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[PC/Xbox360/PS3] Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Official Thread

  Mito Sportiva 135
Remember though...the dart works for RPG and Gustav, not the missile launcher. The Gustav with explosive upgrade is still effective at taking down choppers, cars, boats and even tanks with a couple of shots (although best from behind rather than head on).
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Ahh cheers. So I just need to track the target with my scope, and not actually try to home in on the little target square and keep it steady?

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I still think the tracer dart system is a bit lame. I've seen it a few times now where someone quad-bikes in to our base, nips around the back and tracer darts the helo - usually right at the rear so that boarding pilots don't see it. Makes it much easier to bring down - obviously.

Managed to nail a few of the feckers doing that though. ;)

  Bus w**ker
LOL on the map with the stranded ship it's pure base rape everytime. Annoying as hell when it's happening to me but funny as f**k when I'm doing it lol. Ended up the other night with my entire team owning all the points and surrounding the Russian's base, the pussies all quit out except for one poor rank 3 who tried as hard as he could to make a break for it lol.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
LOL on the map with the stranded ship it's pure base rape everytime. Annoying as hell when it's happening to me but funny as f**k when I'm doing it lol. Ended up the other night with my entire team owning all the points and surrounding the Russian's base, the pussies all quit out except for one poor rank 3 who tried as hard as he could to make a break for it lol.

LOL. That's frustrating as f*ck. You and your team have put him off the game for good.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
^ Against some good heli pilots, that's sometimes the only way to prevent base-wape.

That's clearly a design flaw in the game, then. An expert tank driver shouldn't be able to run riot through the map - even with two engineers onboard. Just in the same way that a helo pilot shouldn't be able to pwn all because short of a good tracer-dart combo, the only thing decent enough to take these things down are the AA turrets dotted throughout the map. And the one in the centre of Atacama is just pointless imo as you're just cannon fodder. I know that whenever I approach that area, its one of the first things I look at to see if any enemy are sat on it!

The bias has definitely shifted in terms of gameplay balance from the previous titles. In Battlefield 2142, you could have a walker and tank combo providing mutual support - with each vehicle having a crew of two. That meant you could have a medic/assault guy driving the tank, providing all four players health support. In the top turret an engineer automatically repaired the walker if damaged when it was nearby. Similarly, the walker could be driven by a support guy, providing ammo for all four players and a top turret engineer providing automatic repairs to the tank when the walker was close by.

On the face of it, they should own all before them - but it was very rare that they did. Mainly because there were many ways of taking vehicles down. From mines, gunships, AT turrets (that fired similar to rail guns), engineers, turrets on the Titan above (if in Titan Mode) and of course - other vehicles. On BC2, a good helo crew does indeed kick the crap out of the opposition and if they manage to steal the other helo too, then its pretty much game over. Get hit a few times, terrain-hug back to the safety of your own base area and repair. Repeat until the round is over.

I'm far from whinging (honest! ;)) as I love BC2. But I do hope that they readdress some of the gameplay issues. Where skill and ability take 2nd place to game flaws and nerfed weapons, then it does become a little bit like 'what's the point'? Usually DICE are pretty good at patching things - the original Battlefield 1942 went all the way to v1.6 patch and the later games each had a decent amount of patches too. One of the last for Battlefield 2142 enabled each side to have two gunships simultaneously - something which would be farcical on BC2 if enabled now.

In a lot of ways, the map layout and unit abilites and weaknesses reached their pinnacle within BF2142. Each game became an evolution of what worked in prior titles and issues and inbalances got left out in the next game. BC2 had has to accomodate the kill-spawn-kill-spawn MW2 generation and its not really been a flawless transition. Yet.

  Mito Sportiva 135
I agree with what you are saying a little Darren, but I think it depends on setting and level. For example, on some levels tanks are pointless as people can sneak up and c4 them without you knowing, and on other levels there is so much cover choppers are only good for dropping people behind enemy lines. It must be impossible to balance a game 100% (I am guessing old BF games didn't have rush modes, which are to my eyes most dynamic of the settings).

Has anyone got the award for 500 vehicle kills or whatever?? I reckon that's the longest to get.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Took down 3 choppers on Atacama Desert with the tracer dart system. Fired the darts at the moving helicopters, too.

Cheers guys :cool:
  Bumder With A Buffer
ME and dredz played a few games last night..our team was pretty good..we won about 4-5 conquest games on the trot.

I still cant stand how EVERYONE wants to be a sniper though. Pisses me off. Im not the best at it and still get pissed off with spawn rape or my team not capturing things/blowing mcon stations up...they just all hide! pussys.


Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Noob question... how do you use tracer darts?

Aim the paint-gun (sorry) tracer-dart at the target you want to track. Doesn't matter how far away it is - the tracer flies arrow straight. That blob of 5 pixels on the horizon is actually an enemy tank, but not a match for the accuracy of the tracer dart.

Allow said tank to approach (assuming its not been blasted to bits already) then hide behind a big rock and fire the RPG. Bingo - nice hits. Best of all, bring along a m8 as an engineer and repeat the process. Points a-plenty....

Cynical? Me? ;) :)

  Bumder With A Buffer

I finally unlocked the defib in medical class..but none of my team die anywhere near me now! :( bastids..played 4 games last night and not one sole near me died! They were all snipers though. fuckin tards.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Had a quick go as recon last night - got a few guys, but most points were from the Spots of enemy. What's the 12x scope like people? Any good?

Managed to get two snipers 'back' for nailing me first. Gets quite addictive moving in and out of cover! I actually waited for a good 30secs or so for a Russian to stick his head back up over a stack of wooden planks. I thought I was such an easy target for return fire, but nothing come my way, fortunately.

Unfortunately for me, I called out a Spot on him a few times and another sniper on my team got him with a mortar strike. The git. ;)

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Haha yeah that's the problem with spotting. Even thought you've got a great shot, the spot can usually lead to someone else getting the kill.

12x scope is great, especially if you have a good hiding place. Hardcore mode is best for snipers, IMO, as it doesn't give a death cam so you have to work out where the enemy is at all times - no map, either.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
I may have to break the seal on this game and play it, bought it months ago and then forgot all about it.
  Bumder With A Buffer
I love the autospot attachment for the sniper class...get lots of spot assists..although sometimes people on our team don't take advantage of my spot even though they are right next to the guy...the nthey end end being shot i nthe back. Fools.
  Bumder With A Buffer
It takes a while to switch from MW2 buttons to this...Yesterday I was trying to mortar strike people and couldnt remember how..I was getting REALLY pee'd off..then remembered you have to use the d pad on PS3 :eek:


Also sometimes when sniping I just end up getting hit markers on people and not killing them :( M95 I think I switched too yesterday??
  Mito Sportiva 135
It can be done! My friend's done it a few times. To be honest though it's so hard, I stick to ground targets.

Although I have mortared a few choppers out the air though! Very satisfying.
  Integra Type-R DC2
Ive done it with the GOL. Atacama, Hind was hovering quite low and close to me. Took the gunner out, took the pilot out and stole the helo! Greatest triumph so far.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
PMSL! Had a WOEFUL round as recon last night. 47 shots fired and only 2 kills! :eek:

Had an accuracy of 19% with it - and even that's piss poor. Less than one in five rounds hit!

  Mito Sportiva 135
Ha it happens!

I'm finishing off the campaign right now, it's actually really good. Each section is bite sized enough to pick up and play, and is quite varied too. Need to finish before Reach comes out...and my attention is taken elsewhere!
  Bumder With A Buffer
I think sometimes the accuracy/kill is to do with lag??

Certain games I cant kill anyone with my rifle even though im aiming just above there seems to hit them in the arm or something...other games im getting headshots all the time :S

Also hate how on the PS3 there is no warning you are having a s**t connection...the amount of times I have been playing and just about to win..then "connection to server lost"...ARGGGHHH :(

Pee's me off. I really like the game but HATe that part.
  Mito Sportiva 135
I haven't really noticed any connection issues with the game, maybe a little more ping at times but nothing too bad. Compared to MW2 which frequently takes hours to get into a game, freezes, lags, drops-out altogether it's a joy!
  Bumder With A Buffer
Oh yeah definately. Much better.

It only seems to happen around 5pm time (I try and have a quick few games before the other half gets in!!) so it could just be the amount of traffic on the servers.

I played 6 games the other night about 8ish and they were all fine.
  Bus w**ker
On Arica Harbour (I think...snow level with big pipes and s**t) if I get in a tank and crash in to something my whole PS3 locks up. Screen freezes, becomes totally unresponsive to the controller but I can hear the sound of the game continuing around me for 30 or so seconds afterwards. Only happens on this map under these conditions and REALLY f***s me off as I have to reboot my PS3. Apart from that though its been great compared to the piece of s**t that is MW2.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
On Arica Harbour (I think...snow level with big pipes and s**t) if I get in a tank and crash in to something my whole PS3 locks up. Screen freezes, becomes totally unresponsive to the controller but I can hear the sound of the game continuing around me for 30 or so seconds afterwards. Only happens on this map under these conditions and REALLY f***s me off as I have to reboot my PS3. Apart from that though its been great compared to the piece of s**t that is MW2.

That's Port Valdez map, mate :cool:
  Bus w**ker
LOL I suck with the map names. Went charging towards the enemies deployment the other night...only to find that I'd got them mixed up and had run the full length of the map to my own teams and had my whole squad following me. :eek:
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
LOL I suck with the map names. Went charging towards the enemies deployment the other night...only to find that I'd got them mixed up and had run the full length of the map to my own teams and had my whole squad following me. :eek:

LOL! I did that the other day on Laguna Presa. Joined halfway through, spawned at base C, ran all the way back to the other side of the map to the base and waited on their guys coming out to cap them. Destroyed 2 tanks in the process and then realised it was my own f*cking base!! What a waste of time.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Unless you two are playing HC where there is no map, all I can say is "retards!!!" ;)

Sometimes I do get disorientated though...get lost in the jungle, and walking around for ages looking for action. If you use a UAV on rush for a while and you keep taking bases, when it gets blown up you have a mission on your hands!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
That's Port Valdez map, mate :cool:

I must have been playing against my s**t-Sniper counterpart on that map last night in Rush Mode! :)

We (as the Yanks) got pushed back to the last 'base' on top of the hill. I manned that machine gun turret on the back corner on the roof of the main building, trying to stop them coming up from the valley below. I saw (and heard) three seperate sniper shots land close by me - the last one hit the wall in front of the turret. I legged it from there after another burst. No matter how bad that sniper was, I doubt he was going to miss on his fourth shot! ;)

  Octy VRS
If you have a VIP code it should do it automatically and the maps will be in the lobby. If not I think you can buy one from the PSN store.
