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*** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Yeah I'm going to do it. I couldn't be arsed going through it all the other night!

I added you dredz!
Just been absolutely raping cod.

Top of the leaderboard every match, which only usually happens on rare occasions for me. My theory is Christmas Noobs + a sorted internet connection = pure rapeage on cod.
(I cant believe how much better my connection is now my NAT rating is open).

Also got probably my best ever TDM, 32-1 I think it was. Ive put it in my fileshare for anyone that cares lol. I must have got the Chopper Gunner in less than a minute ;)
  White APE
Just got this on grid
  Golf gti ed30+bmw m3
lol this game just gets worse and worse! not only do we have to deal with the crippling lag/bad hit detection... now we also have thousands of screaming 12 year old tards who got it for xmas from their awesome parents!
  White APE
Does it replicate gun jams? My gun sometime randomly stops firing in the
Middle of a fire fight. Highly annoying!
  172 +Scenic sport
I thought black ops was great when I 1st got it, now it just annoys the hell out of me, used to be top player nearly every game and top of my friends list. Now it feels like a have to put a full clip into people to kill them while it takes them a couple of bullets to kill me! Dunno what's changed but I get no enjoyment out of it anymore I'm even thinking of going back on MW2!
  Never above 25mpg
I thought black ops was great when I 1st got it, now it just annoys the hell out of me, used to be top player nearly every game and top of my friends list. Now it feels like a have to put a full clip into people to kill them while it takes them a couple of bullets to kill me! Dunno what's changed but I get no enjoyment out of it anymore I'm even thinking of going back on MW2!

It's all about timing! I've literally just seen a guy after ive ran round a corner before and just about to start shooting when Im dead, yet he's seen me 5 miles down the road and has been shooting at me since before I knew.

Spawn killing is still such a problem on this!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Been having a few bad games and the matches just aren't happening tonight, host keeps getting thrown off and matches not being made. :(
There was one annoying thing today where I ran round the corner and I got a few hit markers on this guy and then I died... I was a bit mad because I thought Id done enough to get him, but a headshot is a headshot I suppose.

However watching the killcam it looked like I hadn't done much damage which is fair enough I might have got his arms or something but the bit that really annoyed me was when he shot me he was lying on the floor looking at my feet... But somehow it was from down there he got a headshot :-/
  Mountune Tractor
The Call of Duty®: Black Ops First Strike downloadable content pack will launch worldwide, first on Xbox LIVE® February 1, 2011. The content pack will feature four new multiplayer maps, including Berlin Wall, Discovery, Stadium and Kowloon, and a new Zombie map called Ascension.

I will NOT be buying this, the game is such a f**king let down I'm not giving treyarch anymore of my hard earned buck. Playing GT5 has been such a pleasure, runs like a dream.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Might buy it to try, bought BF vietnam but hardly played it.

Do people still use lag switches? I'm not sure what the script is with the really good players but they seem immune from death sometimes. We're talking level 50 prestigers. Maybe they are just really good.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
What I think is that if you have a connection that suites BO then you are immune from death. On 3 bars it's pointless me even shooting some1. I've stabbed a guy in the back 4 times plus a whole Clip and they turn around and 1 bullet I'm dead.
For ps3 users. DO NOT BUY THE MAP PACK. If you do you are a mug. Activision and treyarch will be laughing at how much s**t they can do and get away with. The game doesn't even work properly never mind lining there pockets more.
If every1 hit them where it hurts ie pockets they will soon listen.
  Clio 1.2 16v
For ps3 users. DO NOT BUY THE MAP PACK. If you do you are a mug. Activision and treyarch will be laughing at how much s**t they can do and get away with. The game doesn't even work properly never mind lining there pockets more.
If every1 hit them where it hurts ie pockets they will soon listen

il protest with you Kev, we just need to get the message across to the other millions now lol shall we set up an online petition?
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Cod black ops forum is a good place to start. They won't let me post anymore. Lol and the people who do buy it on ps3 I hope it's as s**t as the game is now which it will so I can laugh at how they got even more of your money.


ClioSport Club Member
  T5, Ariel Atom 300
My ping is 0.98ms is that bad? As sometimes it's fine then other times I blatantly can shoot people direct and they have time to take a turf then kill me with a couple of bullets
  Bus w**ker
The game works fine for PS3, i'll be buying it.

Is PS3 code for XBox? Sure as hell doesn't work fine on my console or anyone else that I know. Millions of others across the world would also disagree with you, I'll say I won't buy it...but then I'll probably get weak and cave in. :(
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
My ping is 40 and the game is still s**t for me. I even rang my provider and they say the line is fine and it's got something to do with the COD servers as there getting alot of people ringing about the same thing.

Dredz I mite get mw2 back in a few months when the morons start leaving. May get COD4 back aswell.
  ITB'd MK1
it's shite on xbox too. My 5 year old console has got a bit unstable recently. Normally get about 2-3 hours out of a game of forza before it gets too hot....lucky if i can get past the first online lobby on black ops. There's something seriously overloading the console, and i know i'm not the only one to have issues that started from the first day the disk went in the slot. f**king Treyarch
  Fiesta ST-2
It's s**t on PS3 fact. Played it round my mates this week, nothing has changed. If you think the game is fine your either ignorant or oblivious to what frame rate and lag are.
  White APE
How do I find out my ping? (ps3)
The game runs ok on mine, have a few bad matches where I have to quit but on the whole I'm loving it
Im actually finding it to be pretty good on xbox now ive sorted out my connection.

Campers were out in force earlier, which infuriates me no end (nowhere near as many on PS), but id probably go as far as saying that it is ALMOST as good as MW2.

Ill be back online later, so anyone up for a party, drop me an add ;) xx
