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[PC/PS3/XBOX]Rage thread!

Unfortunately I made the mistake of buying this through steam just on the basis that it's made by the makers of Doom 3 which is what the adverts all boasted about.

However I read the review on Gamepsot and I've not even bothered to install it, I've demanded my money back through steam support, which I believe I am getting.

Might aswell put the money towards MW3 pre-order.

The funny thing is they've not only provided us with a mess of a game but when questioned about it they turn around and say "PC isn't our lead platform anymore".

MFAO, what a way to piss off pc gamers.

I'd probably skip mw3 while you're at it too, I can't imagine it's going to be any good after mw2/BO! Bf3 is the only contender for me ATM after playing the beta!
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
F**K it, i'm sure they'll sort it out soon enough, I've activated it in Steam now.
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
LOL! Even one of the Godfathers of PC gaming sees the PC for what it really is; a relic.


PC gaming is still the best form of gaming there is, no handheld controller can match the ease of use and precision of a keyboard and mouse and a game t hat has been designed for PC outshines consoles on graphics, unfortunately the world is full of paupers who can only afford to buy off the shelf consoles instead of gaming PC's.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
It's alright on mine, I'm getting quite a bit of screen-tearing and a hightened mouse sensitivity in menus, but apart from that it's ok (so far anyway)
  Monaro VXR
The only issues I have is constant crashing when entering a new area.

However graphically got it running fairly well now.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
LOL! Even one of the Godfathers of PC gaming sees the PC for what it really is; a relic.


Chris - come on - how can a PC be classed as a relic when the 360 hardware is circa 2004?

Seriously FLMAO at those Carmack comments he makes. What a complete prick. That 'interview' translates as nothing other than 'consoles are easier to cater for and have a bigger market share - so we'll be sticking with that'. People in that position and influence are quite frankly dangerous in preaching comments like that. They, more than anyone else should be pushing the envelope of what can be achieved - not simply sitting back and making do with what exists. f**king hell - reading what he says again, I'm amazed there was ever a Quake in the first place. Surely he should have been happy enough to stick with how Doom turned for the next decade and a half? After all, it sold s**tloads and became the flagship of a genre.

Kill the PC market off and you will see a downturn in what can be achieved with future consoles. I would put a years' salary on that statement. How many people on here - even those that detest PCs in all shapes and forms have seen a game on their m8's/cousins/brothers PC and said "it does look bloody good on that"? By their very nature, they are a functional piece of kit with no ceiling to what can be achieved with them. I could be the Sultan of Brunei, but if I wanted to play Forza on XBox Live with half of my family - I'd still be buying the same generic console that everyone else has got. There's no desire, no inspiration to better the kit that you have - simply sell cheap and stack 'em high. Where do you draw the line and push it further? At what point do you say we need an XBox 720 or 1440? Next week? Next month? In fecking 10 years time? Because lets face it, going off what Carmack says - there's no impetuous to get off your arse as a developer and aim for the next standard - the next barrier. Stick with what you've got and stick with what you know.

He's had to speak his mind at what is simply one of the biggest f**k-ups in recent game release history - and he's targeted the PC community as they are the faithful - the ones that will stick it out through thick and thin. Well f**k you Carmack. I would have LOVED to have seen the bulls**t you would have come up with if the console versions ran like dogs**t and the high-end PC version was as super-slick in action as a p**n-stars' dildo. What would you have said then? That their console hardware is too old? That it doesn't push the boundaries enough? Absolute arsewipe.

  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
Well it certainly needs some polishing and it's no Fallout, but I'm quite enjoying it actually.

My eyes are f**ked though from all the screen-tearing :(
  Monaro VXR
Carmacks comments seem a bit odd to me, He has stated that Doom4 will be using this engine and the PC version is going to be far superior in both graphical quality and that it will run much faster than on the consoles. Who will be stuck to 30FPS. It is fairly obvious that the PC version needs some sorting out, if they don't I can see many people not going near Doom4 right away. Which lets be honest is going to be a huge title when it hits the PC. The Doom series has always sold very well. This is just ruining it for themselves.

Market share also depends on the game put out. The BF games even those available on consoles as well, tend to sell just as many if not more on the PC. Which says a lot.

Well it certainly needs some polishing and it's no Fallout, but I'm quite enjoying it actually.

My eyes are f**ked though from all the screen-tearing :(

Force V Sync on in your driver control panel, what I had to do.
  Monaro VXR
Been looking around on the net for tweaks etc. Some of the following is direct from Bethesda and some from various people trying to get it working properly. We can expect a patch soon with more video options added and some other stability improvements as well though.

Just to give some of you especially the AMD guys some help.

New AMD Catalyst for rage is out 11.10 preview. Just about to try it myself.

Just found a few tweaks if anyone is after some help from the PC version.

Add these to your steam launch options.

Lauch Options: "+cvaradd g_fov 12 +set com_allowconsole 1 +set com_skipIntroVideo 1 +set image_anisotropy 16 +set image_usecompression 0 +set g_showplayershadow 1 +set m_smooth 0 +set mem_phymemblocksizem 3096 +r_swapInterval 1"

Now create a new text file called rageconfig.cfg. This needs to go in steam\steamapps\common\rage\base

Then add the following to it. Some of these require 1GB Vram minimum, so you have been warned, if you have less than set the 8192 to 4096.

vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 8192
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 8192
vt_pageimagesizeunique 8192
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 8192
fc_maxcachememoryMB 3096
vt_maxaniso 4
image_anisotropy 4
ik_enablesmoothing 0
image_usecompression 0
jobs_numthreads 4

Last one I have said about before. Create the following folder

Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\id Software\Rage

This will allow rage to now cache certain files, mostly textures there. Not done by default unfortunately. All those tweaks should make it looks prettier, increase the field of view and lower texture pop in while enabling higher quality textures.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Just received another patch. Looks better, but it's still unplayable. No way could I put a couple of hours into at the minute. Still, they are heading in the right direction to fix it, I guess?

Loved the text from Kotaku....... ;)

The idea from the start was a game that blurred the lines between how games looked on console and PC.

id Software's most famous games, actually all of its major games, were titles built on the computer first, then brought to consoles later.

But not with Rage. id Software's big genre-blending shooter was created using the company's new id Tech 5 technology, an engine designed to run across all platforms, console or PC, with the same assets.

But somehow the end result wasn't just a game that looked worse on one platform, it was a game that, at least for some, looked worse on the one platform id had for so long embraced: The computer.



Unfortunately everyone is favourig consoles over pcs, even Cryteks Crysis 2 was just a port, kinda shows the faith they have in the pc Market :(
I get that to get a decent pc requires a larger incetmebt than a console but they shouldn't ignore the pc users so much it's because of us the major fos titles even exist on consoles but I guess they realise this and are capitalising on this before it's too late!

For me, although drunk, it's just another console port and with today's games I really don't expect any more to be honest, let's face it they're in it to make money and the consoles provide the biggest income! As wrong ad it I'd :(
  Monaro VXR
Well all I can say is after doing those tweaks I listed above and using the new ATI driver I put up.

Its working brilliantly, I get very very minor texture pop in now. You really have to be looking for it basically.

Also been playing it since I posted that tweak. So over an hour and no crashing, even on the bits it crashed at every time before it has not crashed once yet. So I am quite happy now.

It is annoying I have to add so many tweaks to get it to run, but the fact is it works now. Been a while since I had to tweak a game to get it to run properly though, as in years.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Well all I can say is after doing those tweaks I listed above and using the new ATI driver I put up.

Its working brilliantly, I get very very minor texture pop in now. You really have to be looking for it basically.

Also been playing it since I posted that tweak. So over an hour and no crashing, even on the bits it crashed at every time before it has not crashed once yet. So I am quite happy now.

It is annoying I have to add so many tweaks to get it to run, but the fact is it works now. Been a while since I had to tweak a game to get it to run properly though, as in years.

I'm going to try what you suggested above m8.

Just a question with regards to the 1GB VRAM you mentioned. As the 4890's I've got have 1GB onboard each, I guess that would make little difference if I ran it in Crossfire or not? I'll be running it in Crossfire anyway, but if it was disabled, I guess it would be really struggling?

I am impressed that they are ploughing ahead with fixes for this. But in the same sense I find it quite shocking that within 48 hours of the game being unlocked, it's gone from crashing immediately, to being 90%+ playable from what you say. Why didn't they delay the release for two days - or a week, even? It's like releasing a new car to the general public and then forgetting that the engineers only put three wheels on it.

  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
This is f**king ridiculous. It plays the opening video fine and as soon as it loads the game it starts looping some sound over and over again and the game slows down to like 1 frame per 30 seconds or something stupid. It plays any further sounds fine. I just left it for 10 mins to see if it would sort itself out, it didn't.

Its almost like my computer can't handle it yet my rig plays any other game on max settings no problem so its not that, f**king thing.

I have an ATI card I think so i guess i'll try that fix but I don't hold out much hope.
  Monaro VXR
At the moment only running one of my 5870's so only have 1GB vram, had to chuck the other one into another machine and with those fixes I must have played a good 4.5 hours now. The only reason for the 1GB Vram is due to that config forcing it to use the big 8k high res textures rather than the 4k ones. However the 8k ones are working fine with my 5870. If I remember correctly a single 4980's is around 25% slower than the 5870. So imagine with them in crossfire they should run it very well.

Not a single issue in all that time. Only in something like wellspring that you get texture pop in but it seems to be much faster with loading. The new patch seems to have helped out a bit as well.

Just remember and force V Sync on in the CCC. If you do it by setting the parameter in game it just doesn't seem to work as well as forcing it in the driver. However it is added to the launch options anyway. Adding it in the CCC as well results in no tear.

The launch options if you don't know how to do it on steam, right click the game select properties then just copy and paste what I wrote before. Another one to add is

"+vt_maxPPF 16"

One of them also forces it to skip those annoying intro videos, so it will go straight to the press enter screen now.

The Field of view is also made slightly wider with that tweak seems to work better as it seemed a little off before anyway. Seems most people seem to increase it up to 90-95. That tweak I posted is 92 degrees. Basically the "+cvaradd g_fov 12" means it add 12 degrees to the default 80. So change that how you wish if you want it wider or narrower. It works well at 92 though what I have been using.

All I can say now is that the game runs smooth, you get the occasional point where it drops for a fraction of a second. However, for the most part it has been silky smooth for me. And no crashing, actually really enjoying the game now.
Last edited:
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
What do I need to do to stop the texture tearing? is it tearing when you turn and its like all blocky and then loads?

I finally got it working properly had to f**k about with the ATI profile.xml but it runs smooth now its just the texture issue i've got.
  Monaro VXR
Just do all the tweaks basically I posted. Do everything then tell me how it is for you. The textures being blocky is down to them being loaded, what the cache folder helps with I gave the tweak for that above. As well as a few others to help with that.

Screen tearing is when you turn or move quickly and the level geometry seems to not align properly for a split second. In Rage it is very noticeable right in the middle of the screen.

To turn it on go into the catalyst control centre. Then Gaming and then scroll down to where it says "Wait for vertical refresh. Move the slider so it is Always On.

However make sure you have updated to that latest driver first, so remove the current one completely uninstall all ATI software then install the new driver I provided the link for. As that has done some big fixes.
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
I've done all you suggested and some stuff I found on the steam forum, the main problem i've got now is almost like corrupt textures or textures not loading, there is black squares that appear then disappear loads and in some places there is textures that clearly aren't meant to be there.

I'm gutted because it looks so good but i'm not playing it like this it will ruin it :(./

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Great info on here from wozzaa. :cool:

I followed the first part of your instructions and I must admit, the game is playable now at least. Strangely enough (and even when it ran like complete crap before) - I don't recall seeing any screen tearing. My sole issue was with the textures.

As said, it's playable now - the occasional dodgy texture tile still appears, but I can overlook that. Makes me laugh how there was no default way to skip the intro avi. What a shower of s**theads!?!

Wozzaa - have you messed about with that RadeonPro utility before?

It effectively replaces the controls set by CCC and I managed to get some cracking results from it. I had it on my previous Windows installation, but haven't added it to this one yet.

  Monaro VXR
Just realised they have added new visual options in the game with the last patch. Most of it being what the tweaks I posted did but still, nice to know they are improving things. Least we can now turn on V Sync in game.

And Darren yes Mate, used radeon pro before. Mainly to get crossfire working though. Not got it on at the moment though as my 2nd GPU isn't in this system. Think I might got purchase a 560TI for my other system and get this one back to using a crossfire set up.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I still get a fair amount of texture issues in the big exterior environments, unfortunately. Indoors doesn't seem as bad - but on the quad-bike, the floor sometimes gets as bad as Michael Jackson's Billie Jean video.... :(

  Evo 8 MR
I seriously cannot be arsed trying to play buggy as f**k games like this, whether it be on console or PC.

My refund is on it's way to my steam wallet lol.

I agree with what you said previously though Darren.

I used to look forward to games that were designed solely for the PC and I would even update my hardware for it but these days all we seem to get is console ports which don't even scratch the surface of pushing pc hardware.
  Monaro VXR
See I wonder if the textures issues are maybe down to a corrupt download of the textures from steam.

I got a retail copy so came on 3 DVD's. No issues with textures like that in anyway. Might be worth forcing a recheck on your rage files in steam.


ClioSport Club Member
PC gaming is still the best form of gaming there is, no handheld controller can match the ease of use and precision of a keyboard and mouse and a game t hat has been designed for PC outshines consoles on graphics, unfortunately the world is full of paupers who can only afford to buy off the shelf consoles instead of gaming PC's.

Chris - come on - how can a PC be classed as a relic when the 360 hardware is circa 2004?

Seriously FLMAO at those Carmack comments he makes. What a complete prick. That 'interview' translates as nothing other than 'consoles are easier to cater for and have a bigger market share - so we'll be sticking with that'. People in that position and influence are quite frankly dangerous in preaching comments like that. They, more than anyone else should be pushing the envelope of what can be achieved - not simply sitting back and making do with what exists. f**king hell - reading what he says again, I'm amazed there was ever a Quake in the first place. Surely he should have been happy enough to stick with how Doom turned for the next decade and a half? After all, it sold s**tloads and became the flagship of a genre.

Kill the PC market off and you will see a downturn in what can be achieved with future consoles. I would put a years' salary on that statement. How many people on here - even those that detest PCs in all shapes and forms have seen a game on their m8's/cousins/brothers PC and said "it does look bloody good on that"? By their very nature, they are a functional piece of kit with no ceiling to what can be achieved with them. I could be the Sultan of Brunei, but if I wanted to play Forza on XBox Live with half of my family - I'd still be buying the same generic console that everyone else has got. There's no desire, no inspiration to better the kit that you have - simply sell cheap and stack 'em high. Where do you draw the line and push it further? At what point do you say we need an XBox 720 or 1440? Next week? Next month? In fecking 10 years time? Because lets face it, going off what Carmack says - there's no impetuous to get off your arse as a developer and aim for the next standard - the next barrier. Stick with what you've got and stick with what you know.

He's had to speak his mind at what is simply one of the biggest f**k-ups in recent game release history - and he's targeted the PC community as they are the faithful - the ones that will stick it out through thick and thin. Well f**k you Carmack. I would have LOVED to have seen the bulls**t you would have come up with if the console versions ran like dogs**t and the high-end PC version was as super-slick in action as a p**n-stars' dildo. What would you have said then? That their console hardware is too old? That it doesn't push the boundaries enough? Absolute arsewipe.


I feel bad about getting you both to bite. :eek:
  Goliath I
Been reading through the thread and I'm intrigued as to the amount of effort PC users need to do to get this game to a playable standard. Apart from the answer being 'Dont own a console' why do you guys go through so much effort to play it on the PC when a console copy is available in which no tinkering is needed?
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
It was only £25 on the PC, when they sort the issues out (which they pretty much have) it's so much better on the PC than any console.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Been reading through the thread and I'm intrigued as to the amount of effort PC users need to do to get this game to a playable standard. Apart from the answer being 'Dont own a console' why do you guys go through so much effort to play it on the PC when a console copy is available in which no tinkering is needed?

The simple answer? Because we can. :)

That's the difference between consolers and PC people. Consolers just want to press a button and away you go. No hassle, no messing, no updates, etc. PC people like to mess and change things to how they want them or not want - as the case maybe. There is also the clear issue that Rage has been an atomic-explosion-scale fcuk-up on release for the PC platform. Occasional glitches are accepted. But when a game doesn't even start - that's simply taking the piss.

The final part is that any FPS is monumentally more controllable and precise with keyboard and mouse. I would go as far as to say that I would use my 360 a whole lot more if I could plug in and use this Logitech pairing of keyboard and mouse. Gamepads are just too clumsy and inaccurate for me.

  Goliath I
Fair points.

It is a shame that consoles aren't adapted to support mouse and keyboard. They seem to have overlooked what hardcore gamers really want and jumped on the conventional family bandwagon with advances such as Move etc...

If consoles adapted a mouse they could easily expand they're catalogue and even pull in some hardcore pc gamers ;) but thats another thread... (Red Alert FTW)
  Monaro VXR
Simple reason for the PC over Console.

Better graphics
Better controls
Generally gameplay is faster on a PC as well.

Then there is the biggie, mods. The PC Platform thrives on player created content in many cases.

Some games just lend themselves to the PC platform. FPS and RTS games I can't play on console and enjoy them as much. I have tried, just not anywhere near as good.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Fair points.

It is a shame that consoles aren't adapted to support mouse and keyboard. They seem to have overlooked what hardcore gamers really want and jumped on the conventional family bandwagon with advances such as Move etc...

If consoles adapted a mouse they could easily expand they're catalogue and even pull in some hardcore pc gamers ;) but thats another thread... (Red Alert FTW)

I agree. But I bet the hardcore consolers would shun a K&M! :)

Simple reason for the PC over Console.

Better graphics
Better controls
Generally gameplay is faster on a PC as well.

Then there is the biggie, mods. The PC Platform thrives on player created content in many cases.

Some games just lend themselves to the PC platform. FPS and RTS games I can't play on console and enjoy them as much. I have tried, just not anywhere near as good.

Definitely. One could argue that Battlefield 2 and the games after that, simply wouldn't have existed without the free mod on Battlefield 1942 that was Desert Combat. DICE and EA ended up acquiring Trauma Studios after they did such a good job with DC.

A lot of mods are merely average at best. But some are truly epic - worthy of a general commercial release in their own right.

I agree. But I bet the hardcore consolers would shun a K&M! :)

Definitely. One could argue that Battlefield 2 and the games after that, simply wouldn't have existed without the free mod on Battlefield 1942 that was Desert Combat. DICE and EA ended up acquiring Trauma Studios after they did such a good job with DC.

A lot of mods are merely average at best. But some are truly epic - worthy of a general commercial release in their own right.


Desert Combat is STILL the best mod i've ever played and still the best part of the BF series tbh :D (Y) (the most i enjoyed)

Chris V6 255

ClioSport Club Member
  V6 255, 182 Trophy
Really enjoyed this game, finished it earlier today. Picked it up from ASDA for 33 quid & HMV are offering trade in value of £33.
One weeks worth of free gaming & its gettin traded in for FORZA 4 tomorrow....... Happy Days :)
  Monaro VXR
Some of the fallout 3 mods were really good as well. Basically changed the gameplay to make it more difficult and lots of new areas to explore as well as new weapons and them having different ammo. Which made it a bit more difficult.

You could no longer carry 3 guns that all used the same ammo. Also had new models, and various other tweeks.

Some of the new vegas mods are good too. Like making a hardcore mode that is actually difficult. As the standard hardcore mode sounded better than it actually was. I mean the player could go for days without feeling tired or thirsty or hungry.
  Not a 320d
What the f**k is this s**t.

Im sick of modern games using an EA style FOV, basically gives me a f**king headache.

Why do the textures seem to take time to load when i look round.........

Also, what do I do, ive basically closed the game down after killing the first load of bandits. Just seems so s**t. All the enemies seem to have the same animation sequence. The sound is piss poor, the graphics is that of a game from 2005 FFS. I can go on......What was all the f**king hype about????
