Hiya folks, Bought a Clio a couple of days ago, still havent driven it yet cos im banned til the 13th (oops) but just looking for some advice on em, what to look for going wrong, what good mods can i get for it, stuff like that.
Very happy with the car as a whole (not the drive cos i dont know yet although it seems alright as a passenger lol) just need a few bits and bobs for it like the rubber splitter on the front bumper (no idea where to get one), and also needs a rear wiper and a couple of bulbs
Cars an M reg 5 door just done 50k with full renault service history all stamped up, due a service though, with full years MOT on it, payed £1500 for it. Think its well nice just itching to drive it!
Anyway ill shut up now, heres some pics tell me what you think guys thanks