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Sharing My Latest Goodies!

  Clio 1.6 16V

A bit bored this evening so thought I would share some new piccies of me new toys fitted over the past few weeks....

-40mm Chassis Dynamics spring kit .....

Front OMP strut brace (re-painted in Iceberg) .....

Rear strut brace, also re-painted .....

Magnex twin 3.5" shooters .....

and a bit closer .....

and not forgeting the K&N 57i .....

So ..... whats next ....hhhmmmm ...... Superchip me thinks, after my credit card has cooled down for a bit!!!!:)



  Shiny red R32

Demon Tweeks do strut braces.

Momo ones are about £46 page 149 in their Performance Direct catalogue - for all Clios - GT Turbo, 16v, Clio 98 on and the V6.

Also OMP and Sparco strut braces on pages 52 and 53 of the same catalogue, also for all Clio models, various prices from about £30 upwards.

Discount available if you phone John Harris direct on 01978 663 057 or email him for a price at"> him that Sylvia recommended you. Usually it is 10% off most things from John.
  Clio 1.6 16V

Cheers peeps for all your replies!;) Brightened up my boring evening!

Cliojohn: Afraid I still like the original 172 wheels

adiclio16v: Thanks, ok until you get the statement at the end of the month, then the depression sets in again! Mike Wright may ave the solution ...a Credit Card InterCooler .hehe tha one!

172man: Cant honestly tell ...frustrated ...cant use car on road at the moment. Waiting for Reno Insurance to issue a new policy after changing the reg number! Thats 5 days now and still no policy .."£%"£^&* Braces were from Demon Tweeks, £83.23 to my door inc club discount. (part nos MA/1836 & MA/1838). £25 for paint from Halfords.

GirlRacer: Spot on, got these strut braces via John Harris (nice chappy) at DT .....BTW, are you on a commission? LOL

geordiepaul : Thinking about that mod. Was disapointed to find that its made of hard plastic and costs £130!! Would really like to fit Laguna sport splitter but think I will start bulldozing the road at -40mm! Hope the hands heal up soon m8.

JillyB: Thanks

RobFenn: I like the standard 172 wheels also. Dont intend changing them. 17" rims are nice but think it would screw up the handling and have problems when lowered. "Theyre Sport badges, take them off you mug" .....that one went over my head m8 ....whatdaya mean?

Neil82cup: Thanks, Im from Fife. RobFenn is correct they are sport badges from a Megane Sport ...... long story that one!

Dont change the wheels! If you keep the car for any length of time, the novelty of flashy wheels will soon wear off and youll want the original look again (I speak from experience!). Does a 205GTi look better at ten years old with the original wheels or with three-spokes??? Hmmm!!


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

do i take it from the post title

you intend to allow other club members to use these mods using a rota?


  Audi TT Stronic

I DO !! can I book the Magnex twin 3.5" shooters for next week for a couple of years.. cheers dude..
  Clio 1.6 16V

Norfolk-172: The K&N was the first mod I did. So heard it on its own merit so to speak. Tootling around town you hardly know its there. Start using the power over the magic 4K mark and it all gets pretty manic! ..... but a nice sort of manic. Since fitting the Magnex, cant really pick its noise out any more.

Ben H: Dont worry m8, these wheels are there to stay. Suit the car well and are easy to clean unlike some Ive had!

The_Gza: Cheers m8, see you at the next meet (work permitting)

_KDF: Not that difficult ..... just get on the phone with that credit card!! Live for today and pay tomorrow! about we strike a deal ..... I give you my twin shooters for a week in two years time?

tomclio1.2: hhhmmmm"Sharing.." was really meant in the visual sort of sense. Top marks for trying though;)
  Clio 1.6 16V

Yep, Im sure we can arrange something. At the moment my car is off the road awaiting insurance to register the reg plate. Im sure Gibbo would be interested too. Met Teady before on the first Scottish meet.


  Shiny red R32

Quote: Originally posted by Flying Scotsman on 17 March 2003

Cheers peeps for all your replies!;) Brightened up my boring evening!
GirlRacer: Spot on, got these strut braces via John Harris (nice chappy) at DT .....BTW, are you on a commission? LOL
Flying Scotsman

No commission - I just like helping you guys in getting a discount and John is a great guy, so it helps him too if he gets loads of direct customers.
