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New Cup Owner - worrying signs!?!?!

  172 Cup
Had the 172 Cup for a few weeks now. Was taking a very gradual corner on the motorway at about 110mph or so when there was a loud 'bang' and the STOP and exclamation mark was lit up on the dashboard.
Obviously I slowed down and everything seemed ok.

Was parking in a multi-storey the next day and there is this funny squeeling sort of noise which sounds like it's coming from the off-side front suspension. Also, it seems to get worse and a bit 'juddery' on full lock.

Please tell me someone knows what this is?......:cry:
  RenaultSport clio 172 Cup
I had a similar thing, going round a long corner onto motorway at about 60 for 10 secs, near the end the red light and stop came on - no loud bang.
Figured it was the oil getting pushed to one side but could have been something else.
Does'nt sound good the motorway vts used to do something like that,but only on its first engine.The other 2 where fine. The slow parking noise is the normal full lock "quirk" that they all have.
''my vts used to do something like that,but only on its first engine.The other 2 where fine''

  172 Cup
Check the alternator isnt loose. Then tension bolt sheard when i was toolin it down a duel carrageway and it sounded like a loud bang followed by a rattle. The stop light came on and then went off and did so afew times. Because the accessory belt was at the right tension it sometimes wasnt turning the alternator and not giving power to the steeringor or keepin the engine temp down.
  RenaultSport clio
Pete_CUP said:
I had a similar thing, going round a long corner onto motorway at about 60 for 10 secs, near the end the red light and stop came on - no loud bang.
Figured it was the oil getting pushed to one side but could have been something else.

Check your brake fluid.
  172 Cup
Everyone is always so calm! I'm bricking it thinking that I broken the bl**dy thing already! Got a warranty from the garage I got it from so might as well try and use it.
I think I read that the full lock issue is something that Reno will fix, so when the service is due in the next 400 miles (about 3 days by the amount I've done going nowhere since I got it!), I'll see about getting it done then.
Cheers fellas
