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[PC/XB360/PS3] The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
The bugs are part of the fun in a Bethesda game! :)

So annoying, started doing a companion quest and my companion Mercurio has left me now as someone else has joined me for this particular mission. Do companions come back after missions, or will they go back to where you originally met them? Mercurio had loads of valuable gear on him!!!

They keep what they have on them. He'll be back in Riften.

The followers really are stupid at times. I was in a cave with Marcurio for about an hour the other day, practically getting raped even though I'm pretty high level. Finally got out and he says, "Wow, a cave. You think we should check it out?"

What, again? We've just this second exited it you dumb f*cker. Don't you remember the necromancers firing electricity bolts up your arse? It's not something you tend to forget.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Do they all go back to Riften then Scutch, or was that where he came from (I literally have no idea where I pick up these men.... :) )

Yes some of the speech loops start to grate after 50+ hours, e.g. "we sell the finest weapons and armour" - NO YOU DON'T IT IS THE SAME PAP THE MERCHANT DOWN THE ROAD SELLS!!!! Arrow to the knee though seems to be almost a cult line already though, I have seen it mentioned all over the web!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Yes Marcurio is Riften.

But they return to where you find them. Except Lydia who returns to your home if you have one as she's your housecarl in Whiterun.

Tip : You can have 3 followers at one time by getting to the main quest Alduin's Wall. Meet Delphine and Esbern at Karthspire but don't venture on to the Sky Haven Temple. They will follow you everywhere you go and are invincible too. Obvious downsides are XP reduction and they can tend to get in the way. Delphine will also attack you should you do any evil deeds. Still, they're pretty good to have along the way and you can make them wait away from what you're doing before going back and getting them to tag along again.
  Octy VRS
I wish they'd hang out in your house like in Fallout NV. Boone was always in the toilet for some reason.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Ok nice one! In my game, sadly Lydia died...didn't realise you could kill your own allies, she bore the brunt of my fire! It's ok though, still don't have a house so nowhere for mine to cotch! Can you get themes for it like you could do in Fallout 3?
  Mito Sportiva 135
Yeh got my new pad in Whiterun, then subsequently spent however much it is (1k-2k?) on deccing it out. Bit of a waste of money though and makes me wonder on the future of DLCs in these games, Sims style decoration packs, or base development mods?!

I would quite like to see a sort of RPG come Siege defence game where you have a base / castle and make changes to it which have non-superficial effects. For example in Mass Effect 2 you upgrade your ship and has an affect on the final suicide mission. Buying a house in Skyrim seems a bit pony in comparison.
Having a gaff is not essential but it's damned handy. I had boatloads of smithing and alchemy materials that were far too heavy to lug around. Same with various weapons, armour and shields that I thought might come in handy for various encounters but didn't need right away.

The additions to the house are not purely cosmetic either. With no additions you have 1 chest to store things in in the Whiterun house. Buy the lot and you have several cupboards, a chest, weapon rack and apothecary satchel. Helps keep s**t organised. Plus you get an alchemy table. In the Solitude house you get an enchantment table as well as an alchemy one.

Plus they add cool little things like mannekins (sp?) for your armour and mounting points on the walls for weapons. One of the houses (Winterhold I think, could be wrong) has an entire armoury room where you can display shitloads of armour and weapons. Not essential but kinda cool.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
The DLC is apparently HUGE and could open up another land but still no confirmed date on release.
  Mito Sportiva 135
The one in Whiterun is a bit naff, but was the cheapest one (5k) and right near the armoury. Might buy another one later on then as I guess for storeage it is quite good, although I like to keep a fairly lean inventory in these games.

Got the perks so atronachs have double power and is pretty decent. Not done any perk levelling in things like lockpick or speech though, just concentrated on combat until now really!
The DLC is apparently HUGE and could open up another land but still no confirmed date on release.

I'm hoping for some badass enemies. If folks are rolling into this new area with level 50+ characters they're gonna need to be.

I'm gonna have to finish buffing my original character in preparation.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Its annoying to know what character to have.

Im a Nord and I want to specialise in magic, Im thinking I should have a second game where I am a Thief/Mage "specialist" and just keep this one as my general whazzing around doing what-ever the fcuk I like.
  Mito Sportiva 135
You can still be a Nord and have heavy magic though...apart from the different unique abilities, through levelling you can make the character you want. I started as a high elf but have since trained him in heavy armour and one handed weapons, and mostlye roll with either restoration, conjuration or destruction on my "spare" hand.
  Bumder With A Buffer
A stealthy nord but good with magic does sound good.

I've killed quite a few random people so far just for the lulz so I may well start out again to be honest.
  Mito Sportiva 135
I don't like stealth....I like heavy / destructive / tank types. Me + companion + double atronachs = uber power!
  Bumder With A Buffer
I'm not usually a fan but I like the idea. I sound similar to you. Currently wandering around up in winterhold. Have done naff all of the quests so far :eek:


ClioSport Club Member
I've gone back to my original character now because the second one (Lv76) made things too easy. lol.

It's much more satisfying playing it on the hardest setting too. You can't simply slash your way through everything.
  Evo 5 RS
I've gone back to my original character now because the second one (Lv76) made things too easy. lol.

It's much more satisfying playing it on the hardest setting too. You can't simply slash your way through everything.

Played on hardest since the game came out, lowering it makes it seem soooo easy!

Dark Brotherhood is pretty ace
  Bumder With A Buffer
Speaking of Dark Bortherhood I spent 4 hours last night on this, I had an Assassin try and kill me last night with a note from the Dark Brotherhood to take me out?? :S

Went up to Winterhold and did the Saarthal quest. Then decided to do Shalidors Insights. Made my way over to there, Came across some weird lighthouse with noises coming from the basement which freaked me out as I was using my headphones :eek: (Frostflow Lighthouse??) edit just read up on that...seems I missed where the key was..doh.

Then came across some Dwarven Spiders, couldn't do much there as a gate was locked :(

Next place I came to was some Refugee camp , went inside there (Driftshade Refugee??) and again got so far and couldnt go any further :(

Decided to go up and over the mountain, came to Wayward Pass and just as I got there a bloody Snow Bear comes up, takes out lydia, turns and swipes me dead :( arseholes.

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
I went to sleep in a bed and the dark brotherhood kidnapped me and made me kill someone. LOL! This was off the back of that quest of killing that teacher for that boy
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Yeah you get a note when you kill the teacher and then you have to sleep in-game to activate the DB quests.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Yeah you can kill her or kill the hostages. Obviously killing her opens up another quest line but you then can't complete any of the DB quests.
I killed all three of the hostages. Just show em I meant business.

It's the way I roll.

It's worth doing the Brotherhood missions just for the horse IMO. I don't recall getting much else out of it other than the fun of butchering innocents, in the middle of a city, in broad daylight.
Yeah my "immortal" horse was f*cked over by a Troll while I was in a cave.

Yeah mine got clusterfucked by a whole horde of Forsworn. Generally though it's quite hard to get Shadowmere killed. He's fairly hardy. Not 100% either but he seems to be able to sprint for much longer too.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Lydia got killed last night by a Chaurus :( She had a lot of my stuff too. I think I might reload from a save just before she died and tell her to wait there.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Is it me or is the combat difficulty awfully inconsistent in this game? I have been playing on adept level most the time so far which is challenging in places but still ok, the game is long enough without each battle taking half an hour.

Anyway, I find that things like frost trolls and dragons and giants I can take down without too much fuss - but then in seemingly trivial battles "standard" enemies can be extremely hard. Last night for example I entered a fort and inside were 3 mages (electric, fire and ice I think) and each was insanely hard. In the end I had to take the difficulty down as it was really tricky, close quarters and each attacking simultaneously.

An annoying glitch also on some doors, making you unlock them when they should just open, then you get inside and a guard arrests you. Very frustrating.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Is it me or is the combat difficulty awfully inconsistent in this game? I have been playing on adept level most the time so far which is challenging in places but still ok, the game is long enough without each battle taking half an hour.

Anyway, I find that things like frost trolls and dragons and giants I can take down without too much fuss - but then in seemingly trivial battles "standard" enemies can be extremely hard. Last night for example I entered a fort and inside were 3 mages (electric, fire and ice I think) and each was insanely hard. In the end I had to take the difficulty down as it was really tricky, close quarters and each attacking simultaneously.

An annoying glitch also on some doors, making you unlock them when they should just open, then you get inside and a guard arrests you. Very frustrating.

The bottom one is my pet hate :(

I came across some ice mages etc last night on my way to Windhelm and I suspect they are casting protection spells or similar as they were a bit hard to kill to start with??
  Octy VRS
I found similar the other night with an ice mage. That's where whirlwind sprint comes in handy, coupled with Molag Bal.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Yeh maybe, thing is though with 3 of them on me each with a different type of magic, I didn't have a good enough defence or offensive really, so ended up just tearing them apart with my sword but only after lowering the difficulty. Annoying thing was there wasn't even anything good in the fort anyway so was a bit of a non-event.

Still got soooo many places to explore and missions to complete (even in places I have been). Explored quite a lot of the Eastern regions but hardly been West at all. Is there a skill or map which reveals all locations as in Fallout 3?

Been using clairvoyance a lot though, sorts you right out!
