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s3 vs 172 vsCTR vs FIAT COUPE

  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Hi guys drove 04 plate ctr yesterday it had 15k it was the face lift model.i was a bit dissapointing in terms of performance i was expecting a lot more my 172 m one would keep up with it up and till 90.In 1st and second gear my 172 pulls more the ctr felt good in 3rd and 4th but i only managed to drive it to 90ish.He then took me for a drive and still he was redlineing it and everything it still wasnt that quick.

anyway was a passenger in my mated fiat coupe 20 valve turbo f**k me that car goes like a bullet when it changes in to 3rd oh my god its superb.

He has know brought a x plate 225 s3 with leather recaros and sat nave he took me for a spin in it its quick but again i was dissapointed the inside just class superb heated elecrtic seats its got all the toys but it felt as quick as my 172 to be honest and i dont like the sound of the engine so hopefully that will clear up my 5 page thread lol

but its steal a great car pay for what you get:rasp:

overall iam glad i got a 172 for the money cant beat it and i got a minter as well
  tiTTy & SV650
nothing in it on the road really CTR / 172 / 182 / S3

A coupe turbo is fast when its dry, spins up easily in the wet though.
FIAT COUPE 20 valve turbo is a very fast car...

had a wee play with one of them...

made me want to trade in the 182 for a faster car...just wasnt the extra ooomph to leave it behind...
  Lux'd Glacier White R26
Changing into 3rd in a 20V-Turbo is amazing, it just pulls and pulls. I had a blast with my mate his is Coupe, and it was all level 1st into 2nd, but when he hit 3rd, bye bye 182. Fun though!

The rest of the cars you mentioned are all pretty equal in terms of performance.

  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Oh dear. Some people do buy cars for other things that racing from the lights you know?

This forum seems pretty obsessed with 0-60 and road racing. If you want to see how a car really performs i suggest a good track day. Dont be suprised if a 18 year old pug 205 gti (with a slower 0-60 time) hands you your ass on a plate though, because the fact is that even though on paper its slower, in the right hands its a better car.

Personalky id have an S3 over a 172. Id also have a CTR over a 172. Mainly because they have a better image associated with them, as this thread ironically proves. Plus they cost more, so 18 year old boy racers cant afford them.

I bought a 172 as they are so cheap and i needed a fun second car. I really wanted a valaver (again a better drivers car), but couldnt find a good enough one that wasnt about to fall apart. But with that cheapness of the 172 you have to live with the fact that they are falling into the hands of lower class people (i said lower, not working). They are fast becoming the new scoobys. Hence some people prefere to buy a slower more expensive car. Pretty logical really.
  Nippy white cup
Works both ways tho m8....A 172 in the right hands would be fantastic too. 1 minute your saying that the CTR/S3 are better because they cost more then you`re saying that how good it is that an 18 year old 205 would past a 172 in the right hands. "Road racing " is a joke too.....everyone at one point or another puts their foot down whatever they say...can`t see anywere in the 1st post about lining up at lights or hooning round country roads, just a fair comparison that could have taken place anywhere

I do agree with Tom that this forum is a bit pathetic when it comes to these constant comparisons, but the fact is most members are young lads so it comes as no suprise.

I think you are somewhat misguided to think a CTR has a better image though. I hardly ever see 172/182s around so declaring them a chavs car is pretty unfounded. I think you're just going by this forum.
  Lux'd Glacier White R26
^^ I agree totally. I think 172/182's are some what rare around my neck of the woods. I have only seen 4 182's and 1 172, to date. I see CTR's on my everyday trek to work.

  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
I'm soooo glad I bought my Civic Type R after my Cup 172. It was the right decision to make and I stand by that comment.
  tiTTy & SV650
if you want a nippy car for trackdays only then buy a 2 seater, wtf's with people, the only problem is the moaners who don't seem to enjoy driving. why buy a 2.0 hatch if you potter about the roads?!

Trackdays yes, great fun but so are proper A and B roads, maybe I'm spoilt because I live near the West Highlands but get real, people buy these cars because they enjoy driving and they like the fact that they're relatively quick.
CTR's and 172's are common around my area, mostly driven by t***s, but then I'm also noticing a fair number of valvers all chav'd up being driven by idiots... worse yet that some of these inbred mutants are using the Williams colour scheme... which looks crap when you have 17" gold multi spoke alloys... time to move on I think, too many Renaults being driven by kids acting bwaaaad. tossers
  williams and trophy
lmao......@ tom.

do you actually know wot the fuk ur on about????

cos im fukt if i do lol

iv never been passed on track by a car 10-20 years older than mine...its only very rare that it gets passed at all tbh on track.......but then i dont own a 172........only on track ;)

u say ud rather have an s3 etc than a y the fuk did u buy 1??

ur rite in the valver being the better drivers car tho...u shudda stuck to ur original plan, stop those 10-12 year old clios passing u on track lol.

and as for the chavs.....its true that todays kids obviously have no idea of what individuality is......1 does summat..its countrywide within a week...mainly with pointless bits of plastic that do nowt but light up a little bit........woooooooo hopw s***s that?? lol
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
why are we haveing this coversation its stupid i started this thread to tell you guys my experiance with these superb machines and comapring them with my 172.Anyway back to the topic the s3 felt veary confortable and classy from the inside.The ctr felt roomy and confortable as well but it was more like a race car but i prefer the look of my 172 it looks so agressive we parked all 3 cars in a line and all agreed the 172 looks the part from the front.At the rear of the car we decided the ctr looked the best.any way were gonna have a blast all together and il let you know how we got on
