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[PC/Xbox360/PS3] Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Official Thread

  1.8 Civic EX
good effort Darren lol!

I finaly unlocked the last gun for the medic class yesterday so thats everything unlocked for me now. Time to start mixing it up.

I'm rapidly going off Atacama Dessert now though, everytime I'm on that map I'm with a bunch of n00bs and we just get annialated (sp) by the other team who always seem to end up with control of every tank, jeep, mounted gun and helicopter on the map. Just don't stand a chance, try every class, enginer to take out the tanks, recon to pick off the odd infantry running about but just get pummled every time lol

Still, I'm getting closer to getting my kill/death up to 1.* . Still on 0.98 but only about 45 kills in it I think. slowly chipping away at it :)

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
good effort Darren lol!

I finaly unlocked the last gun for the medic class yesterday so thats everything unlocked for me now. Time to start mixing it up.

I'm rapidly going off Atacama Dessert now though, everytime I'm on that map I'm with a bunch of n00bs and we just get annialated (sp) by the other team who always seem to end up with control of every tank, jeep, mounted gun and helicopter on the map. Just don't stand a chance, try every class, enginer to take out the tanks, recon to pick off the odd infantry running about but just get pummled every time lol

Still, I'm getting closer to getting my kill/death up to 1.* . Still on 0.98 but only about 45 kills in it I think. slowly chipping away at it :)

I've found that on Atacama in particular, the presence of a capable helo crew is all important. When they are on your side, they help out enormously when opposing vehicles are spotted. When they are against you, they can be a right pain in the arse either in tank or on foot. With the snowy maps, at least you have the chance of some cover with the tress - Atacama is much more barren.

And again, it's all to do with your team. Move around in a pack and you're mutually supportive of one another. A couple of games I've had I could nearly always count on two other green squad markers being in the minimap view along with me. That makes such a difference - especially if you mix up the classes and have an assault and medic guy in there too.

There have been times on Atacama where I've been totally trounced - I think 1-11 was my worst K/D to date. You do get to a point where even ranked up to the max, knowing every nook and cranny on the map and having all the unlocks at your disposal counts for nothing. Either the opposing team works well together, your own team is crap.... or a mixture of both. I guess that's what makes it more interesting and random to play.

  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
A good heli crew on any map with a Heli on it can and should win the game tbh.

Unless the opposing team uses logic and a fair few switch to Engineer to take it down.

If you lose both choppers on Atacama its game over basically unless the pilots are retarded.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
A good heli crew on any map with a Heli on it can and should win the game tbh.

Unless the opposing team uses logic and a fair few switch to Engineer to take it down.

If you lose both choppers on Atacama its game over basically unless the pilots are retarded.

'Tis true. It would be good for the engineer to have a dedicated SAM unlock - a bit like they had in Desert Combat, but one that actually worked this time :). Great against helos and UAVs, but next to useless against armour.

They had one in Battlefield 2142, but there was a lot more air traffic in that game.

  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Yeah i rekon so, especially now more people use Chaff etc, if your half decent and have chaff your pretty much unstoppable.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
I WAS gonna be on today as i had first dibs on 3 months live but Deekay the cheecky c**t jumped in before i could pay.

Is there anything new post atacama on rush?
  Mito Sportiva 135
Does anyone know how you get a platinum star? I've got like 6 or 7 gold stars for the m60...if you need to get 10 that's a bloody mission!!!


ClioSport Club Member
Isnt there a badge for getting 1 platinum star? sure i got one.

Finally got bronze on all the shotguns thank god, i feel like a criminal when using them to kill people from 400yrds lol

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Yeah i rekon so, especially now more people use Chaff etc, if your half decent and have chaff your pretty much unstoppable.

That doesn't stop cannon rounds though. ;)

I've had some right bullshit hit detections on hitting helos with a tank. Like 20 yards away and it hovering right down the sight of your barrel. The round hits and the helo flies off - trailing smoke, but that should be a one-shot kill that. I've had FAR more success switching to the top turret and leading the target. Takes a lot of hits, but the not so clever pilots never seem to extract from the firing area. Oh well.... :)

  Mito Sportiva 135
Yeh machine gun on tanks is you only need to concentrate on firing, not moving. I am quite accurate with it too and can knock up a few kills.

Last night I got owned though, one point went to fire my pistol...but had tracers equipped. Safe to say, I lost that fight!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Yeh machine gun on tanks is you only need to concentrate on firing, not moving. I am quite accurate with it too and can knock up a few kills.

Last night I got owned though, one point went to fire my pistol...but had tracers equipped. Safe to say, I lost that fight!

Heheh - me too. The tank opposition on Atacama was exceptional. The two opposing Abrams stuck together like clue and I'm assuming they had a crew of four engineers as they seemed almost impervious to hit after hit. They also stayed way out to the left side of the map (looking forward fom the Russian end) and I'm guessing they had that long-range optics or whatever its called, picked.

We eventually overwhelmed them (mainly due to the persistent helo on our side) but it took a lot of effort. I tried the 'Big Man' approach and tried to take both on myself a few times. Needless to say, I lost.... badly. ;)

  1.8 Civic EX
Isnt there a badge for getting 1 platinum star? sure i got one.

Finally got bronze on all the shotguns thank god, i feel like a criminal when using them to kill people from 400yrds lol

I was recon last night, spotted a guy with my sniper, he clearly just spotted me too and bang I'm dead. Fair enough he beat me to it I thought, then when it showed him as the killer he used a friggin shotgun?!?!? sniping shotguns FTL. :dapprove: ( untill I start using them then it will be FTW :))
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
That doesn't stop cannon rounds though. ;)

I've had some right bullshit hit detections on hitting helos with a tank. Like 20 yards away and it hovering right down the sight of your barrel. The round hits and the helo flies off - trailing smoke, but that should be a one-shot kill that. I've had FAR more success switching to the top turret and leading the target. Takes a lot of hits, but the not so clever pilots never seem to extract from the firing area. Oh well.... :)


True but if your second gunner has Vehicle armor on and you dive to the floor they dont bother you too much.

Nothing more satisfying than smashing a moving Helo with the main turret of an Abrams though.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Last night had 2 mixed where I got 26 for 8, then got 2 for 19...WTF??!!?

Been mixing up the LMGs...good to try new ones, and giving the m60 a bit of a rest.


ClioSport Club Member
Finally got bronze on all weapons last night, can stop using all the poor guns and go back to helping the team win. the sv98 sniper is a peice of crap too, took so long to get my 25 kills with it.
  1.8 Civic EX
anyone struggling with the snipers at the moment?

fook knows whats wrong but i just cant hit anyone with any of them. I've been so close to people that they take up about 80% of the view finder, pull the trigger and it doesn't hit?!?!

same from a distance, line the shot up perfectly and it just doesn't hit?!?

I'm not s**t with them lol i've got a gold star one one and silver on another, just the last couple of days this has been happening.
not really but i've been having trouble with the knife... people have just been turning round and shooting me after i stab them?!!?
  Bus w**ker
not really but i've been having trouble with the knife... people have just been turning round and shooting me after i stab them?!!?
I've had this, put it down to them having the ceramic body armour or whatever it's called. If you don't get an instant kill from the first, stab them again. Seems to be quicker than the time it takes them to turn around or just fire.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I think its more down to hit detection. Seems a bit hit and miss to me.

It can be really frustrating at times. As Brand says, the ping times play a lot into what goes on. But there is also the server itself to determine what 'went on' and then give a corresponding result. I had two laughable ones at the weekend where an assault guy came running at me just as I was reloading. He was at such a distance that the reload could have easily been completed and I would have just emptied the clip into him. Sure enough - at about 10-15ft in game terms, he does the knife stab animation and I die instantly. I just lol'd and said that he was nowhere near me. Naturally, I didn't get a response.

The other one was as recon. I ran around a corner to come face to face with an enemy recon. We both impulsive fired the M24's - I saw his charcter flinch and the red spurt come up as I hit him, but I died. No worries - his shot must have been more accurate. The view flicks to the death cam of him and it says he's on 100% health. WTF? :S

I do think that a good percentage of games where I'm doing pretty good must be down to the ping times and/or the server reacting to an incident in my favour. In some games, I appear to be a bullet sponge again and again without dying, yet in others I'm nailed from 300-400yards away by a single shotgun blast. Mmmmmm.

  Bus w**ker
Did a quick google search on this and there's loads of people complaining, especially on the official forum, about the knife being "broken" and it's across all the platforms.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Yeah I mentioned a few pages back that it's annoying when you knife someone twice and they turn around and shoot you in the face.

Just one of those things that happens sometimes.

I've also had one game where I've hit several head shots with the Gol and not got a single one shot kill. No idea what was up on that round, but it seemed to be fine the round after that.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Yeah I mentioned a few pages back that it's annoying when you knife someone twice and they turn around and shoot you in the face.

Just one of those things that happens sometimes.

I've also had one game where I've hit several head shots with the Gol and not got a single one shot kill. No idea what was up on that round, but it seemed to be fine the round after that.

Sounds similar to Rhino's post #1861....

To be fair, there is a LOT going on at the same time and certain 'stupid' happenings are to be expected. I don't mind missing a moving target - but when you fire at a stationery target and it doesn't hit, then I do get more than a little pissed! ;)

  Mito Sportiva 135
Well I just least it's not as bad as MW2. Played last night for first time in ages, and full of annoying 12 year olds singing in the lobby, ridiculous spawn killing, harriers just owning....just not very fun!
  Mito Sportiva 135
It would be nice to have a genuinely new map though for once!

One set in the mountains/valleys of West Coast America would be cool, maybe one with a more close quarters focus set in a city or something, oh and also maybe some new guns (although I guess this is what the Vietnam pack is for)

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
It would be nice to have a genuinely new map though for once!

One set in the mountains/valleys of West Coast America would be cool, maybe one with a more close quarters focus set in a city or something, oh and also maybe some new guns (although I guess this is what the Vietnam pack is for)

I'd love a timed squad 'rush' option on the Antonov cargo plane - a bit like that optional mission at the end of COD:MW. Points awarded for ammo not used at the end, complete with time taken and headshots. Would make for a great, quick and intense 'map' I reckon. :)

  Integra Type-R DC2
Id like map with a carrier, loaded with helos for the US and a coastal city held by the Russians. For anyone who played Project Reality for BF2 might remember Muttrah City.
