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New to the forum, just bought a Clio RT

Hiya folks, Bought a Clio a couple of days ago, still havent driven it yet cos im banned til the 13th (oops) but just looking for some advice on em, what to look for going wrong, what good mods can i get for it, stuff like that.

Very happy with the car as a whole (not the drive cos i dont know yet although it seems alright as a passenger lol) just need a few bits and bobs for it like the rubber splitter on the front bumper (no idea where to get one), and also needs a rear wiper and a couple of bulbs

Cars an M reg 5 door just done 50k with full renault service history all stamped up, due a service though, with full years MOT on it, payed £1500 for it. Think its well nice just itching to drive it!

Anyway ill shut up now, heres some pics tell me what you think guys thanks


Welcome mate!

Good lookin car, hope you enjoy gettin back on the roads :D, Im sure some of the members will be able to give you loads of advice on stuff.

cheers for the input lads :) pics dont work cos my webspace wont let me link to em, my net providers webspace int working anymore so cant use it :(

im based in barnsley, so doubt ill be gettin to any southend meets somehow lol. used to have a 205xs and am a member of the pgti, cant really go there now though :( but this place seems a very nice place to be instead :)

the cars really well looked after, interior cant be any worse than new and under the engine and the body is just mint. no doubt something wrong will appear though

anyone know if i can still use the sterio steering wheel controls if i change my head unit? its a blaupunkt renault stereo so dunno if i can get owt thatll work with the controls... need a new head unit though, need some entertainment other than driving fast so i dont get banned again! lol
  1995 Mondeo Speed Machine

I think you can get some Head Units that will work with the steering column control, but Im not sure which Manufacturer does them. Try posting in the Interior and ICE forum, someone will know.

As for stuff going wrong, the 1.4 is generally a very reliable engine if looked after so you shouldnt have too many problems, although its probably worth getting the cambelt changed for peace of mind.

And there are regular Midlands meets as well as Southend, North East etc. Get your membership sorted for the club and youll be able to post on the meetings board.

BTW, were you on the piss when you took those photos, theyre all over the place!!

  172 M69 eater

welcome mate- tidy motor that looks

i have to agree tho u must have been pissed when u took that last photo, or fallin over at the time :p


its called ART... honest lol. i dunno all my photos of my old car are boring so i tried to add some artistic flair to these ones lol

cambelt was changed in the full service it had in 2000 i think, i know the cars due a full service though oils a bit old

ill join the club once ive got my bank sorted out, im moving banks so need to get it all sorted before i send any cheques off. want some of them nice ClioSport window stickers ;)

lol, indeed. didnt particulary want a 5 door but itll encourage me to be more sensible and not appear in court again lol. also be nice not to ever have to move when dropping folk off lol
