So far ... Harpham add yaself to the list if ya wanna join us too matey

Ps3 of course
(My PSN id is the same as my username on here, for those that havent got me on their friends list)
What time are you all going to be on?
Yes... Definately, although im going to be getting it on my xbox as I never play on it. Its just gathering dust.
Ive bought FIFA for PS3 and will be getting Black Ops on Xbox so that I kind of alternate which one I play on lol.
Harpham you sort your hack out?
I think so, it hasnt got the codes on screen or anything now. Just got the coloured custom class names. But if I go to change the class name, it has like a code at the start which im guessing determines which colour...
Cant remember exactly what it is but just for example its: <|1 (and the number changes for each colour)