Re: The story of a high mileage 172
Not updated this in a while so:
Well to start the work on the Clio i spent 4 hours on Saturday cleaning out my garage.
I pulled everything out and sorted through all my stuff, sorted out the useable from the rubbish, and made myself throw away a lot of bits and pieces I keep thinking that I may need.
The outcome is I now have a fully useable garage, and a workbench I can now use, where as before I couldnt even see it! I also brushed out about 5kg's of dust and dirt!
Here is the finished product:
Once this was done, I popped to where the Clio has been hibernating, and as expected it fired up first time

and drove it up to my now waiting garage.
Once in and settled, I began to take bits off, starting with the airbox:
Once that was off, I moved onto the throttle cable and set about unplugging the air temp sensor, throttle position sensor, coil pack, map sensor and idle control valve:
Next stage, removing the coil pack and then undoing all the bolts holding the upper inlet manifold.
I then unplugged the injectors, undone the bolts holding the fuel rail on, unplugged the feed to the rail and removed the injectors and fuel rail complete.
The vac pipe and all breather pipes were then pulled off and I then pulled off the upper inlet:
Once off and on my bench, I removed the throttle body.
After this, I started on the lower inlet. This is usually a pain, more so to fit than remove due to it needing sliding into place, meaning the gasket is a right pain to get right!
Taking off can still be a pain due to the position of the lower bolts, but thankfully i managed to get them out without any hassle and I beat my record time too! There is also a bolt that comes in from the side, that bolts through a bracket which is a fiddly one to do.
But after a little fiddling, the lower mainfold came off leaving this:
By this time I was running out of hours, so I used some degreaser and had a quick go at cleaning up the rocker cover and cylinder head. I will have another go a few more times this week to see if I can get it a bit cleaner, I have no pics of it after my cleaning session but I will grab some this week.
By this time Id reached about as much as I could do today, plus I needed to wrap up all the bits I had removed off the Clio and get them sent off to their new owners!
So thats it so far, more updates soon.....