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orange coverage=crap . going to vodaphone

  monaco blue 172 ..
bought the new lg viewty last night on orange dolphin contract ..
got signal all over on way home . got home ... nothing at all . got unlimited texts i cannot use lol
my wife on vodaphone . and she gets a full signal nearly everywhewre she goes ?
what is vodaphone like in general?
I only used Vodafone (didn't have to put up with their customer support as it was a work contract) but in terms of using it, it was superb.

Almost as good as O2.. ;) which, now I'm on a "high street" tarrif, is very good on both the signal etc.. but also the customer service. Infact, they have about the best call centre going I think I've used.. ring them, quick menu system, then straight to someone who knows what they are talking about!
  monaco blue 172 ..
cheers for that mate ... was on 02 till i got the new phone last night ...
im setting off for meadowhell now to see what they can do for me ....
I did the same - left O2 for Orange way back.. it wasn't too bad, but I was glad to move away for signal reasons.

Cellnet [bydefault] BT Cellnet [bydefault] O2 -> Orange -> Vodafone -> O2.

Happy with O2 now.. don't think I'll be moving to anyone else.
  106 GTi
I did the same - left O2 for Orange way back.. it wasn't too bad, but I was glad to move away for signal reasons.

Cellnet [bydefault] BT Cellnet [bydefault] O2 -> Orange -> Vodafone -> O2.

Happy with O2 now.. don't think I'll be moving to anyone else.

I did the BT Cellnet to Orange when they released their Everyday 50 but went back to O2 as the coverage was crap at home and non existent at work.
I was on O2, the signal is better that Orange, but my Orange contract costs me £150 less a month! lol..

I just move it where I get signal! :D


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I was on orange but the signal where i live is dire. Moved to vodafone along with most of my mates and the signal to be fair is spot on!

Only downside is that orange signal never worked in the pub so i always had an excuse for the mrs when i come home. Not anymore... :(


ClioSport Moderator
Ive been a customer of Orange for 4 years on a contract. Not had one problem with service, just when i need a new phone in warranty quick call, wait for ages and talk to someone, then phone is replaced the next day. Cant fault that.

Orange Unlimited texts for me, cant complain, i get it a lot cheaper than the £35 normally people get it for.

PS -
Ding dig, enter postcode to see service area.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
THink its just where you are isnt it. I'm on orange have been for like 7 years its always been good and my bird who lives just out of town on vodafone doesnt get signal where i do.

You just need to check with whoever your going with what there reception is in you area.


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
orange = uber w**k.

My network history went:

Orange => O2 => Orange => Vodafone.

The second time I went to orange I had to buy a voda contract after about 2 months because the network coverage was so poor, since moving to voda I've not looked back. :) Plus the vodafone family & vodafone passport ooj-a-ma-flips are brilliant!


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
From next month orange and voda will begin their mast sharing program they announced in febuary so you didnt have to bother moving.

Hey Ho.
I send a lot of texts constantly! lol.. Lot of calls too. Got an Orange magic number which is 2hours a day, plus the unlimited texts brings it down loooooooooooads!
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
im on O2 which is good. but in my house, the signal is always full, but texts always fal to send and i have to send them again, and when im actually on the phone the signal drops to 1 bar, then back to 5 bar again all the time. very annoying. sure it was ok before, could be the phone maybe.
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
thats good to know then cheers. seems fine everywhere else, just in my house.

looking at a new phone in the new year so should improve it hopefully!
  Tesla MP3 2021
I have always found Orange to have the best network coverage. Saying that though I havnt been on Voda for years so I can only compair to O2 and T-Mobile.
  Mondeo TDCI 130
I am on orange dolphin!, No worries my way!

Even though i just bought this, and the signal is not as good as on my old nokia!
  Mito Sportiva 135
I am on orange dolphin!, No worries my way!

Even though i just bought this, and the signal is not as good as on my old nokia!

What phone is that?!? Another rebranded LG phone like the Prada phone, although looks more like a Nokia?!
