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PC vs Consoles Official Thread

Purchased Bad Company 2, and on the PC its miles ahead in terms of game play and useability. It's actually a good game.
Also have Bioshock 2 to install whenever.


ClioSport Club Member
Sure, PC's will always have the upper hand in terms of specification and flexibility... and thus be able to provide a higher fidelity gaming experience. But thank goodness console games sell so much better (and in significantly higher volumes) consequently funding developers and allowing them to further push the boundaries of what's possible on our boxes of electrickery... :D

Pad? Keyboard and mouse? No competition. I have l33t skillz in both. LOL!
Sure, PC's will always have the upper hand in terms of specification and flexibility... and thus be able to provide a higher fidelity gaming experience. But thank goodness console games sell so much better (and in significantly higher volumes) consequently funding developers and allowing them to further push the boundaries of what's possible on our boxes of electrickery... :D

Pad? Keyboard and mouse? No competition. I have l33t skillz in both. LOL!

Yeah look what consoles have done for Crysis.


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah look what consoles have done for Crysis.

Yeah - which is kind of my point, Roy. Most dev's are now leading their multi-platform games on consoles because they generate more money through console game sales. This is no bad thing as money is money and will be used to push the envelope further on game tech across all major platforms (assuming enough money gets back to those people). Just to make clear here - I'm not bashing PC's; I'm an avid PC gamer and console gamer - I just thought it was worth a mention. :D

Iain C

ClioSport Club Member
I gave up playing games on pcs after my £1500 486 became too slow too run games. Iirc 6 months after i got it.
You end up having to buy a monster gaming pc and keep upgrading it if you want to play anything new.
Bang in a disc/cart and press start. Life if to short to download direct x 4566

Pc games are for people that need to get out more.
  Monaro VXR
I gave up playing games on pcs after my £1500 486 became too slow too run games. Iirc 6 months after i got it.
You end up having to buy a monster gaming pc and keep upgrading it if you want to play anything new.
Bang in a disc/cart and press start. Life if to short to download direct x 4566

Pc games are for people that need to get out more.

Things have changed a bit since the 486 era lol. What a load of rubbish. In the amount of time DX has been around we are on version 11. The updates are done automtically with new game installs or through windows updates.

You really don't need to upgrade PC's no more like you used to. A PC from 5 years ago will run the newer games at a similar level to consols can. The thing is PC gamers tend to push for higher resolutions and all the eye candy turned on.

I know my 4yr old system with a new £200 gpu will easily run anything I throw at it. With the high detail settings picked and at 1920x1200. The old GPU would play game quite hppily at console quality.

Obvious when people have not gamed on a PC in a long time, alwyas the upgrade argument which doesn't even exist no more.
Indeed. It simply isn't the case anymore that you need the pinnacle of cutting edge tech to play the latest games. The irony being that this is largely due to the unwashed masses and their infatuation with Call of Duty. Even when it was the case, it was because the games were advancing so fast, which they now aren't. Again, thanks to the unwashed masses.

I'm going to rebuild my PC in a couple of months. The main aim will be to run the likes of Crysis (the original, not the watered down console game) in 2560x1600 on ultra-uber-maximum at 60fps. I don't need it to play Fail of Duty 12. Gimps.

Yeah - which is kind of my point, Roy. Most dev's are now leading their multi-platform games on consoles because they generate more money through console game sales.

Yeah I am aware of this, but they're not pushing tech as you put it. They're holding it back. Even sticking with rasterisation, we both know that graphics engines could be delivering a lot more than they are now. The 'tech' has stagnated in order for it to remain playable on BillyBob's £100 console. In some ways this is good, I won't argue that, but pushing tech? FLOL pull the other one mate. It's got bells on.
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Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I gave up playing games on pcs after my £1500 486 became too slow too run games. Iirc 6 months after i got it.
You end up having to buy a monster gaming pc and keep upgrading it if you want to play anything new.
Bang in a disc/cart and press start. Life if to short to download direct x 4566

Pc games are for people that need to get out more.

Flol - yep, I was thinking the same.

These people that go out and spend hundreds of £K on hypercars that will trounce any other car on a surface resembling tarmac, need to get out more too. What's the point in cracking 230mph+ when the typical speed-limit set by the restrictive gimps is a mere 70mph? :rolleyes:

  Mito Sportiva 135
The ironic thing is one of the main reasons Crysis 2 was more targetting consoles over PCs was because the original got so all these people saying how great it is playing on expensive machines didn't pay for the game. Financial reality is developers will make games which will get most money.

Don't anger Darren though, he will bite! :)
Firstly, that isn't irony.

Secondly, some people, believe it or not, do pay for their PC games.

Thirdly, we all know why games are increasingly being coded almost exclusively for the lowest common denominator. It doesn't make the end result any less annoying. Console monkeys crack me up. They can't afford a gaming PC so they take the piss out of those who choose to spend their money on one. Units would do well to remember where their precious (stuck in 2004) Call of Duty 12 originated from.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Roy, you sound very angry. It's a game mate. I play them and enjoy them, I don't think console take the pi$$ of PC gamers, and it's not we can't afford high end PCs (well personally anyway) just seems bad value for money, to me anyway.

It is irony though in that only high end PCs could run the first Crysis (which are expensive) - but then many people didn't fork out the £30 or whatever for the game. Obviously SOME people pay for the games, but a large proportion don't. That was my point...

I used to play PC for gaming and still love them for RTS games - so don't make rash generalisations as if people who play on consoles are a lower class of people not investing millions into gaming hardware please.
No. Not angry at all. Just stating a fact. It's annoying for those of us who are into PC gaming. It's not something to be brushed aside as though it doesn't matter, just because it doesn't matter to you and Billybob.
  Mito Sportiva 135
I never said it didn't matter mate! Just saying there are reasons why Crysis is probably a good example of the way gaming is going in general - which is obviously a shame for those interested in PC gaming.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
The ironic thing is one of the main reasons Crysis 2 was more targetting consoles over PCs was because the original got so all these people saying how great it is playing on expensive machines didn't pay for the game. Financial reality is developers will make games which will get most money.

Don't anger Darren though, he will bite! :)

I see what you're saying, but probably 98% of the stuff I play and use on the PC I do actually buy.

The 360 Bookend however. Connect to XBox Live? Erm, I don't think so. ;) The other fact with the consoles - certainly the 360 anyway - is that they are so damn cheap these days, people can afford to have two or more. I know several people at work who have a legit 360 for the ten games or so they play on XBL. Then they have a hacked console with triple that amount of games that they've downloaded off the net.

Piracy's everywhere on every platform.

^Very true

Also on this issue of price. With the amount of replacement 360's people buy due to the RROD issue you might as well have bought a decent spec PC to begin with :rasp:

Iain C

ClioSport Club Member
Cant consoles just be pushed harder to give better looking games? The megadrive was always pushed to keep with the snes.
I have no interest in pcs. Ive owned 2 in my life. A 486 and a laptop i sold after 2 weeks cos i hated xp.
I think consoles have made gaming acceptable. If it wasnt for them gaming would still be look apon as a staple past time of the geek who sits on their own in a darkened room cos they dont like the real world.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Cant consoles just be pushed harder to give better looking games? The megadrive was always pushed to keep with the snes.
I have no interest in pcs. Ive owned 2 in my life. A 486 and a laptop i sold after 2 weeks cos i hated xp.
I think consoles have made gaming acceptable. If it wasnt for them gaming would still be look apon as a staple past time of the geek who sits on their own in a darkened room cos they dont like the real world.

Trolling - I like it. You do have some 'interesting' views, I have to say....

  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
Roy, you sound very angry. It's a game mate. I play them and enjoy them, I don't think console take the pi$$ of PC gamers, and it's not we can't afford high end PCs (well personally anyway) just seems bad value for money, to me anyway.

It is irony though in that only high end PCs could run the first Crysis (which are expensive) - but then many people didn't fork out the £30 or whatever for the game. Obviously SOME people pay for the games, but a large proportion don't. That was my point...

I used to play PC for gaming and still love them for RTS games - so don't make rash generalisations as if people who play on consoles are a lower class of people not investing millions into gaming hardware please.

PC's don't just play games. They're hardly bad value for money.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
sorry ill try harder.
Im not trolling. I did programming and IT studies for a few years and i think thats why i hate PCs so much.
Because ive studied with Pc types i know what they are like. Kinda puts me off.
Is that trolling?

Hmmm. Maybe. I think 'sweeping statement' or 'tarring everyone with the same brush' might be a little better. Does seem a little extreme however. A bit like the dodgy curry I had back in 1996 having put me off takeaways for life?

Just put in a sneaky order tonight Roy, should be here tuesday.

Intel i5 2500k
Asus P8P67 Pro
4GB Corsair XMS PC12800
Corsair A50 cooler

Just need to settle on a graphics card, most likely being a 2GB 6950, then flash it to a 6970 :)

Then go for that magic 5Ghz mark!


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah I am aware of this, but they're not pushing tech as you put it. They're holding it back. Even sticking with rasterisation, we both know that graphics engines could be delivering a lot more than they are now. The 'tech' has stagnated in order for it to remain playable on BillyBob's £100 console. In some ways this is good, I won't argue that, but pushing tech? FLOL pull the other one mate. It's got bells on.

I think we have crossed wires somewhere... my point being that revenue generated through games sales is being used to push tech on all platforms. The technology is not being held back in any way. The PC tech is significantly more advanced than console tech but it IS still being done. But - and I think this is the point you are making - the latest and greatest technology (be it graphics, physics, audio or whatever) isn't filtering through into the PC games being released at the moment and I can fully agree with /appreciate that. My apologies if I'm still missing your point... LOL!

As an example, Rein (Epic) is looking to coerce console makers into bringing in [early] their next generation of consoles - linky here. This story rings true across many of the bigger game dev's (although Epic are probably the only ones to have gone public with it at the moment). I'm as annoyed as anyone that the best is not perhaps being made of my gaming rig but I'm not so fussed as I also love my console gaming. At the end of the day I'm a games player and that is more important to me than having a title that even begins to stress my hardware (whether that be PC or console).
  Evo 5 RS
the PS3 version has a lower frame rate because all games as a requirement must run with at least 4x FSAA, where as 360 is 2x? (sampling which reduces jagged edges on objects etc) I might be wrong.

The problem with consoles isn't the bandwidth or memory bandwidth directly, they're still really hefty units even by today standards pretty much. The main problem is capacity. If you imagine the Xbox with it's DVD media, that disc is always going to be limited to the rough 7gb. So within that 7gb you need to have absolutely everything.

So they're condensing what should be a largely open game like the original onto this one disc - all that information needs to be readily available to the console - so it's streaming constantly whilst loading what it can into the limited 512mb DRAM that the 360 has - which in today's standards is utter tripe. This shows massively in Crysis 2 because unlike the original, you can blatantly see you are boxed into that one environment with the clever use of a nice sky box.

Now for the price difference of what an Xbox 360 will cost you and a decent gaming rig you might think "f**k it, £200 and I can play it" and tbh I do agree, because in this case it's largely the same on all 3 platforms. Though look at it this way, you're basically paying £30 of your hard earned dosh to play a 5 year old game? Not so much of a bargain
  57 Clio Campus Sport
Xbox 360 gets my vote. Why is there not a poll on this thread?

Anyway, Xbox, affordable, easy to use gaming, awesome pad, Forza.

Unless you get a geek-fuelled erection about all the bullshit jargon and like seeing how high a geek score your latest 'rig' can get. In that case, it's PC for you.

Also, why no mention of Macs?
