most of the time people on here make you feel not just like you farted in church, but followed through onto the collection plate as welllol!
Is the cage made of CDS?
As for the can of tyre weld, yes it is because the car never came with a spare wheel (Cup) and can is better than nothing at all surely
ITG filter with K&N stickers
Bimarco seats with Sparco stickers
Renault F1 Team on a Clio
Safety Devices on some cheap bit of tube
Notbothering stickers instead of "Can't afford it" stickers
Are you actually going out of your way to offend everyone? or?
ITG filter with K&N stickers
Bimarco seats with Sparco stickers
Renault F1 Team on a Clio
Safety Devices on some cheap bit of tube
Notbothering stickers instead of "Can't afford it" stickers
Are you actually going out of your way to offend everyone? or?
ITG filter with K&N stickers
Bimarco seats with Sparco stickersRenault F1 Team on a Clio
Safety Devices on some cheap bit of tube
Notbothering stickers instead of "Can't afford it" stickers
Are you actually going out of your way to offend everyone? or?
Not bothering sticker because I can't be bothered, how do you know what my finance is like?
Also I don't really think you want to get into a "let's compare clio's" argument with me lol
Phil, ironically you can get a lot of sparco seats for far less money than the bimarcos millerin has, so he really hasnt made them look more expensive just by putting sparco stickers on.
And I really dont think its a case of he couldnt afford those, lol
Yeah but you can see they're fiberglass backed so the sparco stickers kinda make you think they're more like the £600+ each seats
Meh, I'm out anyway. Nice car, shame about the stickers - but I guess it takes all sorts
I think everyone on here who isnt 12 or a chav probably agrees on the stickers, lol
Nice cup but agree on the stickers!
Although paying through the nose for bucket seats is a false economy anyway, so just ignore Phil. He gets really defensive when people have Ring' stickers for some reason. Like it actually affects him in anyway
Well the fact that 90% of people who have the "notbothering" sticker actually can't afford it - cos if you love cars it's an awesome place that you MUST visit
Is PH-QUICK still going around?
Me and Fubar started it as a joke some years ago!
Is PH-QUICK still going around?
Me and Fubar started it as a joke some years ago!
Isn't even a 'scarily thin' tubed roll cage better than none at all?
looks awesome btw.
Nice cup but agree on the stickers!
Although paying through the nose for bucket seats is a false economy anyway, so just ignore Phil. He gets really defensive when people have Ring' stickers for some reason. Like it actually affects him in anyway
I actually think them stickers are funny.
So many retards on the other side of the scale with nurburgring stickers who haven't been.
Ive been - Overrated.