Taken from www.lancer-evo.net s forum:
It has come to my attention that this device will be illegal next year...
Just spoke to a friend of mine who has the NEW TVR...
He has got a Road Angel 2 and a laser diffuser (Lidatek) ...
The bill to make laser detectors illegal has been passed, and should come into force next year.
All GPS based devices are LEGAL as they tell you where ALL the speed cameras are...
used as a device to aid safer driving (no sudden emergency brakes etc etc and be cautious of the road ahead)
All LASER detectors will be ILLEGAL.... and the Road Angel 2 has a built in laser detector with the GPS system....
which basically means that it will tell you if a camera has a laser in it or not... so if it doesnt beep/alert, you can carry on speeding past the camera at 100mph!
So thats what is happening at the moment.
Can anybody else advise on how to get round the law???