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[PC/Xbox360/PS3] Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Official Thread

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
So will it keep your specialised stats for classes, weapons and vehicles?

Sort of. Like I jumped straight in using a Thompson on assault class and picked Magnum ammo and V-Hard as perks. I didn't have to 're-unlock' them again specifically for BC2 Vietnam. Obviously, recon's no longer get motion mines, but they do get TNT. Seems a very strange marriage of kit that for me - sniping at range with your main gun, yet having to be feet away from your target in order to place TNT? I guess that's a nod-back to Battlefield 2142 where the recon class was used to place the modern equivalent of C4 and they had cloaking devices. However, they had the very potent Lambert carbine unlock too - a very good all-rounder imo.

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
One of the things to bear in mind for Vietnam is that if you are planning on using anything other than Recon, your scopes are rendered pretty much useless. It's gung ho all the way.

Sort of. Like I jumped straight in using a Thompson on assault class and picked Magnum ammo and V-Hard as perks. I didn't have to 're-unlock' them again specifically for BC2 Vietnam. Obviously, recon's no longer get motion mines, but they do get TNT. Seems a very strange marriage of kit that for me - sniping at range with your main gun, yet having to be feet away from your target in order to place TNT? I guess that's a nod-back to Battlefield 2142 where the recon class was used to place the modern equivalent of C4 and they had cloaking devices. However, they had the very potent Lambert carbine unlock too - a very good all-rounder imo.


Don't forget the Recon class also had C4 as a secondary weapon, which also involves close quarters play.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Yeah they are 2 totally different games.

The review I read said this was pretty much a first as it was giving you a new game for £10 and you didn't even have to go out and buy it.

They raved about this idea and commended the makers for giving players the game for such a small price as they could have brought out a whole new disk if they wanted to.

When can I download it?
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I've downloaded.

Was only 1.6MB. I guess the update from a couple of weeks ago was the brunt of it.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Don't forget the Recon class also had C4 as a secondary weapon, which also involves close quarters play.

True! I tend to forget that and associate the C4 with the assault class. Despite what I said, I've seen a recent 'twist' to the recon class forming - on the PC platform anyway. More and more snipers are ditching the long range primary weapons and going for the auto-shottys. At first, I thought it was an achievement aim - to get the stars on all of the weapons on offer. However, they are proving to be one of the best MCOM defender kit classes available. Throw a motion mine nearby to see where the enemies are at - nail them with the shottys at close proximity and use the C4 on the tanks if they get too close. If I wasn't so useless with the shotguns (I blame my poor broadband connection ;) :eek:) I'd probably take up that role myself. However, I'm finding myself being drawn back to the engineer class. It's probably the one I'm most suited to and comfortable with overall.

I've downloaded.

Was only 1.6MB. I guess the update from a couple of weeks ago was the brunt of it.

It was a hefty 2.4GB for the PC - I guess the 360 version was similar?

  mx5 & 172
More and more snipers are ditching the long range primary weapons and going for the auto-shottys. At first, I thought it was an achievement aim - to get the stars on all of the weapons on offer. However, they are proving to be one of the best MCOM defender kit classes available. Throw a motion mine nearby to see where the enemies are at - nail them with the shottys at close proximity and use the C4 on the tanks if they get too close.

spot on -

Recon is an excellent defensive class when kitted out right. I can't use shotguns either so take the thompson instead for close combat ( 4-5 rounds vaguely aimed at the face does the same job as a shotgun and if you miss there's still some ammo left)
I'll carry the G3 for normal assault duties or the g3/m14 mod thingy with a 4x scope for medium-long range work. The big rifles only come out if I want to kill people from 5-600 yards away

im going to buy vietnam later
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Yeah it was around 1.9GB or thereabouts for 360.

I'm not that good with the shotguns or pistols, either. Much prefer scopes, so Vietnam is going to be a rude awakening for me.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Yeah it was around 1.9GB or thereabouts for 360.

I'm not that good with the shotguns or pistols, either. Much prefer scopes, so Vietnam is going to be a rude awakening for me.

The recon scopes are pretty good still, Scutch. It's the fact that you have a periphery vision around the sides of the scope that takes a little getting used to....




Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Let us know how it is rhino. I'm going to download it when I get in ready for later! :eek:

After TG I think.
  1.8 Civic EX
snipers delight!! no idea what the map was definatly had a "sniper rock" there were 5 of us all in the same place sniping away.

first impressions....very good and refreshing to keep the interest in the game

fireing from the hip is much more accurate and as someone has the said...the huts are a bit shite for cover if your being shot at by a tank lol


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Lols, even in the normal game covering behind walls and s**t is useless is there is a mamma tank sitting there!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Is there anything that takes tanks out in one go?

3 Rocket launcher shots! Annoying!
  1.8 Civic EX
just wiped one out using the blow torch :) equivilent of the repair tool

other than that are tough cookies! seem to withstand a mine quite easliy.
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  1.8 Civic EX
lol it's not like we were playing crap which is annoying. if were crap then i would understand, it's simply just a tunnel or over the hill, both of which were just getting ploughed with bullets/grenades/rockets/morters..

switched it off for a bit now but so far lovin' it. Would be nice if the maps/weapons swapped between bc2 and vietnam though as i can see the original maps just being completely ignored from now on.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Yeah did bottle neck pretty badly didnt it, i hope people switch as i've not played for ages and wanna mix it up
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
lol it's not like we were playing crap which is annoying. if were crap then i would understand, it's simply just a tunnel or over the hill, both of which were just getting ploughed with bullets/grenades/rockets/morters..

switched it off for a bit now but so far lovin' it. Would be nice if the maps/weapons swapped between bc2 and vietnam though as i can see the original maps just being completely ignored from now on.

Probably. But you can always switch back to the original when you fancy a change. Much like any DLC - GTA IV as an example. Once I downloaded the lost and damned and ballad of gay Tony, I didnt play the full game again.
  Integra Type-R DC2
Good god, this is awesome. Yet to really play all the maps (seemed to be on Temple all day), but Vantage is pretty good. Was defending as the americans earlier on the second set of bomb sites and things got pretty intense. VC were charging up the hill and into our position in their droves. At one point a sneaky group got right into out dugout, just as I put the first one down with my M16, another followed him up. Didnt have time to reload, so quickly pulled out the trusty Colt .45 and put the b*****d down, only for a third to charge in. Trusty knife sorted him out.

Situations like this werent that common in BC2, but in Vietnam it seems to happen alot which is a credit to the makers. Really intense, close up fights that bring home how brutal the war in 'nam was
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Love it when things get up close and you bust out the flame thrower haha, i managed to get the drop on a guy who had one too i killed him but was on fire and almost dead so jumped into the water... IT WORKS haha
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Pretty good, it wont take over the main game for me, doesnt feel as smooth/quick some how, i went back to the norm after a few hours on it and it just seemed different... in a good way though, nice to have new weapons etc and you really get that Nam feel.

I'm taking it as a very good add on! Buuut i need to give it a few more days play!

Is hella fun loading up in the huey and flying over the battlefield with ride of the valkyre's playing out the loudspeaker on the front of the choppa

100% worth it!
  182 Turbo Project
I'm loving it atm, haven't had chance to fly the 'choppa' yet. Just need to work out the right combo of weapons to classes like I've done for the normal game.
  Integra Type-R DC2
Favourite class setups?

Quite like the M16, though the mates ive played with today hated it. M14 is deffinatley a handy weapon. Great accuracy and power, though firing it full auto is useless unless your stood within 3 foot of whoever your aiming at. Deffinatley makes a great all round weapon though, if you can get the hang of tapping off one round at a time.

Which brings me to the GOL...err, sorry. I mean M40. ;)
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Yeah M16's fine but tbh I generally switch a fair few time throughout a game depending on what my team have/tanks are about etc.

Not sniped much yet, need to get my eye back!

Flame thrower are fun as fook!

Love the big map with the chopper, can't remember the name?
  Integra Type-R DC2
Levels called Pho Bai. Which is, funnily enough, what my janner mate said the other day when I unknowingly picked up a frozen turd the asked if anyone knew what it was.
  1.8 Civic EX
Forgot to mention ragging around in the tuk tuks is actually quote amusing when you got bullets flying all over the shop!

I've been mainly swapping between engineer and recon so far. I Forget the guns though, a small but rapid Uzi type job for the engineer and I think the m21 sniper rifle.
