sorry guys bit bored now at gf house she is studyin i finish my test today woo hoo so i decide to tell u guys my little race
its kind of gay coz it wasnt really any challenge more like just making cocky guys feel like crap.
I was drivin in my test car a TT quattro 225hp version i was with my gf n we were just on this motorway at around mid nite just cruising around n testin my new toy for the nite. Anyway the road was pretty dark but this korean? or wutever guy in this white new nissan maxima suddenly cut in front of me (not the first time back about 3 kms he did the same but loads more cars back then) now just us 2 .... gf told me to boot it coz he is being a dick .. so drop from 6th to 5th. off we go maxima went for it ahha stupid idea
the last thing i knew was i was goin at 230kms which is around 143miles n i slowed down. didndt see head lights or anythin. (of coz didnt see brake lights) so at the end of the motorway i was doin 40miles slowin down n finally see this blink of light comin ahha . he looked at us coz i on purpose slow to see who he was. i just shaked my head when he looked across hehehehe....never ever do that again.
he probably went home straight away n told allllllllllll his mates that he just wasted a TT quattro.. oh yeh dont mess with those TT with 2 exhaust pipes.... they r not that friendly never mind the B road but in a straight line anway