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*** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

Im actually finding it to be pretty good on xbox now ive sorted out my connection.

Campers were out in force earlier, which infuriates me no end (nowhere near as many on PS), but id probably go as far as saying that it is ALMOST as good as MW2.

Ill be back online later, so anyone up for a party, drop me an add ;) xx
ive added you but anyone else who is playing this add my GT iainm187 :)
  Mountune Tractor
The game works fine for PS3, i'll be buying it.

Don't be an idiot, it may work fine on your PS3 but it is a complete dog for hundreads of thousands of others.
My internet connection is pretty damn good and I don't experience huge problems with frame rate, but the thing that gets me is just trying to actually get into a game! Once you get in a game it freeze screens, loses connection to host or doesn't even start in the first place!
The game is a complete disgrace. At first I had my blinkers on as I'm such a massive COD fan, but this game is crap, unfinished and made using an Xbox.
I shall not be buying the map packs or any other game from Treyarch ever again.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Had a funny few games last night. Girlfriends uncles son added me last night so i thought id do the decent thing and have a few games with him. Started a party and next minute 4 of his mates jump in. Okay i thought, game on. Fu&*ing hilarious at how bad they were. they were happy with a k/d of like 2-15, and got really excited when the kills went up, but so did the deaths. Although i seemed to play so much better topping the leader board lol

  White APE
Just seen 3 guys with gold camo
Guns. Thought this was available once you have prestiged 15 times? They were on prestige 6 looking at their symbol :s
  LY 182
ROFL. Wow, just had THE most one sided game I've ever experienced.

6 decent guys on 1 team Vs 6 Xmas noobs. The final score... 7500-600. Ouch!


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
jesus im an xmas noob on it n im certainly not that s**te. im getting top 3 out of everyone in TDM and CTF
  Stagecoach Ticket
Don't be an idiot, it may work fine on your PS3 but it is a complete dog for hundreads of thousands of others.
My internet connection is pretty damn good and I don't experience huge problems with frame rate, but the thing that gets me is just trying to actually get into a game! Once you get in a game it freeze screens, loses connection to host or doesn't even start in the first place!
The game is a complete disgrace. At first I had my blinkers on as I'm such a massive COD fan, but this game is crap, unfinished and made using an Xbox.
I shall not be buying the map packs or any other game from Treyarch ever again.

I said from the min i played it on the day of release that it was s**t. People said get into it give it a chance etc i have done that now and still think its wack!
Feels like WaW meets Counterstrike badly made
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Does any1 think that this game sometimes goes out of sync? Like today the more accurate I was ie perfect headshots people wouldn't die but if ya spray all over ya get more kills as if the image on the screen isn't actually where the game says it is. I wouldn't say it was lag it's more to do with hit detection.
it does make me laugh when you see the round ending kill in super slo mo when the person is a noob just spraying and they miss a whole mag but the last bullet catches their leg or something :D


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
This will always be my favourite Elpresador video:

Gets immense at 7mins, has me in tears!!

what a guy he is he's qualo.

LMFAO "you might aswell put an address on this camper" what a quote

have to say i'm pleased i got rid of this game early on with all this S@@t. And can't believe some of the players here still put up with it with all this s@@t, just get rid of it
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ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
kev I've noticed that about the hit detection I'd get rid if it was for the misses buying it me for Xmas don't want to offend her twice as I said I didn't want it about 2weeks before Xmas n she'd already bought it and wrapped it lol. I like the maps and that but it's proberly game play online that pisses me off some times. Although I couldn't care about kill death ratio as I'm not a serious player, I just play till I get bored or like last night you play against a team that spend far to much time playing so your dieing every 15seconds which then pisses you off
what a guy he is he's qualo.

LMFAO "you might aswell put an address on this camper" what a quote

have to say i'm pleased i got rid of this game early on with all this S@@t. And can't believe some of the players here still put up with it with all this s@@t, just get rid of it
You've got rid of it??

I actually think that it is really good tbh. I didnt like it to start with, but now I think that its great.
I think id be on the same boat though if I had bought it for my PS3.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Yeah it just pisses me off when I've blatantly put a whole clip into some1s face and I die off 1 bullet. f**king secondary chance perk is a joke aswell. 1 hit you're dead but if ya use a pistol as normal it takes loads of bullets to kill some1 Lol a whole team of Xmas noobs had it on yesterday the f**king losers.

Got a quad napalm last night on the kill cam. Qualo.
^ Second Chance is the gayest perk out there... Actually boils my piss when you unload a round of bullets in someones face and they only go into second chance. One bullet of their pistol and you're DONEE!!! FUUUUUUUUUUU!!!


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
Playing TDM last night accidently popped a cap into a team mate he dropped In to second chance and the stabbed me, bit f**king harsh considering it's a f**king accident c**t plus I could of revived him. Best kill I've got on it was about 3 nights ago on shooting range and there was 3 lads in the building above where "C" is in domination, lobbed Semtex in n BOOM 3 kill kill-kam it made me finish the game on 11kills n 9 deaths tho
  Never above 25mpg
^ Second Chance is the gayest perk out there... Actually boils my piss when you unload a round of bullets in someones face and they only go into second chance. One bullet of their pistol and you're DONEE!!! FUUUUUUUUUUU!!!

That's annoyed me quite a bit this evening!
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Had some good zombie bashing on WAW on der riese last night. I hope they make the map available on BO. It's more of a stand your ground map than the run around in circles like kino. PPSH upgraded FTMFW
Had some good zombie bashing on WAW on der riese last night. I hope they make the map available on BO. It's more of a stand your ground map than the run around in circles like kino. PPSH upgraded FTMFW

Der reise is good for running around, easier to teleport and hit the electric fences, was a good session though
