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My new car... meet Ruby.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Please dont get the V12 wheels, they are hideous. Look like Wolfrace ones! Honestly you have the perfect spec DONT CHANGE IT.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I love the V12V but the wheels let it down. Car is lovely, shame about the colour. ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
As I said, you've nailed it. The Colour is by far the best AM do. Looks astonishing on a DBS!


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Just had to go back to post 1 to see what wheels where on this...

Looks 100% spot on. Literally perfect. Contrast to the body colour is just right. It just works.

V12 wheels do look a bit Wolfrace as mentioned :eek:

Lots of new cars are being released with gawdawful wheels at the moment :( Aston, the GT-86.. others don't spring to mind right this moment..

One year already though... wow :) Little write up pending for your anniversary I hope ;)

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Love the colour. After seeing a silver one on the wales meet today I much prefer a proper colour


Noise from them is incredible!
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
A year in the life of Aston ownership

Well its now been exactly a year sinse i shook the salesman's hand and left a deposit on this car, so i thought id put together a little bit of a write up of what its been like over the last 12 months.

I started looking, and originally wanted a grey or black model, Id been in talks with a sales man at Aston Martin Wilmslow who was looking for a suitable model, he got me in to test drive a sports shift just to try it but i wasnt keen, it was a manual or nothing.

A couple of weeks later i got a phone call saying they had a "once in a lifetime car" in stock, an 06 Toro Red with only 8k on the clock, supplied and maintained by wilmslow.. but it was too expensive.. being a mug i was convinced to go in and have a look... I left having signed and left a deposit. oops haha


Collection day 2 weeks later


just wow.. i still remember driving out the dealer and just being in love.

Its not been without its issues....


The 1st issue was the rear boot seal was leaking in water, leaving me with a wet boot... 2 visits to the dealer on that front

then we had a wiper issue.. on a very wet M60



Other than a few other little niggles its been reliable :D

Ive done just shy of 6000 miles in the last 12 months...

The best trip by far.. LeMans 2013!






Also ended up in a few car shows



I dont honestly know... not including insurance id guestimate at around 4k for maintenance and servicing.. But its worth every single penny!

  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
I was only keeping it 12 months.. That was the plan but I can't bear to part with it just yet so I've said the spring.

So I have until then to Eaither win the lottery, be given a house or kill off my remaining parent.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
I was only keeping it 12 months.. That was the plan but I can't bear to part with it just yet so I've said the spring.

So I have until then to Eaither win the lottery, be given a house or kill off my remaining parent.

You have got to put up a FS thread when the time comes, offering p/x on a clio.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I love the V8V. Little compact piece of class. Hopefully it stays in the club a little longer! ;)
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
Shes wil be kicking around until April at least, then ill likely sell it back to the dealer or another dealer, that seems to be the protocol with this sort of thing, i dont really fancy dealing with the sale of something involving that kind of money on my own.

But i dont want to think about all that just yet :D
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
It has to be something completely different else it will just feel s**t, I've always wanted a pick up.


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
Lovely in every way.

Will you lose a lot when you decide to sell?


ClioSport Club Member
  V6 Mk1, Golf GTI Mk5
Stunning!! in regards to the rear boot seal problem what was the outcome/cost of this? I have a friend with one and we found the same issue at the weekend
  S4 Avant
4K in a year on maintenance isn't actually that much in the grand scheme of things.

I've probably spent between 2 and three thousand in the last year so for an Aston that's not a huge jump to make!
probably THE best colour i've seen for an aston martin, It's my dream car. Fair play to you for going out and buying one, i for one wouldn't have the manhood to do that.
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
Lovely in every way.

Will you lose a lot when you decide to sell?

Ive said to myself ill be OK with losing 10k over my ownership in depreciation, seems a lot but i knew what i was getting in to, and i paid a premium to get it from a main dealer.

Do not get a D40 Navara!!!

Research them, they are plagued with issues. Unless you're buying new then it won't matter - warranty.

My bro is a Nissan tech.. win :D

Stunning!! in regards to the rear boot seal problem what was the outcome/cost of this? I have a friend with one and we found the same issue at the weekend

No idea, was covered under warranty

4K in a year on maintenance isn't actually that much in the grand scheme of things.

I've probably spent between 2 and three thousand in the last year so for an Aston that's not a huge jump to make!

Ive not included tax and insurance in that, so its tyres, servicing, MOT, Repairs not covered by warranty. God knows how much in fuel, a couple of grand in insurance, £500 tax. Im trying not to add it up because i dont actually want to know lol
