I still think you get points for picking up any kit, just not against that class.
I've picked up assault kits but still have no points against the class as I've never played it, but did still scored points in the game.
On BC2 (Scutch will probably know this) - am I right in saying.....
- Pick a class - e.g engineer and kill with it = points gained.
- Still as engineer - pickup dead recon's kit and kill with it = no points gained.
- Still as engineer - pickup dead engineer's kit and kill with it = points gained.
I only got the hang of parachutes a few weeks back. Playing on Hardcore makes you rely on them more, as if and when you get shot or take a hard landing, you're stuck in that state (health wise) until a medic pack is issued. I usually press the A button (or whatever the chute button is) a few times and hold it down. I know it's worked if I hear the chute open. If not, I have a heavy landing and get the blood spatter on the screen, which can cripple your vision.
As mentioned, picking up a fallen soldiers kit will still gain you points, but not for that specific class as far as unlocks are concerned. For example, I've picked up the Medic kit many times, shot folk and given out first aid boxes and ressurected dead team mates. I get the points at the end of the round, but if I select Medic from the off, I'm still on 0 points (or whatever you're on prior to changing class during a battle). As for changing to a kit of the same class, I'm unsure. Good question. I'm presuming it will still add up on your current class overall. Not 100% though.
Scutch just man up and use the medic!!!!!!!
Scutch just man up and use the medic!!!!!!!
Sup with tracers?
I just tonight discovered I farking love the VSS on Recon, with Magnum perk it's fantastic. Only sniper that you can basically run n gun with, fast reload, great ROF and decent power. <3
Love the game, though the Mrs is fast becoming a widow. Up to rank 18 now, vehicle, recon and medic all unlocked. Engineer half done, and Assault untouched.
Sup with tracers?
I just tonight discovered I farking love the VSS on Recon, with Magnum perk it's fantastic. Only sniper that you can basically run n gun with, fast reload, great ROF and decent power. <3
Love the game, though the Mrs is fast becoming a widow. Up to rank 18 now, vehicle, recon and medic all unlocked. Engineer half done, and Assault untouched.
Cool. Cheers.
I simply refuse to use it in game. It takes no skill to use and can be lethal if the opposing team has got their heads screwed on. Increasingly, I've seen tracer darts used against snipers too. WTF are they supposed to do once they are flashing like fecking Rudolph in amongst the trees???? It also says something when a sniper has to calculate and aim accordingly for bullet drop, yet the laser-straight tracer dart firer doesn't have to. Yep, well played there DICE. :S
You're joking, right? Hitting a well piloted helicopter with a tracer is f*cking HARD IME!! The skill comes in anticipating where it will hit. It may fly arrow-straight, but it's slow and takes judgement to use properly.
Hitting a sniper with a tracer is just a humiliation thing, like covering them with C4
Also, taking down a tank is a 2x RPG affair, exposing your position (smoke trail) and making the job that much harder.
I sincerely have no problem with them.
FWIW Darren, try using the vehicle smoke specialisation, it removes darts.![]()
The thing is... Your complaining about tracer darts yet no mention of the knobs in the heli who have two engineers in aswell as gunners who constantly repair the damn thing if you use any other means of shooting it down.
I agree.. using them on tanks is pointless because it's harder to repair that and stay alive than it is to camp in the heli.
As for the sniper thing.. i use them on my own team... mainly dredz... he suits being a christmas tree! lol
i've just started using the tracer darts properly, mainly to get the pin for 100 successful plants. it's easy to hit a tank with them but not the helo's. i've noticed it does actually drop a little and is s**t slow so getting the timing right can be a bit tricky. Also once it's planted you still need to point the launcher at the marked target for a few secs till it gets the lock (the red square goes a little darked and the distance pops up under the square) once it's got the lock you can fire quite happily for it to guide to the mark.
Got an awesome kill against me last night. Parachuting in on Valdez, I got shotgun'd from a bloke at Point B. Point fecking B! I proper lol'd. I think I need to start using those....
It's easier getting a dart on a helo if you infiltrate the enemy base and set up camp there, waiting.
I get some great kills with the Spas12 using magnum ammo and the 12 gauge addons, even at distance!