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*** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

It is annoying when people literally sit in a corner watching the door. That is camping. But they should only kill you once, if you go back and they are still there they should be dead. You are obviously getting dicked on if you get killed by the same camper twice.
Im not the best on COD though! K/D is only like 1.50 overall.
What if I got killed by him like 4-5 times? ;)

When is the map pack available for download?
Isnt it midnight tonight?
(My xbl points best have arrived today!!)
  Listerine & Poledo
Worst camping spot ever is on villa up the stairs in that small room I had 3 camping in there all game I was using gas and grenades but ya couldn't get all 3. The only deaths they had were from me. I told my team not to go there but they wouldn't listen. So I had no choice but to keep going back or they would of won.

The little room up the stairs? near Domination point C?

That's a prime spot for camping but I can't stand it, unless I'm on Ground war, in which case it's ACOG Stoner time
  Listerine & Poledo
it's a claymore must-do.

even if you're justr passing by. Someone will be going up there at some point.

got my first 9-kill streak ever last night. there must have been some serious lag issues somewhere :)


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
Im with virgin and have no problems and im in a dodgy spot as im half a meter too far away from the greenbox which ntl/virgin send the signal from :(
  LY 182
Have you rang them up could be the "green box"?

Yeah spoken to them many times. Every day they're like yeah should be tomorrow etc. There's just no signal. They're saying maintenance is working on it etc. Spoke to them at lunch and they said should be fixed by 5pm. Not holding my breath though lol.

Annoying because I can't play on XBL lol, but also I do work on the internet which I've been unable to do. Gah.
However this is isolated and rare. I'd give it to being my connection really. Never had any issues on xbox before.

Need to get battlefield bad 2. Bored of cod now.
However this is isolated and rare. I'd give it to being my connection really. Never had any issues on xbox before.

Need to get battlefield bad 2. Bored of cod now.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Mines always laggy when I'm host. I don't get it, surely I should have the best connection in the game as host not worst.


ClioSport Club Member
Definitly won't be getting the map packs.

And even though I genuinely do think it is the best COD of the series, I think it's got really old quickly and I've lost all interest in playing it.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I keep chipping away at this. Went online last night and ended up on a server with everyone running around with crossbows and ballistic knives. Looked to be a free-for-all and somehoe (fcuk knows how) I came third.

Repeated the process over the next 15mins and then quit. The appeal still isn't there for me at all.

  Never above 25mpg
Downloaded the maps, only played on Ascension so far! HUGE map is an understatement, so many more things to look out for. Can play it solo but Im personally not getting very far on it.

First go with friends and we got up to Level 10 though which wasnt bad considering we didnt know where we were going.


ClioSport Club Member
  VRS 245
Gonna get them later! :D
Haven't been on the game for ages, got so bored of it, hopefully this will shake it up a bit.
  Tesla MP3 2021

Why cant you play the new maps separately. Out of about 15 games we played 2 of the new maps 4 times. Now that takes the piss. I am missing something or can you definitely not play the new maps separately?
  Tesla MP3 2021
Yep, thought as much. Taken from the Black Ops Forums!


I am getting some good questions on the topic of how the playlists work with First Strike. It is frankly too long to explain well in 140 characters on Twitter.

If you own First Strike you will be joined in a Lobby with others who own First-Strike (or start one). The DLC maps are set at priority slightly above the non First Strike maps. This means they will come up in rotation more frequently. Use your ability to map vote for, or against, any map. If you have First Strike, you will see a secondary tab in your Choose Map screen during Private Matches, Combat Training, System Link and related areas of the game where you can explicitly pick which map to play.

If you don't own First Strike, you will be joined in a Lobby with others who don't own First Strike (or start one). In this regard, it's similar to Modern Warfare 2.

We try not to kick you out of a lobby if you don't have First Strike, but some exceptions are unavoidable. For example, If you join on a Friend who is playing in a non First Strike map, but who owns First Strike, when the game ends and you return to the lobby you will be kicked if the lobby votes for a First Strike map.

If you are playing in a Party with folks who don't have DLC, we will tell you. You can then play as though you don't have it. Alternatively, you remove players from your party who don't have it as you've been able to do in the past.

We have the option of a First Strike only playlist, which you won't be able to join if you don't have First Strike. We have not yet exercised this option, but are considering adding it on Friday at the start of Double XP weekend based on feedback from the community over the next 48 or 72 hours or so. I am preparing as though we will do a First Strike moshpit on Friday when Double XP starts. It's currently getting translated into the many languages the game supports. It's easy to remove (or keep) depending on feedback.

First Strike comes out "around" 2:00am PST on Feb 1.

I say "around" because it takes time to get it out to all the content/cache servers. I can't give you a specific time because it really depends on Microsoft and how fast they cache and populate the download servers. It's not coming any earlier, or later, for any other time zones. Google "time zone conversion" and convert the above to your local time zone.

David 'Vahn' Vonderhaar
  Civic Si

Why cant you play the new maps separately. Out of about 15 games we played 2 of the new maps 4 times. Now that takes the piss. I am missing something or can you definitely not play the new maps separately?

nope, you can't pick just the new maps. Its been the same on every other COD game iirc.


ClioSport Club Member
  T5, Ariel Atom 300
Had about 6 games last night and got new maps 3 times. Just kept voting random if new maP wasnt a choice.

Got ripped apart and came last on kowloon first time then decided shot gun and flak jacket class was needed! Next game on it blitzed it!
