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[PC/Xbox360/PS3] Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Official Thread

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Once you master the distance and bullet drop, it becomes second nature. There's loads of helpful videos on Youtube, too :cool:

I keep forgetting to hold down the fire button after firing, to see when the sniper's bullet lands. I'll have to stick a Post-It note on my screen to remind me! ;)

  Bus w**ker
Always be part of a squad even if you don't know the other squad members. It will give you more points for squad play and also more spawn points.
Joined a squad each game, old habit from BF2 days, just that the squads I joined were f**king usless lol. Once I got out of the MW2 mindset and remembered about spotting it was all good. Was coming 2nd and 3rd every game all night after that and now I rank in at an amazing Private II lol. Loving it though, especially when I get a decent squad and tanks.

I tried to fly a helicopter last night didn't end well. :eek:

Feel free to add me to PSN people - Sy_m0n
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Since switching from Recon to Engineer/Assault, my K/D ratio has been hit. I'm now in the negative, by around 20 or so deaths. Still, it's not all about that, but enjoying it as a whole. Assault is basically running around, shooting folk, throwing grenades and re-supplying. If you don't get shot, you're doing something wrong. LOL.

  Clio 1.2 16v
Since switching from Recon to Engineer/Assault, my K/D ratio has been hit. I'm now in the negative, by around 20 or so deaths. Still, it's not all about that, but enjoying it as a whole. Assault is basically running around, shooting folk, throwing grenades and re-supplying. If you don't get shot, you're doing something wrong. LOL.


Score per minute of 98 and Avg life of over two minutes? WTF? Do you just sit around waiting for the enemy to come to you?
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Score per minute of 98 and Avg life of over two minutes? WTF? Do you just sit around waiting for the enemy to come to you?

That was my Recon experience. Find a place, pick off 2 or 3 targets. Move, pick off another 2 or 3... the art of the sniper :cool:

I built up my K/D with the Recon class massively.

Now back on Assault/Engineer I'm usually picked off a lot quicker and my SPM is definitely going up.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Haven't played this in months. Since about April I reckon! Is there any new content etc to download now??
  Clio 1.2 16v
I don't understand how people can bear to sit miles away for hours, killing a few people a minute. Most of my sniper rifle kills are from CQC/CIBUA shotgun-style. Seriously lethal class at any range, most versatile for sure (especially when equipped with C4).

Currently having to use the suckish UZI.. nerfed to f**k, takes more than a clip with Mag ammo to kill a bullet-sponge medic. Lame.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I don't understand how people can bear to sit miles away for hours, killing a few people a minute. Most of my sniper rifle kills are from CQC/CIBUA shotgun-style. Seriously lethal class at any range, most versatile for sure (especially when equipped with C4).

Currently having to use the suckish UZI.. nerfed to f**k, takes more than a clip with Mag ammo to kill a bullet-sponge medic. Lame.

I guess it's all about what you want to do. For me, Recon is there to assist the rest of the team from distance, picking off potential targets and helping out with the weapons at their disposal. I could use a shotgun at close range with any of the classes, why would I waste what the sniper is for by going in for close range kills? Each to their own and all that, I suppose. I got a lot of enjoyment out of distance kills, trying to find a good place and staying hidden - which is what a sniper does. I did run around a bit and have the pistol as my backup for close range combat, but I wasn't that good with it, really. Got a lot of dogtags from the Recon class, too.

Everyone must play it differently. "Camping like a wookie" maybe isn't as fun or hectic as running around with the Defibs and throwing medical supplies around the maps, but it's still a core element of that particular class, IMO.

Like I say though, I'm all for Engineer and Assault now. Unless I'm on Arica Harbor...
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Not that bad at all, mate. My K/D ratio at the start was appauling. I couldn't hit sh*t, my bullets seemed to be like cardboard hitting lead, and I was getting killed every few seconds. Once you start to find your ground and upgrade your weapons and items, it opens up so much. I first noticed it when I was in a tank with 3 others and we were literally tearing up Laguna Alta. No one could touch us, and I made around 2.5k points, which was a lot considering I was hardly picking up a sausage originally. Once the engineer tool is unlocked, you can build up a fair few points repairing, and I got the Achievement for killing an enemy with it shortly afterwards. Drilling a head death :clown:
  S3, Polo
Scutch, I think he was suggesting that he used his sniper rifle "shotgun style" - ie no-scoping.

Anyone got any news about new maps? Or is it a case of "Wait for 'Nam" ?

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Scutch, I think he was suggesting that he used his sniper rifle "shotgun style" - ie no-scoping.

Anyone got any news about new maps? Or is it a case of "Wait for 'Nam" ?

I just hope they do a better version this time around than that pile of turd that was Battlefield :Vietnam. Utter tosh that one. :(

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Good effort mate.

Scutch, I think he was suggesting that he used his sniper rifle "shotgun style" - ie no-scoping.

Anyone got any news about new maps? Or is it a case of "Wait for 'Nam" ?

Hmm. Well I know a lot of Recons do use the all kit which includes the shotguns and G3/M1 etc. as i've been killed enough times with sniper-rifle-less recons.
  Integra Type-R DC2
I just hope they do a better version this time around than that pile of turd that was Battlefield :Vietnam. Utter tosh that one. :(


Wash your mouth out! I had some excellent sessions on that back in the day. Ok, it had its flaws, but it was a bloody good laugh with a good group of mates. Blairing surfing bird out while strafing in a Huey was an experience.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Wash your mouth out! I had some excellent sessions on that back in the day. Ok, it had its flaws, but it was a bloody good laugh with a good group of mates. Blairing surfing bird out while strafing in a Huey was an experience.

Heheh! It was pants! I think what made it suffer was the fact that Battlefield 1942 was just so bloody good and BF2 had the promise of a whole new graphics engine. This fell between both games with a revised BF1942 engine. Flying the planes was good, but on foot it sucked, imo...

  Clio 1.2 16v
Wash your mouth out! I had some excellent sessions on that back in the day. Ok, it had its flaws, but it was a bloody good laugh with a good group of mates. Blairing surfing bird out while strafing in a Huey was an experience.

Same, loved it. The map with all the rivers was great. Helicopter dogfights FTW! Amphibious tanks were a good idea too, they popped up just when you weren't expecting it.

Seriously hope BFV has a good selection of vehicles/weapons from the original. M21, M14, M40, SVD pleeeaaassee! and, of course, PT-76 and Patton tanks.
  Octy VRS
Haven't played for about 3 months so had a go last night. Finally unlocked the M95, f**king loud. Generally had a good laugh, shot down a couple of choppers with the AA gun. Forgot how much fun it was but took me a while to remember the controls, kept throwing random grenades by accident. Can't wait for Vietnam, reckon it will be good as the recent 1943 captured the essence of WW2 in Japan. That combined with the features of BC2 should make for an immersive add on.
  Integra Type-R DC2
Heheh! It was pants! I think what made it suffer was the fact that Battlefield 1942 was just so bloody good and BF2 had the promise of a whole new graphics engine. This fell between both games with a revised BF1942 engine. Flying the planes was good, but on foot it sucked, imo...


To be fair, I played 1942 ALOT, but I never really played it with mates. BF:V was my first real game of BF with a working team and we had some great fun. BF2 though was something else, I got deeply into that game for a long time. Still my second favourite online game ever.
  1.8 Civic EX
just been playing and got sent two messages from the same person...

"sale fil de pute." according to google that translates to "dirty *****"


"va baize ta mere sale batard encule de ta chienne de mere f**ks" again according to google that translates to "your mother is dirty b*****d f**k your mother b**ch f**ks"

I think i upset a french person lol
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
just been playing and got sent two messages from the same person...

"sale fil de pute." according to google that translates to "dirty *****"


"va baize ta mere sale batard encule de ta chienne de mere f**ks" again according to google that translates to "your mother is dirty b*****d f**k your mother b**ch f**ks"

I think i upset a french person lol


The only message I've got sent is "How did you get the M95 SA???"

I have wanted to send similar messages to those you got to other people mind! :eek:

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member

The only message I've got sent is "How did you get the M95 SA???"

I have wanted to send similar messages to those you got to other people mind! :eek:

Shame it has a swear filter built into it. Had one game where they were base-raping for fun. Expletives just don't have the same meaning when they are *&^$*£(*&%(&%£ characters. ;)

  Integra Type-R DC2
Someguy teamkilled me for the Apache, so I kept teamkilling him. He sent me a message calling me all sort of colourful names. Told him to call the care police. 5 minutes later he knifes me, then messages me saying "911".

Cheeky cnut.
