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Nick172Cup's 3rd! 'TrackCup' Progress Blog.

Dude said he was selling four at the time and his workshop boys have posted the wrong one, though there's another one on eBay now with the same picture again...

Ah well, he knocked £40 off so a working transponder for under £200 is even more of a bargain. Just need to extend the cable which is easy and won't cost a lot to do.
Another bit of an update, got the car back onto four wheels with the suspension all fitted. Camber bolts fitted and set to the max they can do, they looked to of given me near the same as it had previous on coilovers which is a bonus.




Did plan to remove the front part of the cage and take the dash off so I could hide the seat wiring and sort the location of holes for the fire extinguisher/cut of switch wiring, however the weather pissed me off so just left it for the time being... I may well just pay someone to fit the other safety bits and pieces for ease as works got me occupied throughout the week now so no days off, but bonus is extra pennies towards getting everything else sorted!

Time is getting less and less by the day with more little things that need purchasing, will I actually be ready? I really am unsure now...



ClioSport Moderator
Be ready, be ready, be ready, be ready,.........

You can see my feelings on the matter clearly from above. :)

PS. Need any help, give me a shout :)
Got plenty of time until the 20th October - lightweight. Get a move on!

You only need to take dash top off to drill a hole for fire ex pipe and feed it up and across from the exhaust tunnel to the hole.
Be ready, be ready, be ready, be ready,.........

You can see my feelings on the matter clearly from above. :)

PS. Need any help, give me a shout :)


Got plenty of time until the 20th October - lightweight. Get a move on!

You only need to take dash top off to drill a hole for fire ex pipe and feed it up and across from the exhaust tunnel to the hole.

That time goes quickly Pete! I'll need to of done my ARDS in a couple of weeks and then sign on for the race, if I leave it too late there may not be any spaces left! Likewise I don't want to pay and not make it through time and money.

We'll see, if anyone knows how to wire and fit the cut-off switches and remove the steering lock that localish give me a shout and i'll sort you out!

  182cup & 172 racecar
Nick, stop being a girl.
Try getting up in the mornings on your days off? I told you weeks ago to get ARDS booked.

Or is this going to end like past projects ?
Right medical booked for the 19th, looking at ARDs locations I was planning on doing Brands Hatch or Silverstone. However Silverstone don't have anything on apart from tomorrow and Brands until the 15th of October, 5 days before the race. Which means I'll be booking the Donnington race before probably even having the licence, if I can even do that?

  182cup & 172 racecar
Well done.
Very surprised that brands havent got one becore that date.
Yes you could enter, just put nat b where it say licence type, then just give number on the day.

I would hane thought thay there nust be one before that though.
Have you rung brands ?.
  Lionel Richie
For ARDS test i have setup a deal with everyman racing @ Prestwold for £250 per person if its any use to anyone


ClioSport Club Member
Cheers Fred! Just mention your name?

More progress than mine so far Nick!
  Lionel Richie
I'll put contact details etc under my forum tomorrow, just waiting to hear availability from Everyman

oh and if you're any good you may get offered to become an instructor for them too ;)


ClioSport Club Member
I'll put contact details etc under my forum tomorrow, just waiting to hear availability from Everyman

oh and if you're any good you may get offered to become an instructor for them too ;)

I'm far too busy, otherwise i'd be in F1 ;) lol

Nice selfie lol.

It'll be years before they force you to have a HANS device.

They have been talking about forcing FIA in date seats for rally cars since 2007 and have only just anounced it is compulsory for 2014. So seeing as they aren't even talkig about it yet I reckon you have a few years.
