 is for you only!

Sheer madness letting her out in your car!

  Clio 182
mrscyberblob said:
aah, well surely fat men are wider there too then? so are bucket seats only ok for skinny men?

I've tried a few out at GPR and they were all very snug, tried a few out in cars too and im only an 8-10 at most these days and my ass was a bit too snug lol so yes guys twice the size of me can fit in them much the same as me with my hips! I'd need GT width if I ever get round to fittin g them!!!
  MK2 P1 1.4S
I have a plan, swap me for my Phase 1 and I'll take your 82. Then you don't need to worry.

Seriously though, just be straight with her. If she really does like you, she won't be offended if you are sensitive about it. Just basically say that you really like your car (don't say pride and joy, 'cos of course, she is your pride and joy ;) and it needs to be respected because you worked hard to afford it.


ClioSport Club Member
Tyson-182 said:
Buy her a 50p run-a-round, and let her loose on that. 182 is for you only!

Sheer madness letting her out in your car!


I agree with Tyson buy her a banger, and then she can do what ever she likes.I wouldn't want my own kids in my 172 let only other children.



My mrs is a fantastic driver! She only has a 1.6 astra at the mo but will be getting an Astra GSI. Although she can drive, she still knows where she stands with not driving my car and respects it. I know one thing though, when she gets the GSI I wont be allowed to drive it :( Fair play I suppose!!

P.s. I don't let anyone drive my cars, not just girlies!
  182 Cup, (2nd one)
Karen said:
I've tried a few out at GPR and they were all very snug, tried a few out in cars too and im only an 8-10 at most these days and my ass was a bit too snug lol so yes guys twice the size of me can fit in them much the same as me with my hips! I'd need GT width if I ever get round to fittin g them!!!

Well i am a curvy size 10 and my hips fit in fine. My bloke on the other hand has wide shoulders and doesn't fit in as well. Damm shame i have ended up driving it more having convinced him the GT width would be too big LOL
  Golf GTI PP Mk7
tell her that you're worried about her. id go this route:

"Hun, im really worried, you gotta understand its a very powerful car and I'd hate for you to get hurt in it. I'd feel much safer if u drove youre (1.1 micra/whatever she has), i just care about you blah blah blah.
  A Beautiful R32

Just say: "If you ever touch my car again, I'll kill you... Darling"

But not if you ever want sex again... :slap:
  A Beautiful R32
lewisniven said:
tell her that you're worried about her. id go this route:

"Hun, im really worried, you gotta understand its a very powerful car and I'd hate for you to get hurt in it. I'd feel much safer if u drove youre (1.1 micra/whatever she has), i just care about you blah blah blah.

Micra's don't come in 1.1s... :rasp:
I would tell her straight, because lying gets people nowhere in the end. Carrying kids from the nursery is not that great an idea, although it would be hard for insurers to prove that she was doing it for her work, it would be her word against theirs.

There are also safety concerns with carrying the children as someone mentioned before, they should have booster or child seats as normal seatbelts would be too big for them, hope that she had her seatbelt on at 120, otherwise it won't just be insurance that your counting the cost of.
  Clio Williams
White16valver said:
Well you have to stand up to her then!! lol

I suggest you both go on Advanced Driving Lessons so she learns not to f**k the 'box up and learns to drive so she won't crash...

You have to give her a taste of her own medicine as she won't understand your pride in it 'til you do the same to hers imo!

I agree with the last bit of what this guy said.
