^ Against some good heli pilots, that's sometimes the only way to prevent base-wape.
That's clearly a design flaw in the game, then. An expert tank driver shouldn't be able to run riot through the map - even with two engineers onboard. Just in the same way that a helo pilot shouldn't be able to pwn all because short of a good tracer-dart combo, the only thing decent enough to take these things down are the AA turrets dotted throughout the map. And the one in the centre of Atacama is just pointless imo as you're just cannon fodder. I know that whenever I approach that area, its one of the first things I look at to see if any enemy are sat on it!
The bias has definitely shifted in terms of gameplay balance from the previous titles. In Battlefield 2142, you could have a walker and tank combo providing mutual support - with each vehicle having a crew of two. That meant you could have a medic/assault guy driving the tank, providing all four players health support. In the top turret an engineer automatically repaired the walker if damaged when it was nearby. Similarly, the walker could be driven by a support guy, providing ammo for all four players and a top turret engineer providing automatic repairs to the tank when the walker was close by.
On the face of it, they should own all before them - but it was very rare that they did. Mainly because there were many ways of taking vehicles down. From mines, gunships, AT turrets (that fired similar to rail guns), engineers, turrets on the Titan above (if in Titan Mode) and of course - other vehicles. On BC2, a good helo crew does indeed kick the crap out of the opposition and if they manage to steal the other helo too, then its pretty much game over. Get hit a few times, terrain-hug back to the safety of your own base area and repair. Repeat until the round is over.
I'm far from whinging (honest!

) as I love BC2. But I do hope that they readdress some of the gameplay issues. Where skill and ability take 2nd place to game flaws and nerfed weapons, then it does become a little bit like 'what's the point'? Usually DICE are pretty good at patching things - the original Battlefield 1942 went all the way to v1.6 patch and the later games each had a decent amount of patches too. One of the last for Battlefield 2142 enabled each side to have two gunships simultaneously - something which would be farcical on BC2 if enabled now.
In a lot of ways, the map layout and unit abilites and weaknesses reached their pinnacle within BF2142. Each game became an evolution of what worked in prior titles and issues and inbalances got left out in the next game. BC2 had has to accomodate the kill-spawn-kill-spawn MW2 generation and its not really been a flawless transition. Yet.