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Sky Broadband. Terribly Slow?

  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
Hi, we recently switched from Virgin to Sky. We had the complete Virgin package, and TBH I thought the Tivo box and interface in general on the TV, was pathetic, however the internet was spot on!

We've switch to sky, and whilst the TV is epic, the internet struggles @ large Jpegs. You know back in the day there would be a (56 Warning) in the thread title? Yea, I need that with Sky! A quick speed test is showing im always below 1mb, which is terrible, but TBH I Was warned about this. Im back living with my parents at the mo, and they are signed to sky for the year, but is there any chance I can have a decent Broadband in my own name, without touching sky and Ill just pay for it? OR would this be rediculous money?

  Bumder With A Buffer
Just because you "might" be able to have virgin internet to the house does not mean the speed would necessarily be any quicker.

Its down to how far away from the exchange you are. And all virgin would end up doing is using the same line that is currently there.


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
I have Sky tv , phone and their upto 20mb Broadband and usually get around 11mb on average . I also have Virginmedia's 120mb Broadband as a standalone deal through " cable " not the phoneline but i pay something like £36 a month . I get 120mb all day long , download lots of films , music etc ..... never been capped . So thats an option for you .
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
Just because you "might" be able to have virgin internet to the house does not mean the speed would necessarily be any quicker.

Its down to how far away from the exchange you are. And all virgin would end up doing is using the same line that is currently there.

see below
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
Just because you "might" be able to have virgin internet to the house does not mean the speed would necessarily be any quicker.

Its down to how far away from the exchange you are. And all virgin would end up doing is using the same line that is currently there.

I'm down the road from the exchange, like less than 10miles. Virgin internet was absolutely rapid here. The day we had sky installed, I had both Virgin and Sky. Sky got 1mb, Virgin got 19mb. Same Laptop, same position, within 1 minute of each other.
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
For example

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  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
Pathetic this is!

For example, these are taken from my iPhone 5 on 3G:


and on the house wifi:


BT ADSL broadband availability

You are connected to the Woodgate telephone exchange.

  • ADSL is available in your area
  • Your exchange is also enabled for ADSL Max services
  • Your exchange is also enabled for ADSL2+ services
According to BT Wholesale, houses at your postcode should be able to support
up to 1Mbps via ADSL
2Mbps or greater ADSL connection via ADSL Max
2.5Mbps or greater via ADSL2+
Standard ADSL RAG results

  • You cannot receive 2Mbps ADSL
  • You may be able to receive 1Mbps ADSL
  • You can receive 512kbps ADSL
  • You can receive 256kbps ADSL
You are approximately 2.54km from the exchange. Note that this is the straight line distance - the actual cable length will be longer!



The following map shows your postcode in relation to your exchange and all the other postcodes served by your exchange (green, orange and red dots).
You are approximately 2.54km from the exchange. Note that this is the straight line distance - the actual cable length will be longer!

I've also tried without the filters, just the Sky Hub and no phone line, even took the panel off and used to test socket behind it to no avail!
  Bumder With A Buffer
TBH even if it was working fine you would still only get around 1mbps due to your line length.
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
Tuesday 5th March, Virgin are coming back, 100mb Fibre Line, £50 installation £35 a month. I will be able to Youtube and view the gif thread once more :D
Good god, unless you run a business why on earth would you need such a connection?

I get 8meg from Sky. TBH 4meg would do just fine for iPlayer etc.


  BMW 440i
I got this in that test above. (Home). Very close.

"You are approximately 651 metres from the exchange. Note that this is the straight line distance - the actual cable length will be longer!"

Doing the speed test at Uni though in Nottingham, where I'm on sky, I get this. I find my Uni internet too slow, and regularly have to just let things load up a bit with movies, and downloading of files is a bit slow too. Virgin is so much better that I have at home. Good move! Uni home is 1.38km from the exchange as well.

  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
He watches p**n 24/7 and w**ks himself into oblivion on a regular basis.

This. Although since having Sky, I havent been able to use Redtube, So I've been going out and meeting "real" girls. The net ones seem alot dirtier =/
  Nissan 350z
Im unfortunately with Sky ADSL as well kpowell and you're not alone, its shite!
I can only assume they really over subscribe their ADSL service as i dont seem able to get anything above 2mbps. Nottingham here.
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
Its so bad that 2 minute Youtube Videos are basically un watchable.... I've spent a good 5 minutes waiting for the 2:44 Ironman 3 trailer to load =/
  107 Track Car & C4
Our Sky was really slow for the first 3 months when we moved in (October), it was as low as 0.2 at one stage, kept cutting out too.

It's at around 3.8-4.2 now, still not brilliant but so much better than what we were getting!

I found the service with Sky really good, always trying different ways to get it better, sent us out new cables, microfilters etc a couple of times.
  182 Ly ff.
Mines rubbish with sky! We are classed as off net and have to pay for the privilege!


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