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The Dark Knight.... Progress Thread

do sat afternoon then, brendas over all weekend n i'll fire the bbq up, make a day of it.

trying to get bigbob over on sat to help, seeing yours will help tho.

freds trying to persuade me to put it under the passenger seat lol
do sat afternoon then, brendas over all weekend n i'll fire the bbq up, make a day of it.

trying to get bigbob over on sat to help, seeing yours will help tho.

freds trying to persuade me to put it under the passenger seat lol
Passenger seat FTW ;)


Looking good dude!
cheers darren :D

race battery is in and fitted, including fitting: 7.1 KG

OEM battery with fittings: 14 KG

I'm not goinna moan about losing 7kg from the car any day of the week :) pics tomo
after getting the bits n bobs sorted over the weekend i spent today fitting the battery, cutting down the tray and tinkering with intake.


first job was to cut down the battery tray whilst trying to keep it looking OEM, which i managed, god knows how as im usually the biggest pikey ever. drilled two holes in it too to add the supporting strap in.


not 100% happy but its legal and will see me sweet for a few weeks. also held the xeno unit in the strap too. all it needs is the red cover to go over the red box which i somehow lost?!

cut the airbox supporting pipe down and looped my airfeed over it too. i wanted it too look no worse than the frankly disgusting megane enginebay already is, i think it looks fairly OEM and tidy.


drove her for the first time in a month afterwards too... still smiling.
not updated in a while, not even sure if any bugger reads these anymore...


Trax... September 2009

arrived on the sat at streamline to have my prototype CF sidebadges put on, i'll let the pics do the talking...


then off to the campsite to drink and decide to fit my new brakes onto the rear. thanks to richngem, jono n stevie for all their efforts.



decided it would be best to bed them in on the silverstone bypass on the morning of the show and on track, mainly due to me being an idiot...

on the way into silverstone i passed some 306 ccs and i think it was 'sash' at speed, apoligies for velocity and noise but i was 'testing' ;)

show was ok, enjoyed ken block and then i hit what can only be described as a farce out on track.

the silverstone lotus experience cars should be ashamed of themselves, going full chat when we are technicxally on a warmup lap in single file convoy is not acceptable. the car ran ok, kept cutting power on the main straight, either fuel starvation or a dicky injector, but ive not had a chance to check as she's been driven once since then.

I followed a race prepped fiesta ST on ITB's losing pretty much nothing and nearly passing him twice. it was a local car and had silverstone plastered all over it so i was happy with that and the outdragging of the TA evo on the hanger straight :)


the car seemed a little 'tired' so to speak around trax, i think the summer of tracking and fun was taking its toll on the old girl. the back suspension be it better than before still isnt good enough, well the whole cars suspension isnt, but beggers cant be choosers, (i found this by powersliding round the first corner after the pit straight) as soon as i can i'll be putting the battery in the boot the even up the balence.

off it goes to BTM whilst i'm in the US for two weeks...

"Naith your car is a f&$king nail"

"why whats up?"


"that's rightttt"

fred worked miracles and ive only driven the car 3 times since but she feels better, she needs to go down in a week or so to have brake bias seen to, new driveshafts and a new anti roll bar... but engine and lubrication wise she's happy for now.

so it's october, she has insurance and MOT but no tax... im skint, but i'll sort that out. ive turned my attentions to tidying the inside up.

Alacantara centre console with a little twist ;)




guy off MS called 'leipz'... the quality and finish is sexual, i cant stop stroking, it really is high end OEM. took me a few hours to strip my old dash out but its so worth it, few more bits coming too.. cost me alot but i stayed in for a weekend and made it possible.

next step... god knows, buckets, carpet out, all i know is she needs work doing and i need to find funds... had to put money into the family tho due to a few issues, meh, be reete...

a mates just decided to sell his new KWV3 coilovers too... bugger
Saw your door badges when it was down at BTM, amazing work as always with Streamline.

That alacantra dash looks lovely to :)
WARREN = CNUT, see u sataday!!1!

cheers paul and others, im pining for more alacantara now, top of speedo cover, maybe even add more weight by getting the glovebox covered in it ;)
cheers brett, cars a nail, but u knowww me ;)

have to get yourself over eccles way so i can have a look over the ph quick mate, bring young un too :)

I will do ,to see if it gets your seal of approval, I can't make the next KK meet but i'll try and get over sometime soon, if you organise anything you've got me on facebook and on here so just give me a shout.

Its impossible not to bring young un to anything to do with cars, he was excited for about a week when I asked him if he wanted to come to the warrington meet the other week.
oh hai


soooo... here be the half cage, going in on friday, coming out soon after to be coated lime green then front mounts will be welded in for ridgidity, quality and weld is very good from what i can see and have had it checked over, not heavy either.


not weighed it but its about 16kg, weight will be neutralised when seats come out though so happy days.
