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[PC/Xbox360/PS3] Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Official Thread

  Mito Sportiva 135
Darren...UAV is used for scouting and comes with a missile (takes about 30 secs to reload). If you have alt weapons you also get a machine gun, but it's good with smoke as you can create decent cover around the MComs. Me and my friend load it with 6 C4s and fly it into the base and explode it (Rush mode) you can get 400 points I think + 250 if it explodes + any kills you get. Good times.

I would level up ALL classes - it doesn't take that long (think I'd done all of them by level 20) as it gives you a lot more versatility. I would say Rush is easily the best mode though, Conquest can be a bit repetitive.

It's really good playing with a friend (or more than one) as if you have a squad with a medic, recon, assault and engineer you can have the medic giving you health, assault ammo and recon using motion sensors (which are massively underrated!)

Great, great game though!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Darren...UAV is used for scouting and comes with a missile (takes about 30 secs to reload). If you have alt weapons you also get a machine gun, but it's good with smoke as you can create decent cover around the MComs. Me and my friend load it with 6 C4s and fly it into the base and explode it (Rush mode) you can get 400 points I think + 250 if it explodes + any kills you get. Good times.

I would level up ALL classes - it doesn't take that long (think I'd done all of them by level 20) as it gives you a lot more versatility. I would say Rush is easily the best mode though, Conquest can be a bit repetitive.

It's really good playing with a friend (or more than one) as if you have a squad with a medic, recon, assault and engineer you can have the medic giving you health, assault ammo and recon using motion sensors (which are massively underrated!)

Great, great game though!

Motion sensors aren't that good on Hardcore mode as there's no map, but you do still hear the beeping.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Ha yeh HC mode exempt!!!

Do you really prefer Conquest though Scutchio? Add me mate don't think I have you on my friends list:

Brando M83 :cool:
  S3, Polo
Enemies appear on your mini-map when you hit the 'Start' button (in HC mode).

I'm currently rocking the ENGINEER class + Avtomat + Dart gun + RPG + EXP upgrade + Magnum Ammo. Great for taking out ANYTHING on Atacama Desert!

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Haha yeah, Engineer on Atacama desert rules. Land mines can score you massive points on that map, and also Laguna Alta.
  1.8 Civic EX
Conquest > Rush for me :)

+1 there

Rush just seems to be, well basically a rush lol. too many people just rusing about and so concentraed on one area (the particular station). It's like trying to punch through a brick wall.

Conquest for me seems better, more spread out, more tactical, less of a panic feel to it.
  Mito Sportiva 135

You can get like 1000 points just for spotting with a recon and 12x scope too...oh how work gets in the way of my "real" job!

Nearly up to k/d ratio of 1 after my horrendous bout of "kamikaze" style deaths at the beginning of my foray in the game, can last a fair while now!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Yeah my K/D ratio started out abysmal, but then I went to Recon and managed to swing it around. I'm now back into more deaths than kills after going to Engineer and Assualt class. It's more fun, mind :cool:
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Takes 12 lots of C4 with expolsive damage upgrade on to blow up a station for those who care.

GOOD way of taking them out in an emergency or if you just fancy it.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Me and my friend are pretty sad, we will sometimes just commit suicide to replenish our's worth it though (kind of!)
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
If you are assault class and use a weapon such as the G3, any shotgun or M1, you get C4 instead of a grenade or smoke launcher attachment. Now, that's pretty neat, but add to that you can resupply your own ammo... ;)

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Ye-hes - get in. :cool:

That desert map is superb. Spent the last couple of games piloting a tank and being backed up by two good players in the gunship. The going was good for a while, until a few new players joined on the other side. Those feckers knew how to use AT kit!

Excellent game so far. Managed to crack Lvl 4 and I'm in the black regarding K/D ratio - 1.08, so only just! ;)

  S3, Polo
Any of you lot tried 'Onslaught'?

Spent waaaaaaaaay too long on this last night. Surprise surprise - a new mode makes old maps fresh! Great ploy DICE have come up with!
  Mito Sportiva 135
Randomly was playing Rush last night and a new map came up (well new mode to Rush anyway!) set in the snow, recognise it from where you are battling through a snowy village.

Was this from the patch / map pack v4? If so it's weird how this is the first time I played it on Rush seeing as I've played it so much since then?!? Not complaining though, it's not bad!
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Yeah i have onslaught, played them all through on HC a few times and i'll prob never play them again haha.

Cool for a day but not worth the money.

Wish i wasnt so bloody skint, not played in aaaaages
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Randomly was playing Rush last night and a new map came up (well new mode to Rush anyway!) set in the snow, recognise it from where you are battling through a snowy village.

Was this from the patch / map pack v4? If so it's weird how this is the first time I played it on Rush seeing as I've played it so much since then?!? Not complaining though, it's not bad!

Map Pack #5, mate. It's White Pass. Pretty decent map, actually. Conquest got Nelson Bay, another snowy map :cool:

That's quite a few now for Conquest :

White Pass
Nelson Bay
Laguna Presa
Laguna Alta
Atacama Desert
Arica Harbor
Panama Canal
Port Valdez

Loads of choice. Really great game.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Map Pack 5...when was this out?! I don't remember even DL it?! I pity my 20GB hard disk, I really do!

Last night after suggested rolled with Assault and C4 with ammo replenish....amazing!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Map Pack 5...when was this out?! I don't remember even DL it?! I pity my 20GB hard disk, I really do!

Last night after suggested rolled with Assault and C4 with ammo replenish....amazing!

Map Pack #5 is automatically downloaded if you're a VIP'er. It was released last week :cool:

What gun did you rock with using the C4? I tried the G3 but was unimpressed that it had no 4x zoom or even red dot, so went back to the M16 SA and Grenade Launcher attachment :(
  Mito Sportiva 135
I was using G3, but probably prefer the optional rifles like W2 Garand and the one above the G3 (can't remember off the top of my head).

G3 is OK but to be effective you need either ammo upgrade or ammo replenish (Assault) with magnum ammo, I can get by fine without the red dot though - and it's not THAT accurate anyway so you should only use it for short and medium distances anyway.

What shotgun and attachments do you use? I find them all pretty rubbish in general, not enough range and take too long to reload.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Yeah they do take a while to reload. I usually use the grenade launcher, but I've seen a few folk using the smoke launcher with excellent results.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
What's the score with the pistols, guys? I've been capped a fair few times with recon guys and their pistols. I take it that they get some decent unlocks for them later on?

Still loving the vehicle-side of it so far - the main battle tanks in particular. It's such a force multiplier when used correctly and a complete liability when used wrong. I do think however that the vehicles should have some form of ammo count. Iirc, the ones in BF2 had about 30 rounds for the main gun before needing a resupply. I think this would add far more tactical thought into using the tanks effectively. At one point on Atacama, I was simply using my tank as an indirect artillery piece - demolishing buildings at range that on the previous game rounds had housed enemy snipers and AT crews. Aside from the occasional strafe by a gunship, nothing could really touch me.

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I'm not prolific with any pistols, but yeah I've also had my arse handed to me a few times by Recon's with one shot from the pistols. Very annoying, at times. It takes me like 4 or 5 burst shots to even hit the enemy, sometimes! :clown:
  Mito Sportiva 135
Pistols are good, but to be honest most people only use them in close quarters - I'd prefe an assault rifle though, put it that way. No way as unbalanaced as some secondary weapons on MW2 though (dual shotguns which kill from halfway across the level, anyone?) I use the machine pistol now though which is quite cool.

Darren personally I don't think tanks are unbalanced as there are so many ways to kill them - Mortars, C4, mines, rockets, UAVs, choppers and other tanks! Not to mention tracer darts for vehicle lock-ons. Their armour isn't that tough either, I often use vehicle armour these days to give you that extra 10%. They are good for APC use too as some types hold 4 people.

The Bataca tank (spelling) is also cool - AWESOME against infantry with a gunner sitting on top, but they are very vulnerable. I think the vehicles are all balanced, like anything works well in the right hands, but equally can be stopped by someone who knows what they are doing.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Pistols are good, but to be honest most people only use them in close quarters - I'd prefe an assault rifle though, put it that way. No way as unbalanaced as some secondary weapons on MW2 though (dual shotguns which kill from halfway across the level, anyone?) I use the machine pistol now though which is quite cool.

Darren personally I don't think tanks are unbalanced as there are so many ways to kill them - Mortars, C4, mines, rockets, UAVs, choppers and other tanks! Not to mention tracer darts for vehicle lock-ons. Their armour isn't that tough either, I often use vehicle armour these days to give you that extra 10%. They are good for APC use too as some types hold 4 people.

The Bataca tank (spelling) is also cool - AWESOME against infantry with a gunner sitting on top, but they are very vulnerable. I think the vehicles are all balanced, like anything works well in the right hands, but equally can be stopped by someone who knows what they are doing.

The pistols are over powered, certainly distance wise. If you aim with a sniper rifle and pick off a target on the other side of the map, make a hit but it doesn't kill, you can quickly switch to the pistol and automatically fire (as it should still have the same target in sight) and you could easily get a kill. Same applies in just eyeing up the target on the 12x scope, switching to the pistol, aiming again at the exact same place and firing. Headshot with the pistol :cool:

Yeah they've got the physics and damage model of the tanks spot on, too. Hit them from an angle and it won't be as damaging, but slap a rocket directly up their arse or side on and it increases the damage massively. There are so many ways to take them down, too. A land mine has the potential to take out a tank in one go. But quite often they have increased armour perk, so it will take two mines. You'll get the 30 point damage bonus, and then if it's destroyed, another 100 points, plus points for killing however many men are in it. Compare that to the Carl Gustav or RPG, and it takes more than 2 direct hits, usually, and by that time the driver or the gunner is onto where the fire is coming from and can take you out before you get the killer shot away. That's why land mines and mortar strikes are more beneficial - the mines certainly as you can lay them then continue on across the map and pick up points up to 10 minutes later from a hit that you'd forgotten about. With the mortar the tank driver can get away by simply reversing or driving forwards out of the way of the mortar fire. But it does usually take them out before they get a chance to. One of the worst things to do if you're in a tank with mortar fire is get out and try to run. You'll more often than not be hit in the strike.

As for the C4, can you lay it on the road and as soon as a vehicle drives over it, it will trigger it off? Or do you have to be in the area to pull the trigger on the detonator?
  Mito Sportiva 135
^ You've got to set the C4 off I believe, the only time it would go off if something crashed into it or it was shot at - that's my understanding anyway!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Pistols are good, but to be honest most people only use them in close quarters - I'd prefe an assault rifle though, put it that way. No way as unbalanaced as some secondary weapons on MW2 though (dual shotguns which kill from halfway across the level, anyone?) I use the machine pistol now though which is quite cool.

Darren personally I don't think tanks are unbalanced as there are so many ways to kill them - Mortars, C4, mines, rockets, UAVs, choppers and other tanks! Not to mention tracer darts for vehicle lock-ons. Their armour isn't that tough either, I often use vehicle armour these days to give you that extra 10%. They are good for APC use too as some types hold 4 people.

The Bataca tank (spelling) is also cool - AWESOME against infantry with a gunner sitting on top, but they are very vulnerable. I think the vehicles are all balanced, like anything works well in the right hands, but equally can be stopped by someone who knows what they are doing.

The pistols are over powered, certainly distance wise. If you aim with a sniper rifle and pick off a target on the other side of the map, make a hit but it doesn't kill, you can quickly switch to the pistol and automatically fire (as it should still have the same target in sight) and you could easily get a kill. Same applies in just eyeing up the target on the 12x scope, switching to the pistol, aiming again at the exact same place and firing. Headshot with the pistol :cool:

Yeah they've got the physics and damage model of the tanks spot on, too. Hit them from an angle and it won't be as damaging, but slap a rocket directly up their arse or side on and it increases the damage massively. There are so many ways to take them down, too. A land mine has the potential to take out a tank in one go. But quite often they have increased armour perk, so it will take two mines. You'll get the 30 point damage bonus, and then if it's destroyed, another 100 points, plus points for killing however many men are in it. Compare that to the Carl Gustav or RPG, and it takes more than 2 direct hits, usually, and by that time the driver or the gunner is onto where the fire is coming from and can take you out before you get the killer shot away. That's why land mines and mortar strikes are more beneficial - the mines certainly as you can lay them then continue on across the map and pick up points up to 10 minutes later from a hit that you'd forgotten about. With the mortar the tank driver can get away by simply reversing or driving forwards out of the way of the mortar fire. But it does usually take them out before they get a chance to. One of the worst things to do if you're in a tank with mortar fire is get out and try to run. You'll more often than not be hit in the strike.

As for the C4, can you lay it on the road and as soon as a vehicle drives over it, it will trigger it off? Or do you have to be in the area to pull the trigger on the detonator?

Don't get me wrong guys - I don't think the tanks are 'unbalanced' as such. If they were, I certainly wouldn't be using them like I do and in this and every other Battlefield game previous. :)

All I'm saying is that on maps like Atacama, you're relying on good opposing gunship pilots, long range tank specialists or AT guys being able to sneak in real close. There's no penalty for the tank pilots to literally roll 10ft from their base and hurl shell after shell into the oncoming enemy. With no opposing air-cover, it can be a turkey-shoot having unlimited ammo. I managed to destroy 7 tanks on the trot with my tank in one game and don't forget, I'm a relative n00b to this game. If I had to retreat to re-arm or call in supplies, then I think it would add a bit more to the tank driving side of BC2.

Imo, of course! :)

  Mito Sportiva 135
No one likes a show off Darren!!! ha.

Atacama is a weird one for vehicles, but again quite easilly someone could have put a mortar on you and game over. It's just the opposition not learning from their errors really I guess.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
No one likes a show off Darren!!! ha.

Atacama is a weird one for vehicles, but again quite easilly someone could have put a mortar on you and game over. It's just the opposition not learning from their errors really I guess.

Indeed. If you've destroyed 7 tanks in a row, that says more about your enemy than your success rate. Pretty good going mind. That's at least 700 points on it's own.
  Bus w**ker
f**k me it's hard and I suck lol.

Hoping I improve when two of my mates buy it and we squad up, but as a lone wolf it's pure suicide. I'm not even rank 1 yet lol.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Hurry up and add me Scutch and we blow many fine tanks together!

I will mate. Ain't been on for a day or two.

f**k me it's hard and I suck lol.

Hoping I improve when two of my mates buy it and we squad up, but as a lone wolf it's pure suicide. I'm not even rank 1 yet lol.

Always be part of a squad even if you don't know the other squad members. It will give you more points for squad play and also more spawn points.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Indeed. If you've destroyed 7 tanks in a row, that says more about your enemy than your success rate. Pretty good going mind. That's at least 700 points on it's own.

Not necessarily. Far from wanting to blow smoke up my own arse, I've stuck to vehicles in games like this for as long as I can remember. I'm not an uber-god at the tanks by any means, but I can hold my own against most of the stuff. I even spent 69 hours alone in tanks on BF2142. ;)



Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
F*cking hell! :cool:

Hehehe! It's great going up against some good tank opposition in games like this. There was an opposing tank player the other day, can't remember if he was called Mercy31 or Mercy13 - but he was good. We had quite a few tit-for-tats during that game and I lost out on points to him at the end. All good fun though.

I guess it's what you 'slot into' in terms of a role. I've never been good at sniping on games like BC2 - in fact I was utterly hopeless in Battlefield 2 at it. Last night on a Rush game on Atacama, I thought I'd have a dabble at recon and get some long range shots in. I hit 6 enemy but only killed 1 - lol! I did get quite a few Spot Bonuses though. :)

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Hehehe! It's great going up against some good tank opposition in games like this. There was an opposing tank player the other day, can't remember if he was called Mercy31 or Mercy13 - but he was good. We had quite a few tit-for-tats during that game and I lost out on points to him at the end. All good fun though.

I guess it's what you 'slot into' in terms of a role. I've never been good at sniping on games like BC2 - in fact I was utterly hopeless in Battlefield 2 at it. Last night on a Rush game on Atacama, I thought I'd have a dabble at recon and get some long range shots in. I hit 6 enemy but only killed 1 - lol! I did get quite a few Spot Bonuses though. :)


Once you master the distance and bullet drop, it becomes second nature. There's loads of helpful videos on Youtube, too :cool:
