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[PC/Xbox360/PS3] Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Official Thread

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Erm. WTF? :S

Did I just see right, or am I putting 2 + 2 together and getting 8?

Two high rank engineers equipped with the red-beam targetting thing. Paints a tank en-route and then both hide behind rocks - completely invulnerable from tank fire and then proceed to launch AT rockets that automatically guide to the target tank and destroy it? I'm pretty sure that that's what I saw - twice against team mates and once against me. What kind of n00b bulls**t is that?! I know, I know about the Javelin system in real life but come on! Why not have a sniper that simply fires into the air and it guides the bullet directly to the head of the next enemy? This is n00bed nerfed weaponry at its very best - something that clearly should have been left on the drawing board.

Teamed up with an assault guy and him ammo box, they can simply sit on their hill upon high and nail any vehicle heading their way. Crazy.

I think that's the best ratio I've ever had. bit of a stupid death too tbh :D


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  1.8 Civic EX
Erm. WTF? :S

Did I just see right, or am I putting 2 + 2 together and getting 8?

Two high rank engineers equipped with the red-beam targetting thing. Paints a tank en-route and then both hide behind rocks - completely invulnerable from tank fire and then proceed to launch AT rockets that automatically guide to the target tank and destroy it? I'm pretty sure that that's what I saw - twice against team mates and once against me. What kind of n00b bulls**t is that?! I know, I know about the Javelin system in real life but come on! Why not have a sniper that simply fires into the air and it guides the bullet directly to the head of the next enemy? This is n00bed nerfed weaponry at its very best - something that clearly should have been left on the drawing board.

Teamed up with an assault guy and him ammo box, they can simply sit on their hill upon high and nail any vehicle heading their way. Crazy.


sounds like the dart gun or whatever it is. replaces your pistol. shoot a vehicle (or a human if you wish lol) with it and it tags the vehicle for launchers to be able to lock on

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I think that's the best ratio I've ever had. bit of a stupid death too tbh :D

Bloody good going there, Iain! I did manage a 99-0 once on BF2 against the AI bots - took a screenshot of it somewhere too. The AI are thick as pigs**t on there, though. ;)

sounds like the dart gun or whatever it is. replaces your pistol. shoot a vehicle (or a human if you wish lol) with it and it tags the vehicle for launchers to be able to lock on

Sounds great. :( I think I'll stay away from that one when I unlock it - just seems a bit of a lame weapon to use. Also, I didn't know you could damage an enemy tank with the engineer's repair tool, either? I was at Point C on Atacama earlier when I noticed my tanks' armour was decreasing quite quickly but without getting 'hit' as such. I looked around and saw an American engineer drilling the side of my tank. I jumped out, SMG ready to nail him and as I got around the rear of the tank, he jumped in, reversed and road-killed me - lol! b*****d. ;)

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ahhh i used to love the bots.

i keep saying to myself i will build a PC and play these things properly but i just dont have the space :(
  Bus w**ker
Came top player for the first time last night and got about 8000 points. f**king epic game as it was down to another member of my squad (some random) and me going for first. Loving this game now especially as two lads I play with have finally figured out how to work as a squad, so much so that we got best squad for about six on the bounce last night.

Unlike with MW2 I don't actually mind getting killed on this as it usually means I've fucked up or someone is much better than me.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Yeah the Tracer Dart gun fires a homing dart at a vehicle. It has it's downsides, those being you can't have a secondary pistol, so you're equipped with just one gun, and that you have to use the Carl Gustav as the other RPG's aren't linked to the homing indicator.

Also, someone has to fire the dart at the vehicle first for it to hit, and that has to be a pretty close range strike. From then, whenever the Carl Gustav is used, you get a little red square when aiming. You still have to aim at this target for a few seconds to get a lock on, then you can "hide behind a rock" or whatever. So there is still clearly time for the engineers or whoever it is to be hit by the tank or an opposing team member while they are targetting the vehicle. Add to that it usually takes 2 - 3 hits to take down a tank with the Gustav. It's better used on helicopters, but trying to fire a tracer dart onto one of those while it's in the air is nigh on impossible unless it swoops down. Best to get to the enemy base undetected, wait on the respawn of a chopper and fire the dart then. It's then targetted for the duration. But again, you have to lock on to the square while targetting, and if the pilot is good, it's not as easy as it sounds to try and get a lock on.
  1.8 Civic EX
it is funny shooting infantry with them though lol see them running around with a big red flashing dot on thier side. However it's not very funny being the one the gets shot by them as your whole screen flashes red and you basically know you're in the s**te and gonna get blown up shortly.

Really finding it hard to get everything for the Medic Class now. Just don't seem to be getting the points anymore, which is annoying as it's the last class for me to finish before I start mixing things up a bit, although some map medic is just pure cannon fodder tbh like Attacama Desert, enginer is the only way to go on that map.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Yeah the Tracer Dart gun fires a homing dart at a vehicle. It has it's downsides, those being you can't have a secondary pistol, so you're equipped with just one gun, and that you have to use the Carl Gustav as the other RPG's aren't linked to the homing indicator.

Also, someone has to fire the dart at the vehicle first for it to hit, and that has to be a pretty close range strike. From then, whenever the Carl Gustav is used, you get a little red square when aiming. You still have to aim at this target for a few seconds to get a lock on, then you can "hide behind a rock" or whatever. So there is still clearly time for the engineers or whoever it is to be hit by the tank or an opposing team member while they are targetting the vehicle. Add to that it usually takes 2 - 3 hits to take down a tank with the Gustav. It's better used on helicopters, but trying to fire a tracer dart onto one of those while it's in the air is nigh on impossible unless it swoops down. Best to get to the enemy base undetected, wait on the respawn of a chopper and fire the dart then. It's then targetted for the duration. But again, you have to lock on to the square while targetting, and if the pilot is good, it's not as easy as it sounds to try and get a lock on.

Ah, it doesn't sound too bad I guess when mentioned like that. I guess the guys up on the hill were just bloody good at it and had perfected the process between them.

Is there no way to remove the tracer dart? Even like a 15 sec 'drill' with the engineer's repair tool?

I've noticed that the 4x scope for the engineer's SMG isn't as effective as the the simple red dot, imo. Scoped up with 4x sight, the SMG jumps all over the place, even with that additional training perk. A simple red dot 'feels' a lot more accurate I reckon.

Got a little frustrated on Atacama as recon last night. The enemy literally occupied that ship hulk on the beach for the entire round. I could see the guys running about and managed to spot quote a few without scoping the targets up. The instant I looked through the scope, the dust clouds made the view almost invisible. Un-scope the view and its fine again. Argh! ;)

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Atacama desert certainly has the potential to be the most frustrating map, especially when the enemy has 2 choppers in the air that are difficult to take down. One of the best tactics is to use Engineer class and plant land mines near the bases at "A" and directly next to the flag at "C". If the enemy base is closest to "C", you can take out a lot of the oncoming forces by hiding near the bushes and trees. Lay a mine, and run back. The guys in the tanks are very rarely open enough to realise or even see them and it's points central. This would also work to massive effect with Assault class. Simply drop C4 on the ground towards the opening to "C" (enemy base side), then when the tank drives over it, pull the activation trigger. Re-supply yourself, equalling more C4, then do the same again. Easy money.

  Mito Sportiva 135
Darren - think the dart goes after a while, so if your in a chopper go back to base and make a tea or something!

SMGs aren't great, I use a G3 or rifle with Engineer usually.

Rhino - Medic is easiest to level with I think! Just revive everyone you can, throw down med packs, and choose the right gun - damage and accuracy are best IMO, rate of fire not so much (well, when coupled with magnum ammo and red dot sight). It's probably my best class overall, can get a lot of kills with the M60.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I use the UMP SA with the Engineer, basically because I paid for the f*cker as part of the SPECACT kit.

Might try that red dot, as I'm using the 4x scope and although it's pretty good, the recoil does do my head in at times.

  S3, Polo
There was talk (on the BC2 forums) that DICE were going to introduce an update that allows you to add scopes to the M14 and G3.

G3 + Scope = Awesome.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
There was talk (on the BC2 forums) that DICE were going to introduce an update that allows you to add scopes to the M14 and G3.

G3 + Scope = Awesome.

Yeah, I'm up for that, as it would allow an endless supply of C4 with Assault class.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I use the UMP SA with the Engineer, basically because I paid for the f*cker as part of the SPECACT kit.

Might try that red dot, as I'm using the 4x scope and although it's pretty good, the recoil does do my head in at times.


Exactly, Scutchio. It exaggerates the recoil with the scope, sometimes with really, really frustrating results. Bizarrely, my accuracy with the SMGs is the highest with the standard engineer's SMG without any scope options. Maybe they beefed that one up slightly from the get-go so that the engineer wasn't mullered all the time on the lower ranks?

Good feedback guys! I certainly have been caught out many times with the bloody AT mines! ;) That said, I tend to keep the RPG as I much prefer the range that that AT weapon offers over the "lay & pray" method of AT mines. I've tried to be a little bit sneaky as to where I've put my mines - on snow maps in the shadow of the trees on the road, etc. I'm beginning to think that simply peppering a section of tarmac or dirt track and hoping for the best might actually be the better option!

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Here is my preferred class for each map :

Atacama Desert : Engineer or Recon (some decent sniping locations within buildings)
White Pass : Recon or Assault
Arica Harbor : Recon
Nelson Bay : Assault
Laguna Alta : Engineer or Recon
Laguna Presa : Recon
Port Valdez : Engineer

As shown, my Medic class is still at n00b level, with 0 points :cool:
  1.8 Civic EX
Rhino - Medic is easiest to level with I think! Just revive everyone you can, throw down med packs, and choose the right gun - damage and accuracy are best IMO, rate of fire not so much (well, when coupled with magnum ammo and red dot sight). It's probably my best class overall, can get a lot of kills with the M60.

yeah I'm using the M60 currenlty. Points wise I'm up to the section of earning 15000 points, forget what gun that unlocks though.

I use the first gun available in each class untill I get a gold star with it then move on to the next one. Think I only need 20 odd kills with the M60 now before moving on to the next one, not sure what it's called but I've noticed the power and accuracy is a little pants compared to the M60 so will probably struggle even more. I like a challenge lol

Stats wise I'm still doing ok though. Think my Kill/death is like 0.98. Few more games I should be able to turn that around into 1.*


ClioSport Club Member
Tracer dart can be removed/they cant lock on to it when using veh smoke or chaffe in the chopper. Kept trying to kill a blackhawk yesterday and he kept droppin chaffe and i couldnt lock on, think he was flying for the whole bloody game lol

also the tracer does not have 'drop' like normal bullets so as long as your aim is correct its bang on, it also goes for miles! can trace peoples tanks/choppers before theyve even taken off from the spawn point most times

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Not cracked 5 figures in a round yet, but I'm tryin! ;)


^^^ - WhereTF is got the Abrams 'Most Score' from is totally random. It was infantry only on there. :S



What are the pings like that people are getting? Mine are absolute kack - I'm amazed the game is even playable tbh. Being this bad, using voice with the squad is 100% out of the question.... :(


  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I've had over 15,000 points in a round, but that's only with the awards (including at least one 5,000 point pin).
  Mito Sportiva 135
Had some good games last night. Val Pareiso was fun. I was attacking at one point so as a Recon went to the lighthouse and was getting loads of kills and mortaring their stations. They were getting annoyed and tried to be sneaky by stealing our chopper then landing on the roof and at the bottom to kill me, and as I had a sniper rifle they had a good chance! However I mortar striked the roof by looking up killing the guys on the roof, through another motion sensor down and saw the guy coming from below so kept in the shadows and got him with my pistol.

Also started using the tracer darts - you can get so many points from them! Never used them before in all this time.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Had some good games last night. Val Pareiso was fun. I was attacking at one point so as a Recon went to the lighthouse and was getting loads of kills and mortaring their stations. They were getting annoyed and tried to be sneaky by stealing our chopper then landing on the roof and at the bottom to kill me, and as I had a sniper rifle they had a good chance! However I mortar striked the roof by looking up killing the guys on the roof, through another motion sensor down and saw the guy coming from below so kept in the shadows and got him with my pistol.

Also started using the tracer darts - you can get so many points from them! Never used them before in all this time.

Evil things!!!! They should be banned!!! ;)

Might be a repost - but check out this player's sniping. Pretty damn impressive, imo!

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  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
It has been posted Darren. Jeez, couldn't you go through 92 pages to find it?? ;)

Hehe. Seriously though, it's a great vid. Watched it a few times. Some of the vids on Youtube are mental as far as killing goes. Like jumping up and firing without even aiming and getting headshots. That's just mental.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
It has been posted Darren. Jeez, couldn't you go through 92 pages to find it?? ;)

Hehe. Seriously though, it's a great vid. Watched it a few times. Some of the vids on Youtube are mental as far as killing goes. Like jumping up and firing without even aiming and getting headshots. That's just mental.

PMSL! The BC2 equivalent of the burning black gold V6?! :)

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
PMSL! The BC2 equivalent of the burning black gold V6?! :)


Haha, yeah. To be fair, it may not have been posted, but I have watched it before. Just thought it might have been from this thread. Boll*ks to going through 92 pages to check, mind.
  1.8 Civic EX
that vid is very cool but a lot of his kills are of people just sitting still or moving very slow. Almost every game i've played as recon it's very rare for anyone to be sitting still long enough to line up a perfect shot.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Yeah, even opposing Recon players (the decent ones) are moving around, even just a few yards each time. Means lining up a shot is much harder.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
that vid is very cool but a lot of his kills are of people just sitting still or moving very slow. Almost every game i've played as recon it's very rare for anyone to be sitting still long enough to line up a perfect shot.

I did think that, but didn't want to piss on his chips. ;)

That said, the people through my scope tend to be moving about a LOT more.

  Mito Sportiva 135
That video is ok but nothing "WOW" about it in my opinion, it's more to do with enemies standing out in the open rather than anything else, if you are elevated above enemies it's a lot easier to score headshots.

Plus with could probably take any player and edit the good bits together to make them look good!

Not saying the guy isn't good, he clearly is, but just don't think anything spectacular!
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
I think we realised that the guy wasnt some God and that he doesnt take every shot like that haha.

Any of us could look better than him if we recorded every game and picked out best shots.

Plus he is playing HC, amateur.

Should be back this week scutch.
