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[PC/Xbox360/PS3] Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Official Thread

  Mito Sportiva 135
I thought it was a whole addon, rather than simply one map though???

A fight between aircraft carrier would be IMMENSE! 4 choppers on each one and then plenty of patrol boats and a mixture of turrets...kind of like how you used to start on 1943. That would be brilliant!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Bit gutted that there's no planes to fly. Used to love bombing the s**t out of bases on BF2 :(.

Always preferred the ground attack ones to the fly-boys on Battlefield. My favourite was the A-10 on Desert Combat and in particular - on the El Alamein map. Hugging the mountain range in the middle of the map then diving in to strafe the enemy airfield = awesome.

Maybe they ditched the planes as they could simply pwn most of the map with a flyer who was just average? Remember all the outbursts about BF2 with the Chinese J-10 fighter? If that was flown by a good pilot, then the other team really did suffer.



ClioSport Club Member
I'll be online later if anyone fancies showing me the ropes a bit. I've hit a brick wall now, progress wise.

I need some coaching.
  1.8 Civic EX
I'll be online later if anyone fancies showing me the ropes a bit. I've hit a brick wall now, progress wise.

I need some coaching.

Battlefield lesson 101

select a gun, run around the map (avoid the brick walls you seem to be hitting), point gun at enemy, pull trigger, kill enemy, repeat.

  Ph2 172 Flamer

Hey y'all, thought I'd join in on this thread, has anybody got any more news on BFBC2 Vietnam? How are they going to do this exactly? 'Nam servers and maps only, or switching between VN and normal maps?

I also played BF2 alot (like wayyyyyyy too much, 1400+ hours!!!), and was abit gutted they didn't include any fast jets in BC2.
Here's hoping for them in BF3, eh?
  Ph2 172 Flamer
Ha, yeah, 1400 hours was kinda sick! I was completely addicted, playing that was my dope at the time.
In my defence it was over about 2 years though, and the awards were stupidly hard to acheive (E.G. 100 hours mininum to get an expert badge, per class!).

I don't quite get the same buzz from BC or BC2, although some parts are improved. I am patiently waiting for BF3 though...
  Mito Sportiva 135
Wow that's pretty impressive!

What rank is everyone on from here? I'm on 29 and it's taken ages, how the hell do you get up to 50 I don't know!!! But as no cheating like in shows there are possible who have done it!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Wow that's pretty impressive!

What rank is everyone on from here? I'm on 29 and it's taken ages, how the hell do you get up to 50 I don't know!!! But as no cheating like in shows there are possible who have done it!

Rank 29 here, too. Not got any points as Medic, either. So it's been a slow process getting this far.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I think I'm on 14 or 15 - haven't been on in a few days as I've been hammering StarCraft II. :)

Similarly to Scutch, I've got zero points on one class as well - that being the assault for me. It will be at the bottom of my list as well as once I've maxed out the engineer, recon will be my class of choice. Then followed by the medic.

  Bus w**ker
Rank 16 here with 36 hours of play. Hardly any time put in on the Medic kit as I just plain suck balls with the LMGs. Maxed out Engineer though and nearly finished with Recon.
  Integra Type-R DC2
They do seem a little under populated at times. Im just putting it down to the fact that BF is mainly a PC franchise, thus the majority of players would of bought it for PC, console players are the minority minority.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
They do seem a little under populated at times. Im just putting it down to the fact that BF is mainly a PC franchise, thus the majority of players would of bought it for PC, console players are the minority minority.

I think you've hit the nail on the head there. The PC servers are always populated - regardless of what time of day it is. At times its frustrating trying to push your way in! :)

  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
I never really had a problem with it being empty at night, i've got alot of Canadian and American friends on my friends list so there's always a few people on.

Anyone got a 48 hour trail they wanna donate me... seriously bored.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Haha I know, I'm skint at tye minute and I'm gonna be away after today for a week so just wanted. 48hour for today/tonight

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Had my first rage quit of BC2 just now - lol! ;)

Just utter b****cks of the highest order. If FRAPs didn't take up so much drive space with its recording, I'd leave it on permanently to record some classic BS moments.

Some of the outcomes were just laughable - begging the question of WTF the server is doing half the time. I had to question the M60 with Magnum ammo and medic class, also. Get a couple of those guys together on the opposing team and its just crazy. Highly accurate and very powerful rounds combined with a large magazine and med-kit just in case you get hit? The PKM and M249 couldn't hit a barn door at 10yards, but the M60 is way too n00bed.

And it wasn't all just against me either. Some of the shots I did to take down the enemy were clearly not right either. It should have missed, but the game thought it was right? Hmmm. It just frustrates me that so much online is beyond your control. Playing ability and the ability of your team mates play a part, but so much is stacked on the server being the deciding factor. Just puts a downer on going online at times, imo.

  Integra Type-R DC2
M249? Inaccurate?! That thing is possibly my favourite weapon on BC2. Stick the 4x or red dot on it, depending on the map, and magnum ammo and its brilliant! I do agree, the M60 is slightly overpowered, but the slow ROF and the recoil makes it hard at any considerable range. Id take the SAW over it any day.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
M249? Inaccurate?! That thing is possibly my favourite weapon on BC2. Stick the 4x or red dot on it, depending on the map, and magnum ammo and its brilliant! I do agree, the M60 is slightly overpowered, but the slow ROF and the recoil makes it hard at any considerable range. Id take the SAW over it any day.

The trouble with any of those types of weapons, is that they are rarely used in the game for what they are designed to do in real life. You hardly ever see people firing those those types of guns from the mid-to-long range in the typical 'fire support' role. More often than not, they are there in the thick over it with people using SMGs and assault rifles. That gives them a big boost in terms of spray & pray tactics.

In hindsight, the assault class should have been given the M60's, SAW's and PKM's - the advantage of the large ammo capacity of the gun not really benefiting from the ammo box unlock. The medic class on the face of it (and certainly with a decent amount of unlocks) is a little too Superman Mode for me.

Look back at the previous Battlefield games. In BF2, it was the support class that had the ammo & LMG/HMG weapons. In BF2142, it was also the support class that had the same combo of ammo and heavy-ammo weapon types.

  Integra Type-R DC2
Yeah, thats the problem with this game. Theyve tried to consolidate the classes down from 7 down to 4. The bare you could have is 5 imo. Assault, Medic, Support, Engineer and Sniper.

What Project Reality mod did for BF2 is the way forward. Limited, requestible kits. Ie, unlimited basic kits like Rifleman, Combat medic (limited to one per fire team), Automatic rifleman, and limited specialist kits like Combat Engineer, Sniper, Anti tank. The system worked well and really made a difference. You had fireteams of people working together with the baisic kits because they needed each other, but then people with the special gucci gear working in their role, purely becasue they had to specially request that kit and didnt know if they'd get it back once they'd respawned. Such a brilliant mod, theyre in the process of creating a stand alone game, using a seperate game engine. Wish I had a desktop still, purely so I could play it again. :(
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Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Yeah, thats the problem with this game. Theyve tried to consolidate the classes down from 7 down to 4. The bare you could have is 5 imo. Assault, Medic, Support, Engineer and Sniper.

What Project Reality mod did for BF2 is the way forward. Limited, requestible kits. Ie, unlimited basic kits like Rifleman, Combat medic (limited to one per fire team), Automatic rifleman, and limited specialist kits like Combat Engineer, Sniper, Anti tank. The system worked well and really made a difference. You had fireteams of people working together with the baisic kits because they needed each other, but then people with the special gucci gear working in their role, purely becasue they had to specially request that kit and didnt know if they'd get it back once they'd respawned. Such a brilliant mod, theyre in the process of creating a stand alone game, using a seperate game engine. Wish I had a desktop still, purely so I could play it again. :(

That does sound a much better approach. Though I guess it mainly works on clan games or where people know each other well? I can't remember if it was Project Reality that I played where even the pilot class had its own kit - and you couldn't board a plane/helo when equipped as assault, support etc? You essentially got a parachute, a 9mm sidearm and a knife iirc. Very clever that. Clearly a powerful character class when carrying out their role in flying aircraft, but hopelessly out-gunned should they have to bail out.

  S3, Polo
I think it'd be a great addition to limit the amount of specialisations per fire-team.

I HATE getting into a game where my whole squad are Recon (and I have to run miles to get to an objective) or my team of mixed classes are battling an army of Medics (infinite respawn tickets, anyone?).

On the whole, flawed, but superb fun. I've just been playing MW2 this weekend and it feels so small in comparison.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I think it'd be a great addition to limit the amount of specialisations per fire-team.

I HATE getting into a game where my whole squad are Recon (and I have to run miles to get to an objective) or my team of mixed classes are battling an army of Medics (infinite respawn tickets, anyone?).

On the whole, flawed, but superb fun. I've just been playing MW2 this weekend and it feels so small in comparison.

That's mainly what I was getting at a few posts back. Get a couple of skilled medics together with decent unlocks and its really quite difficult to over-powered them. Unless an APC or tank makes an appearance (yet another reason why I MUCH prefer vehicles in game). In fact, a trio of us (two assaults and me as a medic) held out for a good few minutes in the attic space of one of the houses yesterday. We were only overwhelmed when all three of us left the safety of the house. Got a good medic score on that round. ;)

  Integra Type-R DC2
That does sound a much better approach. Though I guess it mainly works on clan games or where people know each other well? I can't remember if it was Project Reality that I played where even the pilot class had its own kit - and you couldn't board a plane/helo when equipped as assault, support etc? You essentially got a parachute, a 9mm sidearm and a knife iirc. Very clever that. Clearly a powerful character class when carrying out their role in flying aircraft, but hopelessly out-gunned should they have to bail out.


Thats the one. I thought initially that it would only really work in clan games, but the majority of people who play the mod are involved in the community, so everyone actually dose tend to work together.
i was playing last night with some level 50 dude who was awesome

on that massive desert level where the flags are in a straight line he was basically just base raping us at our main base... i just spent the match testing out the tracer dart and Carl Gustav... got him a few times was quite impressed lol
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I can't work that tracer dart. I can get the trace dart on and the target up so it's a little square but then how do I get a lock on? Does it automatically fire at the target or do I need a lock on which takes a while? Am I supposed to know I've got a lock on?
  Integra Type-R DC2
Once the darts planted, get youre rocket launcher up and look down the sights and track the target. After a few seconds some numbers will appear next to the red target square. Youre now locked on. Usually takes a second or two to lock, but once locked, you can fire a rocket staight up and the missile will still track the target. Means you can hit a tank from behind solid cover without exposing yourself.
