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R27 #177

  Clio 200t
Not a fan of the diffuser that colour, if you're going to do it then its going to have to be everything, so the badges, cup spoiler end plates etc and so on.

Do like the car though, 197s in LY look great.


ClioSport Admin
Not a fan of the diffuser that colour, if you're going to do it then its going to have to be everything, so the badges, cup spoiler end plates etc and so on.

Do like the car though, 197s in LY look great.

I'm not a fan of coloured badges, and the reason I want a wrap or plastidip is so I can eventually change it back to standard, I'm not a fan of body modifications any more (on my own car)

Cheers :D I wouldn't have had it in any other colour.

I see you chose the hero colour too.
  Clio 200t
Well thats the beauty of plastidip isn't it, dont like it just peel it off! It will probably look better not photoshopped to be fair, real will be better.


ClioSport Admin
Just serviced today, new oil, oil filter, gearbox oil and brake fluid in :) have to oil the air filter tomorrow and get a pollen filter to fit.

In the new year I'll be looking to replace the rear discs, pads and maybe callipers as the bleed nipples are seized
  RB Clio 182
This car is one of my favourites on here, love ly r27's!

Have you got the melted diffuser sorted?

How much would you be looking at if you were to sell ;)


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
One million dollars ?

Would the first to see, buy ?

What if his cash isn't waiting... What happens then ?

Would it be much cheaper if a buyer lived far away ? Maybe in another country ?


ClioSport Admin
Smallish update.

I bought some Laguna interlagos (Megan's R26.r) alloys on the off chance that they fit my car. I had in the back of my mind that Renault altered the PCD and centre bore of the hubs from the mk3 Clio/mk2 Meg/mk2 Laguna to the mk3 Meg/mk3 Laguna but I bought the wheels anyway.

As it turned out, they didn't fit, I was right.

Mk3 Megs and Lagunas have a 66.1 centre bore (mk3 clios have 60.1) and a 114.5 PCD (clios have 108), so I knocked these up to be made in work. Note the tapped holes, this was a first draft, steel inserts were going to be made to save the aluminium threads from being stripped.

I knocked these up as I didn't want to pay £120 per corner for adapters.


Here's a drawing for anyone able to make these.

But, they fit my girlfriends civic 😧 every cloud and all that.

It was turning into a pita to get the adapters knocked up in work as they're a pretty big foreign job. And I found some speed lines with tyres at a decent price so put the Laguna wheels on the back burner for the time being and bought the speed lines.

Pics to follow but they're in decent Nick, there's a few dents and scratches that need filling in and as I hate black wheels, they'll be going white.


Like this.

So hopefully my race car will look like that race car soon... Albeit 30mm lower :smiley:

Pic of my clean car just because.



ClioSport Admin
So I picked up the speedlines on Friday with the aim to have them resprayed White.


I didn't realise how close the oulton track day is and I started smoothing out the defects in the wheels to fill with chemical metal. It's a bit overkill but I got carried away.




Thankfully, only two need a bit of work.

The plan now is to get them nice and gouge free before giving them a coat of satin black to tidy them all up ready for oulton. Then when I get some more time or spare pennies, I'll have them done white.

The anthracite centre caps are going on the r27 Raiders and I've got a spare set of centre caps to go on these. No point respraying mint centre caps when I've got some tatty ones to do.


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ClioSport Admin
Cheers, here's today's efforts.



^^thats actually the worst one :D

I should've just bought white spray from the off rather than satin black again. I had more primer than I anticipated so I could've easily changed the colour.

All in, I'm pretty chuffed at the filler job. They aren't perfect but I doubt anyone will notice once the paint is on... It took me a while to find the repaired sections myself.


ClioSport Admin
Here's today's efforts.


After the second coat of satin black


Exciting s**t



After they dried

This is the first one I unwrapped. I was half expecting a bit of tape to peel away a f**k load of the paint. Thankfully they all came out ace.

Four Mint* speedlines :smiley:

*mint if you don't inspect them with a microscope.


Centre caps done... Upside down for some reason. The diamonds are a bit minging. Hopefully some mild compound or autosol will save them next time I clean the car

One complete wheel.

Taking them to work tomorrow to get balanced then they're all ready for the renaultsport day on Friday :smiley:



ClioSport Club Member
It's not like it's a permanent thing so you can always change wheel colours at a later date. I love the look of white wheels but you'll have to keep on top of it, which I'm sure you will.


ClioSport Admin
It's not like it's a permanent thing so you can always change wheel colours at a later date. I love the look of white wheels but you'll have to keep on top of it, which I'm sure you will.

Yeah, when I do them white I'll probably have them done properly with 2k paint and lacquer to make them more robust and easier to clean :D


ClioSport Admin
Forgot to add to this. Not really a big deal but I'm excite.

Got the wheels balanced yesterday so they're all ready for oulton on Friday.
It's taken some effort to not fit them in advance.

The car will be getting a full tank, a quick drive and loaded up tomorrow night for an early start on Friday.

Maybe even a wash if it's lucky.

Non related pic to add colour to the page.



ClioSport Admin
The car behaved brilliantly yesterday at oulton. The only problem was brake judder which got quite severe after a few laps. So upgraded pads are on the shopping list.

I arrived early and got everything unpacked.

The speedlines went on after the sighting laps. Full badman spec. Black looks uber gash and the car is crying out for spacers.


I love when mine and Tom's cars are together. LY ftw. And my friends M4 lurking in the background of the shot.

I'll have to get another couple of ns2rs for the rear of the Clio as they were pretty ace, even when they were cold they had more grip than the contis... Getting a bit sideways at lodge on the first lap. I got a bit too enhusiastic tbf.

As I thought, they were awful in the wet. I still couldn't touch Sarah and her friend in their 200s on wet tyres so I put the contis back on and let some air out. Which seemed to work, the car was more planted through every corner bar hizzys, so I gave up trying to go fast and started trying to just be smooth the chicane after a bit of coaching from @p@blo. Which resulted in some skids. The Clio is such a fun car to get moving around at relatively low speeds.
