I tried the V-Optic perk earlier on with the UAV. Great for distance viewing, but you really have to hit the target spot-on to do damage. Splash damage appears to be minimal.
Are many of you lot playing on PC and feel like posting up your soldier names ?
mine is bumtube
I have no bad company friends at all![]()
Gutted. Playing on Nelson Bay, got a K/D of 28/9. Next round comes along, and I must have killed a similar amount, including at least 15 with grenades, getting my 5,000 point grenade badge. I was then booted from the game. No doubt lost all those kills and stats.
Hate it when that happens.
Mine's Unzen - the same as the Steam account. Be a bit wary though as recently the EA server back-end has been having really weird issues, meaning accuracy and hit detection are well out of the window. Cuts both ways too. Some enemies you pure rounds into and they nail you with a single shot. Then at times (like twice tonight) I've killed someone without even aiming near them. Really, really random.... :S
I shall snout you out - im rubbish though so best used as a human shield.
that hit reg stuff is par for the course with BC2 in my experience - i just keep reminding myself that we're still better of than we were with all the connection failures in 2142
Ahh cool, cheers mate, good info.
Was bored earlier so finally finished off getting every Achievement in single player
There's a few I'm missing for Onslaught mode, which is odd as I didn't even buy that DLC.
That's good going m8! I've played through it twice to get all the weapons in it and there's always one or two bloody missing!
Trying to get all the medic unlocks, pins and Achievements now.
It's the only FPS other than Halo where I look back and feel like I had a proper war...it feels like you're there, things like COD are so arcadey and light in comparisson.
Think i'm going to have a blaps tonight!
Hmmm i traded this in a month ago and now really miss itfail :'(
Bought this game ages ago but only played it online briefly, have since been playing it with a couple of mates in a squad, makes very interesting gaming. Certianly is different when you work together on a game opposed to running and gunning on COD. Can't wait for Battlefield 3