Because of this,

Luckily he came with the right sort of truck,

The damage,

The full extent of it, nice!!

I heard a rumbling noise, which sounded like the road surface, the car felt sluggish (I was going at about 70 mph) I pulled over straight away to assess, one properly shagged tyre!
Luckily the wheel was fine, I've got new PS3's on the back now. It made sense to get both done as the other had about 3mm left on it.
Back story from TIDL,
3 miles from where I was going!!
I called up the RAC to get it picked up, I told the dude.. the car is very low, be sure to send a low truck to get it on - Oh Sir, it's modified. No it's a standard car. So why's it very low. Err because it is, this is how they come. Oh so it is modified. No look FFS it's standard, now please send me a truck.
Can't you use tyre weld? No, the tyre is shredded to sh*t. OK 45 mins.
90 Mins goes by, no one's came out to me. They call back, oh we had to get another truck en route to you as your car is modified. I say no - I told you that it's not, it's just how they come. Look mate, you're supposed to know about cars, google it up FFS then send me the correct truck to put it on.
30 mins later, a big truck came & it was the right one
the driver was properly on it, he looked & goes, Clio V6, no problem.
Before the truck came, I was sat on a big grass verge (I managed to get it completely out of the road when the Police came, previously I was in the start of a slip road, not good) The copper said, oh we've had five along here in as many days' I was like WTF?
All manner of idiots were dropping it down & booting it, like I'm going to be impressed by popping sh*tty Fiesta Zetec S's!!
I finally dropped it off at 8pm, 3.5 hours after the tyre went. A trip to Costco's yesterday meant I got two new PS3's on the back
As the other one had about 3mm on it, I got it done too.
I also got to see a dude with an identical car to mine (one of the 8) we had a chat for a bit while I was waiting for the recovery truck, he lives near by

Luckily he came with the right sort of truck,

The damage,

The full extent of it, nice!!

I heard a rumbling noise, which sounded like the road surface, the car felt sluggish (I was going at about 70 mph) I pulled over straight away to assess, one properly shagged tyre!
Luckily the wheel was fine, I've got new PS3's on the back now. It made sense to get both done as the other had about 3mm left on it.
Back story from TIDL,
[/QUOTE]Getting a blow out at about 70mph on Saturday afternoon

I called up the RAC to get it picked up, I told the dude.. the car is very low, be sure to send a low truck to get it on - Oh Sir, it's modified. No it's a standard car. So why's it very low. Err because it is, this is how they come. Oh so it is modified. No look FFS it's standard, now please send me a truck.
Can't you use tyre weld? No, the tyre is shredded to sh*t. OK 45 mins.
90 Mins goes by, no one's came out to me. They call back, oh we had to get another truck en route to you as your car is modified. I say no - I told you that it's not, it's just how they come. Look mate, you're supposed to know about cars, google it up FFS then send me the correct truck to put it on.
30 mins later, a big truck came & it was the right one

Before the truck came, I was sat on a big grass verge (I managed to get it completely out of the road when the Police came, previously I was in the start of a slip road, not good) The copper said, oh we've had five along here in as many days' I was like WTF?
All manner of idiots were dropping it down & booting it, like I'm going to be impressed by popping sh*tty Fiesta Zetec S's!!

I finally dropped it off at 8pm, 3.5 hours after the tyre went. A trip to Costco's yesterday meant I got two new PS3's on the back

I also got to see a dude with an identical car to mine (one of the 8) we had a chat for a bit while I was waiting for the recovery truck, he lives near by