good work there matey, simple indicator bulb change looks MILES better!!
looking very swish her...nice work chap
Nice, loving the new plate! And is that some darker coloured F1's i spy, good choice
EDIT: Second thoughts i think its just a shadow making them look dark... how embarrassing.
Nice, wheres the plate from and what measurements is it? Also which font is that?
quick update:
went out for a play with my g-tec last night, now my 172 is supposed to hit 60 in 6.8-7.1 depending where you read, so say an average of 7 secs, well last night i had 5 runs, which one was over 7 secs due to too much wheelspin ( 7.26) but the rest were all under 7 secs with my best being 6.58which i didnt think was too bad with 116,661 miles under her belt lol
oh and going on my other thread about the knocking noise, even with the lauching for my 0-60 runs it fefused to knock last night,which i find really interesting,maybe she likes me now and has decided to fix herself? lol
You sir are an inspiration!! Love the fact you've seen past the miles and are maintaining this sweet 172. Have you had to switch oil when you service it now due to the mileage? Which grade of oil do you use?
RE prospeed: I paid about £335 cut through the bumper. Stealth is a bit cheeper.
It was 6 months ago tho
RE prospeed: I paid about £335 cut through the bumper. Stealth is a bit cheeper.
It was 6 months ago tho
hmmm thats cool mate, il have to check the funds, do you think welding some sort of brace from the box to the pipe would help?