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My Black Gold (no)mod thread


ClioSport Club Member
Cleaned and ready to go on tomorrow. Not perfect but much better than before.


ClioSport Club Member
Had the yokos put on the turini's the other day. I ran the T1r's that came on them for a couple of weeks and they were fine but the yokos have a bit more rim protection and are brand new so I wanted them on. Something feels wrong in the steering now, to be honest I've not felt 100% confident in it for a while. Maybe it just needs a good wheel alignment and a check over. Time to do it is hard to find though.

I managed to get the radio fitted too, I've no idea how it all works and after 2 ariel solutions dab reception is still s**t. Looks like I'll be replacing the roof ariel at some point.[emoji30] Pics too follow.


ClioSport Club Member
Cheers. They are nice and sparkly like I wanted but I'm thinking they need to be a lighter shade of silver. I'll get them redone next year but I think it'll be pain rather than powder. And maybe a skim of the face to tidy the edges up properly.


ClioSport Club Member
Been a while since my last update, again! I've been out and about a bit the last couple of months so I'll try my best to sum up (come on memory, don't fail me now).
August 13th was my birthday and it just happened that the Yorkshire few had arranged to go go karting that day. As my sister(NO!) is super organised my birthday BBQ was arranged for the 12th, leaving me free for karting:grinning:. Myself @Potatoes @Jon46 @Kchristmas and @RV. had a right laugh. I was a shame we did'nt have more CS guys to fill the session, maybe next time? Some people just have to stand out!
Progress by Paul Dent, on Flickr
Work on the list of jobs slowly progressed too. I'd bought a climate panel to replace mine as my buttons were scratched off and there were some small scratches on the unit. Unfortunately the replacement was worse but the buttons were perfect. So I decided to just swap the buttons over. Great fun pulling half the car apart to get at the climate panel!
An exhausting day on the clio. by Paul Dent, on Flickr
Both units pulled apart and swapping the buttons over. Note to anyone planning on doing this, don't remove ALL the buttons at the same time unless you have a pic of where each one goes:laughing:. Each button will only go in one hole but it takes twice as long finding the right hole that way!
An exhausting day on the clio. by Paul Dent, on Flickr
Progress by Paul Dent, on Flickr
The alpine is in and working, I still have no idea how to use it and DAB reception is still s**t.

The following sunday was a meet at CGR Automotive in Rotherham. CGR make fancy pants titanium and stainless exhausts and I can confirm that their products are absolutely stunning. It was a good turn out and a few cars ran on their rolling road. @Jon46 and myself flew the flag for cliosport and Jon pulled a respectable 160odd on the rollers.
DSC_0361 by gazeratti, on Flickr
Lots more pics from the day taken by Gaz from
Some of CGR's p**n on display:
Progress by Paul Dent, on Flickr
Progress by Paul Dent, on Flickr
Progress by Paul Dent, on Flickr

I'd noticed when fitting the turinis that my back brakes were pretty worn so @George@RTR_Parts supplied new discs and pads with his usual fantastic service and new disc spacers and hub nuts were sourced from Kam Racing. While I was at it I thought it would be a good time to fit some spacers to push the turinis out to fill the arches more. Kam sell the PMS stub axle spacers at a fiver less than PMS do and a pair of Watfields Engineering front hub centric 15mm spacers came from Ebay.
IMG_20170818_105329_949 by Paul Dent, on Flickr
I'd had the week off work so set about changing the brakes and fitting the sub axle spacers. I bloody hate torx head bolts:rage:. What a s**t idea it was to put those on there Mr Renault! Apart from that it was an easy enough job. Amazing how such a small piece of aluminium can make such a huge difference to the look of the car.
Progress by Paul Dent, on Flickr
New discs and pads fitted and all was good. I think I need to paint my calipers at some point though, especially as they are more visible through the turinis.
Progress by Paul Dent, on Flickr
It's a good job I bought new disc spacers and nuts as neither side had a spacer and one side had a plain nut on.
Progress by Paul Dent, on Flickr
And what happens if you don't have the spacers on? Your ABS sensor gets chewed by the ABS ring! I expect that will fail at some point. I'd already had the other side one replaced and soe how it had not been worn by the ABS ring. Bloody good job as it cost £120 from Renault:flushed:.
Progress by Paul Dent, on Flickr
I had front brakes to fit on the wifes car then and half way through the rain started so I didn't fit my front spacers then. Saturday evening before the CGR meet I went to wash the car and decided to fit the spacers. The pics from CGR show it with the spacers on, they didn't last long though. I'd only driven to CGR and back and then to work, all of about 50 miles. On my way home at 04.30 I could hear a noise. It was a rotational sound, something clicking. Luckily I don't go on the M1 anymore because the noise was gradually getting louder. So I stopped and had a look around the car. I gave the wheels a shake, looked underneath and checked the tyres for things stuck in them. All seemed fine so I carried on. Couple of miles later and the noise is worse and I can feel a little wobble through the steering. Stop 2, look, wobble, nothing obvious so try to nurse it home, only 5 miles to go. Wobble got worse, noise got scary. Stop 3, under a street lamp. Look, f**k ME only 3 wheel nuts on the nearside front and about 10 degrees camber. Yep all the bloody new wheel nuts were trying to escape. So I get the little scissor jack and wrench out of the boot. The sodding new nuts had a smaller head than the originals so the wrench was useless. I abandoned the car and walked the 4 miles home. Got my big wheel spanner and had the wife take me back to rescue the car. Drove home slowly and went to bed knackered. So with only 3 bolts on one side and the standard ones not long enough I decided to take the spacers off. The offside ones had come loose too so both spacers were a bit battle scarred. Luckily the wheel mounting face cleaned up ok and I'd not put the standard bolts away where I couldn't find them so the wheels went back on as Renault intended. I checked the wheel bolts after every journey for the next 4 days. They never came loose.
Progress by Paul Dent, on Flickr
After that self inflicted scare I thought it would be wise to get the tracking checked. I managed to get a slot at Bram Racing on bank holiday Monday. Brad is a sound guy and the hunter aligment is a very fancy thing indeed. @Sj1782 had been there the Friday before and Brad reckons my clutch is very heavy, compared to every other car he's driven:laughing:. Doesn't bother me too much but will be intresting to see whats in there when it needs replacing. Anyway, the robot showed this:
Progress by Paul Dent, on Flickr
Why that pic is the wrong way up I have no idea, it's fine on flickr! So toe and nearside camber need adjusting so I was advised to get some camber bolts and go back for the adjustments doing. Bolts are with me now so I need to get back there and get it all in the green.
Progress by Paul Dent, on Flickr
Happy that the suspension isn't buggered I decided the wheels look a bit lost now without the spacers. I did think that 15mm was a bit too much though so started looking at 5mm spacers. Then I had an idea!
Progress by Paul Dent, on Flickr
As the spacers were fucked anyway I may as well turn them down at work. It only took me half an hour to remember how to use the lathe. Well it was 26 years ago when I last used one! Good job turning is a piece of piss. :cool:
Progress by Paul Dent, on Flickr
Progress by Paul Dent, on Flickr
Progress by Paul Dent, on Flickr
Finished at 6mm thick and a lovely job, if I do say so myself:laughing:. I've just got to summon up the bravery to fit them!
That's it as far as jobs on the car are concerned. I've got a scenic shifter to mod and then fit. I've been looking at @dann2707 modded scenic shifter for inspiration and I think extending the botton arm to reduce the throw is a great idea. Can you remember how much you extended it Dan? was it 50mm? I can't decide if I should get a yanoo stiff shift for it too. Anyone got one and able to offer any insight? I want to get that sorted and fitted before the weather turns full winter on us so I'll message Yanoo for prices and availability.

The 17th September was Sports Cars in the Park at Lotherton Hall. This was a not to be missed one as Chris who organises it had managed to arrange a La Ferrari to be there as part of the 70th Ferrari anniversary. It's not every day you see one, never mind a 3 year old one thats only done 46 miles!
Sports Cars in the park at Lotherton Hall 2017 by Paul Dent, on Flickr
I even made a special effort to take some pics of my car for once:laughing:. The rain seems to have kept it clean too:up:.
36466502893_b918f7e245_o.jpgSports Cars in the park at Lotherton Hall 2017 by [url=]Paul Dent
, on Flickr[/url]Sports Cars in the park at Lotherton Hall 2017 by Paul Dent, on Flickr
Sports Cars in the park at Lotherton Hall 2017 by Paul Dent, on Flickr
Sports Cars in the park at Lotherton Hall 2017 by Paul Dent, on Flickr
Always a pleasure to see one of @mossyv6 creations and nice to meet @robbie1988 and @rem1859 too.
Car of the day though has to be:
Sports Cars in the park at Lotherton Hall 2017 by Paul Dent, on Flickr
Sports Cars in the park at Lotherton Hall 2017 by Paul Dent, on Flickr
@Steve_RS2250 photo bombing my pic:rage:. The rest of my pics from Lotherton can be seen here:

And that's me all up to date. Hopefully a few more jobs will get done on the clio this year and we still have a couple of meetings to attend. Until the next overdue update, thanks for reading my drivvel:laughing::up:.


ClioSport Club Member
Not good about the scare mate but glad you got it fixed and stopped before anything worse could of happened.

Car does look lovely on the turinis my friend.


ClioSport Club Member
Nice skills on the lathe work too. Genius idea. Saves selling and rebuying.

Also, odd that Kam Racing sell the PMS spacers cheaper than PMS themselves. Wonder why?


ClioSport Club Member
Nice skills on the lathe work too. Genius idea. Saves selling and rebuying.

Also, odd that Kam Racing sell the PMS spacers cheaper than PMS themselves. Wonder why?
Yeah, it's a funny old world as they say!

Thanks Mark, I've gotten used to it on the turinis now and I agree it does look good.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
I'm sure Brad said the same thing about my car when I was last at Bram. He thought it had an upgraded clutch to handle more power haha.

Oh, and my spacers have been fine, bolts haven't moved at all HTH.


ClioSport Club Member
Great read matey - only just realised you had a progress thread.

I read you have used Ricky RPM - is he good? Has he still got his Clio 197 turbo?


ClioSport Club Member
I really like bg, id have this off you mate if i ever sold mine in the future.
Honestly mate it's not that tidy up close. The front end needs painting because of all the stone chips and the rest needs a good hit with a DA. There's a few cats I'd like to own but when I start looking I always then think of ways to keep the clio too. The wife would never sanction that though!

I'm sure Brad said the same thing about my car when I was last at Bram. He thought it had an upgraded clutch to handle more power haha.

Oh, and my spacers have been fine, bolts haven't moved at all HTH.
Yeah I told him he was just weak.
How many times did you check those bolts? Are you sure they are tight now?

Great read matey - only just realised you had a progress thread.

I read you have used Ricky RPM - is he good? Has he still got his Clio 197 turbo?
Thanks mate, this is probably my least visited thread on CS.

Yeah Ricky is OK, he definitely knows his stuff but his workshop looks like a hoarders wet dream! I think he sold the clio to a mate or a customer when he built the R26 Meg wagon. It was on his stand at FCS though and I believe he still maintains it.


ClioSport Club Member
Quick spin on the lathe to put a chamfer on the spacers bore for clearance as pointed out by @JamesBryan just hope it's big enough! I'll fit them tomorrow if it's dry.
I've also partially stripped the scenic shifter ready for bending the shaft. I've had a chat with Yanoo and will be getting stiff shift and a short shift for it. I'll replace the plastic outer with an ally tube and paint it black. Just gotta decide what to do with the nob then.


ClioSport Club Member
What a bunch of c***s! I've still not looked at the rear suspension, I'd forgotten about it until yesterday when on my way home I heard the tyres scraping on the arch. This ain't the time of year to be pulling the car apart on the drive though!
When we went to cars in the park at Lotherton the other month I noticed that my headlamps were different colours. I'd given them a polish before trax so it wasn't because of the lenses so I ordered new bulbs. I had a quiet Saturday (meaning the wife was out ) so set about changing them. Bumper off and lights out I carefully swapped the bulbs. The old ones were a matching pair so seemed odd that they look different. A quick test before bolting the lights back in and... they are still different colours! It must be s**t in the lens or something so looks like I'll be hunting for a new headlamp at some point.

While the bumper was off I decided to see if I could reattach the drivers side arch liner that had fallen off. I'd already got some new speed clips and screws and after a bit of trimming off the edge that had worn down rubbing on the road it turned out it would fit back on☺️. I'm just waiting for some clips to secure it to the inner arch then I'll refit it to keep the winter crap at bay a bit.
Last job to do before refitting the bumper was to remove the headlamp washers. I saw going to do this before the MOT, in March! All back together and a quick wash and some SRP on the bumper where the washers had been for the last 12 years and it had been a reasonably productive Saturday.

I need to review my list from earlier to see if I've actually made progress on it or just added jobs to it! More updates to come .


ClioSport Club Member
There's always jobs to do Paul. It's just weather you can be bothered to do them!

Why the headlamp jet removal? Was they leaking or you wanted a cleaner look? Either way, they look better.

Odd about your headlamps being different colours though.


ClioSport Club Member
There's always jobs to do Paul. It's just weather you can be bothered to do them!

Why the headlamp jet removal? Was they leaking or you wanted a cleaner look? Either way, they look better.

Odd about your headlamps being different colours though.
Lol, I find myself seriously lacking the motivation to crawl around on the floor under a car these days!
The headlamp washers have not worked in my ownership so easy option to remove them. The headlamp colour is a puzzle. I tried a different ballast and ignitor and I even plugged them into the opposite side but the passenger light was always duller. There's other jobs I want to do first so they will have to do for winter.


ClioSport Club Member
Small update, I've so got it. Winter is rubbish, the list of jobs just gets longer. Yesterday the wife asked when my MOT is due and said "when that's done you can get back to tinkering". I'll take that as permission to start purchasing parts then! Hopefully more substance in the next update, but not until March if it survives the MOT!


ClioSport Club Member
We want mods we want mods!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Read the thread title! [emoji23][emoji23]
What's next Paul??
Well I've got a scenic shifter to mod and install. I've got a set of headlamps to play with and a spare inlet to tart up. The front suspension needs a refresh too but as I'm an old git I think I'll shy away from poly bushes and stick with new standard parts. And then make it presentable for the shows this year.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Read the thread title! [emoji23][emoji23]Well I've got a scenic shifter to mod and install. I've got a set of headlamps to play with and a spare inlet to tart up. The front suspension needs a refresh too but as I'm an old git I think I'll shy away from poly bushes and stick with new standard parts. And then make it presentable for the shows this year.
Mint. I've got some ally that's the right bore size you can have if you want? OD needs turning down.
You going to extend the base or go for a short shifter?

Good shout on standard genuine stuff. It's silly cheap so only right to go that route.


ClioSport Club Member
I think I'm going to go for a short shifter to avoid any tickling of the cat. I've already sorted a lift up shaft thanks Louis. It'll all come together one day. Hopefully.


ClioSport Club Member
So Ive had the car 2 years today. Longest I've ever owned a car is 2 years but luckily I'm enjoying not paying a hefty monthly on a car and the clio is perfect for what I need so this will be the car I have owned the longest in a week or so! Unfortunately our anniversary is also MOT time and this year did'nt go to plan. I took the car to my trusted local mechanic on Friday for a service and for him to take it for the MOT and the bloody handbrake cable snapped during the test. The Wrong ones turned up so I'm spending our anniversary alone:disrelieved: 20171223_122041_HDR by Paul Dent, on Flickr
Having had a quick look back through my posts over the last 2 years one thing is apparent, I've got a long(er) list of things that need doing, and an even longer list of things that are half done. Adding to that list I have new tie rods, track rod ends, ABS rings (ok they are 2 years old nearly now:smile:) camber bolts and courtesy of @JB21 misfortune poly bushed wish bones and poly ARB bushes and on the way from @105e new ball joints to fit. I've a week off after easter so I plan to take a wheel off, swear a bit then put the wheel back on and book it in at the garage for it all fitting:tearsofjoy: 20180324_131818 by Paul Dent, on Flickr
20180324_131846 by Paul Dent, on Flickr
The recent wintery weeks have revealed a leak into the boot, it's taken 3 days for the boot carpet/ sponge to dry in the house. If I get the car back I'll prioritize plugging the hole.
That's all for now. I might do another update if it passes the MOT:tearsofjoy: 20180317_174749 by Paul Dent, on Flickr
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