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My Inferno Story...


East of England
ClioSport Area Rep
After taking her out of the garage for 10 mins the other day to test the new wheels out she was filthy...

I only went a couple of miles up the road!
So today I decided to treat her to a good bath using a selection of my Auto Finesse products.

Started with inside glass and hoover... then outside, citrus pre wash, rinse, foamed, let that sit for a minute or two.

Washed with a two bucket method, rinsed again, bladed the car and towel dried. All trims and grills done, tyres shined and under the bonnet dressed...

Even polished the exhaust tip as salt had made it dull...

This is how she sat before polish...

I thought I’d go with AF triple3, polish/glaze/wax in one but after doing bonnet and wings I couldn’t be arsed so I went to old faithful...

A quick going over with this stuff and she was promptly rolled back in the garage to await the local Sunday night meet.
Unfortunately the stub axel spacers didn’t arrive today so fingers crossed they will be here tomorrow.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Nom! I don't miss the dong exhausts from owning a 172 though! :smiley:

Lovely motor, don't cage it if its you're daily, just get some Recaro Trendline and enjoy it.


East of England
ClioSport Area Rep
That looks stunning mate. Love that colour. Top job :up:
Cheers mate

That's properly lovely.
Thank you, should be down GY on Sunday with @182_steve if weathers ok and your about an fancy it?

Love it, looks so good.
Plain rear number plate?
Thanks, I thought about plain plates but this is repping my local Renault dealership where my mate works.

Nom! I don't miss the dong exhausts from owning a 172 though! :smiley:
Lovely motor, don't cage it if its you're daily, just get some Recaro Trendline and enjoy it.
I have been thinking about fixed buckets and a cage tbh but don’t track it so they may be a waste tbh, have looked at recaros but it’s finding a decent set that is the problem.
Really does look stunning there mate, top work :up: As a side issue, can really see the difference with the new phone camera too, those photos honestly look like you took them with a digital camera like mine, not a phone!!

Love it, looks so good.

Plain rear number plate?

This! :laughing:

I have mentioned before to Ollie that plain front and different rear does not meet OCD requirements of everything matching 😂


East of England
ClioSport Area Rep


East of England
ClioSport Area Rep
So this happened... Another set of wheels purchased, thanks to @Burgh for a bargain price!

Et38.5 no kerb rash buckle bend or cracks, fitted with Toyo T1Rs two of which require changing. Going to take the new RainSports off the 172s and put them on the Turinis then use them as winter wheels to keep 2118s fresh.
Offered them up to the car to get a look...

Think the colours work well...

@Coops Turbo the addiction has started... but which set to wear today...
And I think I need to sort storage...


East of England
ClioSport Area Rep
A bargain indeed :cool:
4 sets of wheels........ put one from each, on each corner as we said tonight. For the 'lol' :laughing:
I would if they were all the same size... lol

Had a big sort out of the garage this morning to accommodate the wheels and ended up with them cleaned and stacked neatly in the corner. They’ll probably stay this way until I can get the tyres swapped from 172s to Turinis and the OZ sold even though missus said I can keep them.

Hopefully car will be going to mechanic tomorrow to get the axel spacers... Updates to follow...
  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
Thanks bud, I’m at a bit of loss what to do with it next, keep it oem+ with a set of Recaro's or strip it and go buckets and cage.
I'd go for a nice set of recaros and a rear cage mate. Will be perfect [emoji108]

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
You could just leave it as it is? :smile: Jokes! As above, Recaro's for an oem+ feel, you could also use harnesses with them if you want to go down that route - if you really have to strip it, just the rear seats only with a full length KTec or similar rear carpet as Jon said, bit of weigh saving achieved but with a nice clean finish......... your car is too nice and in too good condition to be fully stripped and showing bare metal everywhere IMO, you can't be having it rattling and vibrating all the way down the road. Just my 2p's worth - look forward to seeing spacers fitted yoo!


ClioSport Club Member
You could just leave it as it is? :smile: Jokes! As above, Recaro's for an oem+ feel, you could also use harnesses with them if you want to go down that route - if you really have to strip it, just the rear seats only with a full length KTec or similar rear carpet as Jon said, bit of weigh saving achieved but with a nice clean finish......... your car is too nice and in too good condition to be fully stripped and showing bare metal everywhere IMO, you can't be having it rattling and vibrating all the way down the road. Just my 2p's worth - look forward to seeing spacers fitted yoo!
I'll second this. Its too nice an example to strip it out and scaffold the back. You'll only regret the extra noise and rattles you get. Put some nice recaros in it and leave it at that.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Yeh, bang some Recaro's or some posh buckets like pole positions or something. If you must start stripping, just do the back seats and make it 'clubsport'.


East of England
ClioSport Area Rep
What a night last night trying to get the stub axel spacers fitted, everything was going so well until 1 loud bang changed the course of the whole night...
As usual rocked up to my local dealship after hours...
With the usual car part fitting tea...

After the pizza was smashed in the fitting began...

Couldn’t believe the corrosion behind the disc and on the nuts behind the hub, mechy said it wasn’t too bad tbh. A lot of what can be seen is just dirt and mud...

Stripped down and cleaned up the faces...

Spacer fitted with new bolts...

But then the night took a turn for the worse.
We assembled the bearing spacer and washer on the stub then disc and finally hub nut. Got the torque wrench to tighten it all up to 175nm but when starting to tighten the nut we heard a massive bang. Tried to continue tightening but wouldn’t click on the wrench. We stripped it all back down to find that the spacer had shattered.

This left is in a bit of a predicament as it’s needed to keep everything safe and aligned when driving.
We searched high and low in the parts stores, in odd and sods pots everywhere in the workshop. I was looking online and on the Renault computers to get the part number to find that Renault UK no longer make them, we checked Frances stock, none anywhere only to discover from RPD web page that they are no longer made and have had copies made.
Having this information at 9 o’clock at night again wasn’t the best situation to be in.
We did the other side no dramas at all.
I was messaging George at RTR trying to see how quick he could get me one which I ordered but wouldn’t be with me until Thursday. Then I remember a couple of mates local to me break clios. I started messaging them both, one had two 172s which aren’t being broken currently and the other mate was 50% sure he had some.
Shutting the garage up at 9:30 we headed out to see if he had...
Ended up getting a pair off him for £10 Plus the one I ordered from RTR, I got 3 for £27...

We got back to the workshop at 10, cleaned one up and fitted it all back together, torqued up no dramas this time thankfully.

Ended up leaving the workshop at half 10 having got there at half 5, took the car for a test and all was good. Scrubbing has drastically been reduced having only heard one rub whilst out driving. I didn’t get no after shots as it was dark but it does look more tucked now then previously.
  Clio RS
Had the same Problem with my one. The owner before me didnt mount them and installed the breake without this spaces. As i changed the breake i found them missing. However, no Spacers are availabe.

If you have an adress for an rebuilt of this spacers I would order! Would be great!


East of England
ClioSport Area Rep
Had the same Problem with my one. The owner before me didnt mount them and installed the breake without this spaces. As i changed the breake i found them missing. However, no Spacers are availabe.

If you have an adress for an rebuilt of this spacers I would order! Would be great!
Google search
RPD - Renault parts direct
RTR - Road Track Race
Personally order from RPD as they come in pairs


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
All fun and games isn't it, took me 3 days laid on my back on the drive to get the bolts out and spacers fitted! Even when you think you're on the home straight, these cars find something to kick you in the teeth.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Best way to do the bolts is to remove the shocks and loosen the nuts off the back. They're often seized in at the front so come out nicely.

Such a stupid design.
