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New Xbox announced, tonight 18:00PM


ClioSport Club Member
Tech spec's still haven't been fully confirmed yet and I think there may be a surprise or two at E3. Also, 50% more GPU cores / Compute Units doesn't mean a 50% performance advantage of one system over the other (if that is, indeed, confirmed to be the case). Early games in development (that will be showing on both platforms) are pretty much matching each other blow-for-blow from musings on the grapevine. Whether or not one system will have an advantage over the other as time goes on is another matter though. Still, both systems are looking promising and I don't think either will disappoint. I'd be happy with either. Don't listen to the rubbish spouted by EA's CTO though. They (the new consoles) aren't 5 years / a generation ahead of today's highest spec machines... :clown: Mind you, high-end PC's would be even better if they employed some of the architectural gubbins as seen in the consoles.

Is it wrong to enjoy all the pre-launch fanboi-ism and stuff?! (not accusing anyone of being a fanboi, just a general comment from reading gaming sites across the breadth of the 'Net). :eek:
  Honda. Tesla Someday
its more than similar, and if you haven't already, have a read of this before you say any more about the ps4 not being 50% more powerful.

thats just one of thousands of sites saying the same thing, you only have to google it, in google you only get to ps4 5....before it completes it for you.

Wouldnt expect anything less from a 'Sony rumours' site.

What they conveniently forgot to mention was the on chip GPU with built-in sRAM in the XBO improves performance and that the XBO ALSO has custom hardware which we still don't know about which is also said to improve performance. That article you quoted may as well be making numbers up! You can't compare systems side by side like that then put out 'factual' information when you do not have all the facts to begin with!

I suggest you do more logical reading instead of believing everything at face value. :rasp:


ClioSport Club Member
I was disappointed with the ps3 and have been happy with my various xbox for the past 8 years. For this reason ill buy the xbo. If the ps4 is better then ill buy one of them. I have no real brand affinity, but i cant see microsoft fcuking it up. They wouldnt release a system with 50 % less performance than their rival. Looking forward to seeing both machines tbh!
Even if the PS4 is a million times more powerful, I don't see any attraction in getting one over an Xbox (coming from a current Xbox owner).
What games/features are PS only that are worth it?

(And don't say Gran Turismo, as that sucks compared to Forza)
My PS3 is a glorified doorstop/paperweight (not to mention it makes a f**king racket when playing games compared to my 360) but I've got to admit I thoroughly enjoyed the uncharted games and last of us looks promising so if Naughty Dog start producing games for the PS4 there's some hope.


  911 GTS Cab
Wouldnt expect anything less from a 'Sony rumours' site.

What they conveniently forgot to mention was the on chip GPU with built-in sRAM in the XBO improves performance and that the XBO ALSO has custom hardware which we still don't know about which is also said to improve performance. That article you quoted may as well be making numbers up! You can't compare systems side by side like that then put out 'factual' information when you do not have all the facts to begin with!

I suggest you do more logical reading instead of believing everything at face value. :rasp:

Like I said, one of thousands of sites saying the same thing, I just happened to choose a site called Sony rumours, just so you could jump on the bandwagon.

heres a generic gaming site giving the same, if not more detail on why it's so much more powerful.

Just think of the extra texture and shading coming to ps4 games, it will be worth it.

sony just needs to make psn a bit better, I personally don't care as I don't tend to play online, I don't have the hundreds of hours to put in to not get destroyed by kids who spend all day on there.


ClioSport Club Member
My Xbox became a glorified DVD player so I sold it. I have owned a 60gb launch day ps3 that still going strong and it gets used every other day more or less. For that reason alone i'll be going with a ps4. If its crap i'll consider an xbox again.
  Honda. Tesla Someday
Like I said, one of thousands of sites saying the same thing, I just happened to choose a site called Sony rumours, just so you could jump on the bandwagon.

heres a generic gaming site giving the same, if not more detail on why it's so much more powerful.

You did read the article right? You said it has more detail? Where is this detail you speak of?

A lot of 'unconfirmed' and a lot of 'we assume' and 'we're confident that this is the spec' etc etc.

Nothing solid - again.

Even if the ps4 has more 'raw GPU powerrrrrrr', the fact remains that this would of course be due to the GDDR5 ram, however what these articles don't bother mentioning is what the trade off of having GDDR5 is.


  911 GTS Cab
you are blinkered, theres no need to assume, we know the specs, we have done for months, give it another week or so and you'll have to accept it.
  Fiesta ST
Pre order available on amazon for £599 bundled with kinect, quite expensive if the price is correct
  Honda. Tesla Someday
you are blinkered, theres no need to assume, we know the specs, we have done for months, give it another week or so and you'll have to accept it.

I'm blinkered?? lol!! OOOoooooKay then...

Even IF the specs are confirmed as what you are saying, what you're failing to realise is that each system has its strengths.

Lets say that the spec assumptions in that article are correct, then yes, the ps4 will have more raw graphical power. Granted, the games will potentially look better, but what you need to remember is that even though it will have more GPU ability to push 'better graphics', its by sacrificing AI/Physics and other CPU heavy calculations. Another thing which is important is system efficiency. I.e. how efficient the OS is. One big + for the 360 was that the 360 OS was very efficient. A down point for the ps3 was that the OS was Not efficient. All of these things need to be taken in to account. System efficiency heavily affects system performance. Having the raw power theoretically available does not mean the 'power' can be fully harnessed.

Another good example is looking at the mobile phone market. The iPhone 5 hardware is by no means the most 'powerful', BUT iOS is extremely efficient on that hardware. Couple bespoke hardware with an efficient OS and you get better all round performance and stability. Thats why the iPhones can still keep up with some Android handsets which have superior hardware but are lacking a very efficient OS.

I just think there is more to this than 'more powerrrr omfg power l33t jizz'


Do you at least get where I am coming from?
Pre order available on amazon for £599 bundled with kinect, quite expensive if the price is correct
Which Amazon have clearly stated is not.

"Please note that there are no official prices announced for Xbox One products. The price stated above is a placeholder"
  Twingo Dynamique
Guys can you please stop the childish bickering? You're behaving like 12 year olds nobody knows what either console will be really like until they've been out. It's just a games console... Really no need for such a heated discussion
  Fiesta ST
Which Amazon have clearly stated is not.

"Please note that there are no official prices announced for Xbox One products. The price stated above is a placeholder"

arr ok, I hadn't looked at amazon myself so didn't see that.

I can see it being up around that price range though tbh, maybe £499 as said above
  Titanium 182
Guys can you please stop the childish bickering? You're behaving like 12 year olds nobody knows what either console will be really like until they've been out. It's just a games console... Really no need for such a heated discussion
Only a raging Xbox fanboy would say something like that!

Seriously though, new hardware is exciting and I'll be interested in seeing what this turns out like. My gut feeling is that it'll miss the mark for me personally, though.
  320d M Sport
The price is the big question now isn't it. I'm hoping for less than £400. How many parents would be be able to afford one at Xmas for more than £400?
  Honda. Tesla Someday
Guys can you please stop the childish bickering? You're behaving like 12 year olds nobody knows what either console will be really like until they've been out. It's just a games console... Really no need for such a heated discussion

I wouldn't call it childish bickering...

It was more of a technical debate.

edit: I'd say it will come in at £299-399 in order to be competitive.
  Evo 5 RS
It is a debate, but your points are a bit off. The PS4 does have a significant advantage. Don't assume just because the PS3 had, and didn't do as well as it should that it will be the same this time round.

The PS4's GPU is faster. It's as simple as that. The Xbox One has 12 compute units each capable of 64 ops/clock, where as the PS4 has 18, and also much faster GDDR5 memory. To touch on the point of efficient operating systems, Sony's is rumoured to take up just over 1GB of it's 8GB of available memory, where as Microsoft's is said to take up as much as 3GB. I'd consider 1GB to be pretty efficient for an OS, 3GB whilst not massively shoddy is obviously a massive chunk out of the systems available memory.

It's like arguing the toss of two 10 year old cars as an example when put into perspective though. 1.2 teraflops is pretty prehistoric when compared with current top end GPU technology. PC mainstream GPU's can crunch as much as 4.5TF right now.

So if you're going to argue anything (and I'm not saying that it's an absoloute certain that they will) it should be how much exactly the Xbox One is holding multi platform games back once again.
  Titanium 182
People are forgetting that although the 360 was much better in the first few years, PS3 has pretty much caught it up (and overtaken it imo) in terms of sales, UI experience, online support and Plus being much better than Live Gold.

I spent pretty much five years only playing 360 games, but since getting a PS3 last year I've come to realise it's a far superior machine. Plus PSN isn't chock-full of loud, obtrusive ads. It's a bit like the last generation in reverse - PS2 came out first and the Xbox didn't ever really challenge it, despite being the better machine.

But this thread isn't about Playstations, it's about the X-bone, so let's stop arguing and see if they release any decent games.
  Goliath I
As all of the comments suggest nobody really knows how the new console will work or what it will do .

So for that reason I think I'll give it a few months and get the full story before I shell out 400 quid.
  Yaris Hybrid
I can show the average 360 owner a game running on my PC at 2500x1440 with everything maxed out and they will swear blind they can't tell the difference compared to their version.

Do you think with that in mind that they would have the first fecking clue as to the difference between my PC running the game on "Ultra" versus "High"? That would be the type of difference you see between the two new consoles.

Multi platform games will by financial necessity be designed to run on the weaker system and just have minor graphical improvements on the stronger system.

I really don't see the console boys noticing relatively minor differences in quality when viewed at "only" 1080p when sat 2 meters from a TV. They might notice if the frame rate drops too low but I don't see them noticing much else.

I'd likely buy both consoles as I have done every generation bar the one where I didn't buy a Saturn! So I am a neutral although I do lean towards Xbox as I am invested in Xbox Live.

I still think MS really need to hit the market at a far lower price point though if they want to compete.


  911 GTS Cab
It is a debate, but your points are a bit off. The PS4 does have a significant advantage. Don't assume just because the PS3 had, and didn't do as well as it should that it will be the same this time round.

The PS4's GPU is faster. It's as simple as that. The Xbox One has 12 compute units each capable of 64 ops/clock, where as the PS4 has 18, and also much faster GDDR5 memory. To touch on the point of efficient operating systems, Sony's is rumoured to take up just over 1GB of it's 8GB of available memory, where as Microsoft's is said to take up as much as 3GB. I'd consider 1GB to be pretty efficient for an OS, 3GB whilst not massively shoddy is obviously a massive chunk out of the systems available memory.

It's like arguing the toss of two 10 year old cars as an example when put into perspective though. 1.2 teraflops is pretty prehistoric when compared with current top end GPU technology. PC mainstream GPU's can crunch as much as 4.5TF right now.

So if you're going to argue anything (and I'm not saying that it's an absoloute certain that they will) it should be how much exactly the Xbox One is holding multi platform games back once again.
Xbox is running windows, of course it's going to be bloated, and will probably blue screen too ;)

​probably have to run antivirus on it too and then there'll be patch Tuesday......
  Titanium 182
Plus better than XBL? Are you sure?
Absolutely. I was sceptical to begin with, but it's frankly an amazing service. The 'free' games are worth the price alone. I now have more games than I have time to play, and I've paid £11 so far.
  Honda. Tesla Someday
Absolutely. I was sceptical to begin with, but it's frankly an amazing service. The 'free' games are worth the price alone. I now have more games than I have time to play, and I've paid £11 so far.

LoL its better because of 'free games'?

How about the actual Online gaming experience? LOL
God this thread has been well and truly ruined.

I think there needs to be 3 threads. An Xbox One thread, a PS4 thread and then an "Xbox One vs PS4 petty squabbling, bitching, trolling and tech nit picking" thread so all the BS can stay in one place.


  911 GTS Cab
what really is there to discuss about the xbox or the ps4 without discussing the comparisons on the two systems, seeing as they are being launched at the same time, and people will most likely buy one or the other.

its not like we can talk about games yet as there hasn't been much news yet until E3
  Evo 5 RS
I think there needs to be 3 threads. An Xbox One thread, a PS4 thread and then an "Xbox One vs PS4 petty squabbling, b**ching, trolling and tech nit picking" thread so all the BS can stay in one place.

You're the biggest troll here, so that's ironic. Discussing the internal workings of one system isn't b**ching. If you want to purely talk about games that are yet to even exist yet, then that's great too.
  Honda. Tesla Someday
You're the biggest troll here, so that's ironic. Discussing the internal workings of one system isn't b**ching. If you want to purely talk about games that are yet to even exist yet, then that's great too.


Like I said. I'd didn't see our debates as mindless childish b*tching, I think we were making valid educated points.

​On with the thread!!
  Titanium 182
How about the actual Online gaming experience?
I'll admit that is much better on the 360 - however, for me personally it doesn't really matter. I only tend to play single player games these days. That is why I'll probably be choosing a PS4.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
PC pwns them both.

  Honda. Tesla Someday
Just confirmed:

Microsoft in investing 1 billion $'s in to next gen games. They said people are way under estimating their focus on games and people will be surprised at E3. They said that they care a lot about games, and will get it right.
