520i. Ouch.
Please sort out that awful silver section of your bumper and the gashment M badge.
please read the thread in full then recomment.
520i. Ouch.
Please sort out that awful silver section of your bumper and the gashment M badge.
LOL @ claiming it's a 535i.
Would look good with properly sized wheels. Budget modding on a 5 series ftl![]()
who's any the wiser? engine looks and sounds exactly the same! it's goes well as owt for a big bus with a 2.2 6 cyclinder 24 valve. it's just my problem that some guy was sad enough to go and hpi it for some ghey reason about boasting.
the wheels are only an inch smaller than standard m sport wheels. it's hardly budget modding do you realise how expensive these bridgestone potenza run flats are and 335d m sport alloys?????
For the record I wasnt saying it was in an accident, or wasnt I nice car, I love E60's, I just dont need a car that big. I genuinely like them and wasn't intending to offend.
But yours just looks a little try too hard, and the fact its an M Badged 2.0 you are trying to pass off as a 535 proves the fact youre simply trying too hard....
I like these cars as I say, and performance would be the last thing I'd be concerned about, but Lets not get ahead of ourselves, it doesnt go well.
And FLOL @ calling someone sad enough to HPI it, when you're the one trying to blag its 535i?
Saying its 5 Series on a Budget Its not a criticism, its the truth. It needs a 3.0 or a diesel lump. Standard.
i'm not saying its fast just that it goes well for what it is! a big cruiser! top speed is 143mph in the book and 8.8s 0-60mph, it's not massively slow and you can sit at 100mph in 6th and not even hear the engine or have no idea your doing that speed.
please read the thread in full then recomment.
What engine?
520i :dead:
christ thats depressing, as for the 'clio with a bodykit' comment, id rather be in my old 1.2 16v clio than that, would probs run rings around it too :race:
I did. You tried to fool people into thinking you have something you don't. Funny.
lol you like that comment uh, i thought it was good too!
you probably will always drive a clio my friend so your on the right track!
You weren't joking to start with thats why I didn't laugh and just thought less of you.
Lying goes nowhere.
Enjoy your rep.
a small hint of jealousy? maybe?!
Jealous of a 520? Are you for real!? I honestly wish cars like this didnt depreciate so badly, so mongoles couldnt afford them.
They are lovely cars, but Im not sure they give of the impression you think they do. Especially with a Hamster in a wheel under the bonnet.
LOL. Thanks for proving my point more than I ever could.
Enjoy your 520.
please enjoy the 2 grand a year depreciation on your little Renault.
I don't understand this whole M badge on something that isn't an M car. People who don't know what an M badge won't notice it, people who do know what one is will call you an idiot.
Anyway, swap the wheels as they look terrible and paint the back the right colour and it will be a nice looking car.
I don't understand this whole M badge on something that isn't an M car. People who don't know what an M badge won't notice it, people who do know what one is will call you an idiot.
Anyway, swap the wheels as they look terrible and paint the back the right colour and it will be a nice looking car.
well it has m sport bodykit? m badge just looks awesome imo. i'm not trying to pass it off as a 535i as theyre identical cars just one is 3.0l, the other 2.2l, it's hardly a massive difference... it's only a model number.
i personally wouldnt own a 535i, i'd rather go for a 545i v8 as the sound and torque is astonishing and funnily enough theyre right in budget.
you pathetic w.anker! cant you take a joke?! FHUCK me this forum stinks! so much negativity, i rekon you must be part of the turini club or maybe the eibach sportline club?!
Wow this is awesome! Firstly, Daniel thanks!
Stig182, what you don't seem to realise is that you came on here in an attempt to 'show off' your new 535 (hahaha) which has an M badge (obviously attempting to fool people into thinking its an M5.) People give there honest opinions, which I have to say I agree with, nice cars in general but a few finishing touches to yours and it's top.
We then find out it's actually a low spec (engine wise) 520 and you have the cheek to call the person who found you out sad! Now take a minute, step back and think to yourself who really is the sad one in this situation.
I actually feel a little sorry for you in the fact that you feel the need to come online and seek the approval of complete strangers for a nice car, but have to lie about. At the end of the day for all we know you might not even own the car! Why not go the whole hog next time and get a picture of someone elses car, maybe a Ferrari and pretend that it's yours?
You also don't realise that a number of people on the forum could happily afford to buy that car (especially being a 520) but they actually own a Clio because they like them!
I wish you all the best in the future and can only hope that your life improves to at least a point where you don't feel the need to lie to people you don't really know online about what car you own.
omg, who am i trying to fool look at my previous threads!
i've posted this car many a time! i've had it over a year! it's always been my second car so i hardly use it and used the 172 to potter around it but i was fed up of it so i sold it last week and put this back on the road permanently.
yes it's a 520i, big deal, the engine is just silky smooth. it's still a straight 6 and sounds immense.
i dont know why i put 535i tbh as i've always referred to it as a 520i. for some reason i put that! i'm not looking for approval but seriously some of the comments from the kids on here, some people go far too over the top with them?
it's a fukin e60 5 series, they are a luxury car, theres nothing to dislike about one. they are epic. i passed my test in 2004 and ever since 2003 when the e60 was brought out i have wanted one.
OK, i'll explain the 'M-P' badge, i had a scratch on the boot when i first bought it and i had a spare m-power badge, i stuck it on, didnt like it - thought it looked gash!, came to take it off and the OWER snapped off and the rest remained solid and didnt want to risk pulling the paint off over the scratch taking it off! i never could be arsed to remove it but i have just ordered new badging from BWM direct for it, so yes it will be gone shortly!
anything else?
Says he doesn't care and is f**king off to Bimmer forums...............Types out massive posts explaining himself...
FLOL!! You are a complete weapon.
I'm out.
Fits 3 series wheels to a 5 series.
Lies about the engine.
Then tries to justify his gash boot badge by claiming there was a scratch there
Then calls us sad for owning clio's...
The kid is a complete chopper. We had people like him at school, claiming their Dad was george Best and they got dropped off in their uncles Escort Cosworth. When in fact their Dad lwft when they were 2 and their uncle is a bin man and drives a Yahama 125.
check your post count and the 7 years you've been attending clio sport on a night while your gf has been watching tv and banging your best mate as you give her no attension. LOL
now whos a weapon!
piss of you bald tw*t! you are so irritating its unreal.