Anyone got the kill 2 people using boats pin? that grenade launcher on front is poo.
Just going through the single player campaign on this again. Arguably liking it more now than the first time around. It 'feels' more polished - I take it that they've fixed and optimised a fair few things in the patches?
I still struggle with the parachute when leaping off buildings. What's the f*cking button press?! I've tried A but it just doesn't seem to work. 360 by the way.
I've not got too far into the campaign, is the story good? Cinematic as MW2?
PMSL!! Sorry mate. Must have been an enemy shot that triggered it because you can't be killed by driving over one on the same team. I think the tank blew up and you got caught in the explosion. Saying that, I did lose 100 points for team damage
You can rack up so many points with mines! I came top of the leaderboard 4 times in a row with over 2.5k each time. Not bad with the engineer.
Well, having finished the campaign mode for a 2nd time, I thought I'd have a dabble online. Obviously at Rank 1, I've got the crappiest of kits (lol) - but feck me is this game good!
Just had two games, approx 20mins each - our team won one and lost the next. Still a little way off the first set of unlocks yet, but I'm already settling into the role of the engineer. But that standard SMG simply DRINKS ammo! At first, I couldn't work out why I couldn't repair from the get-go (clearly a new directions for EA/DICE this) - but the repair tool will be my first unlock, imo.
Great game - loving it. Absolutely pisses all over MW2 or any COD I reckon online. At one point, I was loosing badly with killstreaks - but I just felt compelled to jump back in and try and get a little revenge.The multiplayer CODs on the other hand simply infuriate me and induce nothing but rage-quit.
Well done DICE - you've cracked it again.
Pleased you like it Darren! I did the assault class first but engineer is probably easier to rank up with - wait until you get the repair you can get loads of points, and mines are wicked too for big points with the explosives upgrade. Medic is probably the easiest to rank up with overall though especially on Rush mode you can get loads of revivals and heal points.
Your on PC though as presume?
Ordered this yesterday coz I've got sick to death of MW2...I'm gonna get my arse handed to me when it turns up aren't I?![]()
I believe Medic is the easiest class to rake in the points, especially when you get the medical box and defib's. However, I'm on Rank 29 at the moment and have yet to receive a single point with Medic class. I have been the medic during battles, picking up fallen soldiers kits and reviving them, and continuing until I'm killed, but I just haven't chosen them from the off, so have yet to pick up any points in that class. I will get onto them, as I thought the guns were very effective with their rate of fire and decent accuracy bursts.
I've completed both the Engineer and Recon class, and they are the two I alternate between most. I'm starting to get into Assault class lately, too. I've got all 4 SPECACT kits for each class, so roll with the M16 SA for Assault and UMP SA for Engineer. I did originally have the M95 SA for Recon and have over 900 kills with it, but I've switched to the Gol with magnum ammo as it's much quicker and quieter (it doesnt have the same piercing helicopter windscreens power as the M95, though).
Love the game, mind. Quite easily the best multiplayer (more than 2 people) game I've ever played.
Oh, and quick query, how the hell do you get the C4 for Assault class? I don't seem to have that option and I've unlocked almost everything?
Sure am.
Imo, that's a sign of a well-balanced online game. On one quick go, I managed 9 kills and 12 deaths. This however was with zero map knowledge, level 1 kit and basically 'picking it up' as I went along. It is difficult at first, but more of enjoyable challenge to progress rather than the stupid and quite frankly ridiculous pwnage you get with COD. I'm off work again today, so I'll put an hour or two into the enginner class, I reckon.
So you don't get points for the kits you pickup? Interesting - in fact, I really like that idea. That clearly forces you to stick to one class in order to progress. I'm glad I know that at Rank 1 now, however - cheers!
Getting picked off by some mighty fine snipers on the other team - b*****ds.
One made me PMSL as he clearly had the UAV scoped up. I didn't even press the key to use it, before BAM! - I was killed by an M95. A useful tactic, but its got to be one boring game style to play....
Had a few goes of Rush, but much prefer the Conquest maps - especially those with vehicles. I had a good run with a Bradley for about 5mins, with two squad mates repairing me and climbing back in as and when needed. The Bradley works brilliantly when used in its intended role - that of supporting the infantry. You need those guys around you or you're going to get your arse handed to you. I've seen it enough already when some goon just charges in with the Bradley and gets nailed inside of 20secs. My favourite tactic with it so far is to fire two rounds in the direction that I spotted an enemy and then try to nail him with the third shot before the 'reload' period kicks in. Normally your other team members have spotted what you're firing at and help out too.
What's the crack with the UAV? I can fly it ok, but what does it actually do? On the single player campaign, I was hurling guided rockets in with it and online, I've been strafed with it. It doesn't seem to do much for me.