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The Dark Knight.... Progress Thread

  350z GT
The fact that he asked you to leave him alone to get it finished makes me wonder if he has an army of elves which swarm over the car and do the work ;)

I think they live up the wooden steps above the office lol


ClioSport Club Member
  Many Things
As I've read little snippets of this, I didn't really have a good understanding of where the problems started, I've just read the last 15 pages and to say I'm actually in love with this car now is an under statement.

A real credit goes to all that's came together to make this car work for Le Mans, I think Fred is now the only person I want to work on my car in future
  Lotus Elise
Great write up Naith, so many memory's came back whilst I was reading it.

When you snapped your handbrake cable I nearly died of laughter, all that work and effort and you snap the cable because your a fcuking viscount who doesnt know his own strength.



ClioSport Club Member
Good write up, nice to see it back together. Credit to Fred & Sam.

So much so i notice the massive instability from the rear

With the new rear beam on??? :dapprove: It was straight, it aligned on the mounts right? Still have the mount bolts/bracket off it at mine pal.
  Ph2 172 MB 77/468
i didnt realise seeing the car up on the ramps just how much work needed doing!!!!

epic stuff by the btm boys.

so glad my car went there!
  Megane 225 F1
Wow. Just wow. I take my hat off to the guys at BTM. So glad it was all fixed up. I was checking facebook for Naiths updates for those couple of days.
thanks for the words guys, means an awful lot!

With the new rear beam on??? :dapprove: It was straight, it aligned on the mounts right? Still have the mount bolts/bracket off it at mine pal.

need to check paul, we kind of bodged it on and i think everything was ok.. i'm guessing tits the buckled rear tyre, well i hope it is and the fact it needs weighting and geo setup :)
Little update, cars not been used much since i got back from France, was going to have a set of Ultraleggeras but the chap let me down so all i've done is swap the indicators round! oh and hoover it. oh and sit smelling the california scent that brownbear gave me. So no photos, as if anyone wants to see that!?

Was meant to put a FIA spec front driverseat in too realllllly good price but it turned out to be a scam, luckily i didnt lose anything.

however... next week.

exhaust tips are getting refreshed and changed, new brackets on and heat sheild tightened.

studs and nuts will be going on wheels

smaller front plate

height adjusters back on the rear (will raise it by say an inch but i trust KW more so than my judgement)

subtle diffuser for the rear

rear badge to be resprayed, was going to change/get rid of the green, but if i'm honest its kind of a feature of the car now and not sure if i want to look like a cheap replica F1 fanatic with black and gold.

The engine is great, not lost any coolant after its rebuild, when I've got a little money together i'll get the forge recirc valve and get the mapping sorted, luckily I'm not driving it enough to damage it anyway and again i'm not too bothered by that as the rear wheel buckling and lack of corresponding geo setup makes the car drive the rears are on butter.

Apart from that I'll be contacting a Rollcage company to get a few strengthening beams added to the cage and probably front loops onto and past the A-pillar.

point less update but meh. I'll give it a clean this weekend and wh0re.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Don't forget the Malco, for the best shine ;)

lol i was just writing one and you post that?! weird...

ok those that went to World Series would have seen us sardined in again this year. wont be doing infield again as it wasnt a collectors area.... reete, the car...

the engine is still fantastic, mappings not right but i've not had time to get it sorted since the rebuild. Regardless the BTM spec engine is fantastic.

With the lack of work i've not been able to do much to the car but have done a little. Aiden (a chap off Meganesport) does short shift conversions for the megs, basically a cnc'd movement in the nipple that halves the meganes terrible throw


Myself and mat-nos fitted it just before wsr and i did the traditional cleaning of airbox and airfilter which was thoroughly clogged up, joys of running a CAF.


well what can I say its fantastic, it gives the meg a shift feel and ferocity equal to that in our 172, you can literally punch the power in when before it was a long sloppy throw, a definite top cheap mod, especially when you see people spending silly money on things and this exchange basis mod is £35!!

I've still not got round to fitting my studs and nuts i have, purchased some 6mm spacers too now to accompany them. I've always hated the idea of spacers thinking them cheap and tacky, I felt that offset and stance should be because you have massive motorsport spec wheels, when we replaced the rear beam for a ph2 cup one we had the problem whereby the cup beam is a little narrower, the offset is equalised by wider wheels that the cup/R26/trophy have. At the moment I don't so needs must....

They were provided by a friend in the motorsport trade and i'll have them on asa

Bedded the shifter in on the way to Silverstone last weekend and the car (apart from the issues i'll state below) was great, the shortshifter is a proper mod.


(photo credit to Harpham @ RWS 2011)

now to the problem... the ride on the car is crap, i really need to get it to a geo specialist or someone who can see whats up with the rear. When I damaged the car it was on the OS rear, but the beam has been replaced. I had the wheel balanced for lemans and that helped but thats the weird thing, turning right which puts pressure on the OS is nigh on perfect, its turning left which is bad, bad as in i have to back off and take corners, especially sweeping bends and about 60/70% of what i could do. its scary as the car basically tries to step out and wobbles.

granted the tyres will get changed soon and the KW's need totally resetting but its top on my list of priorities to get it sorted as bar cruising along its stopping me enjoying the car for what it is :( the brakes need about another 2 litres bleeding through to as there seems to be air in the servo.

Hopefully got some work on the way so when bills are paid i will have a few cheeky additions i'm sure, its far from over...
yeh, truly is one of a kind lol. MegSatis engine... never heard that one, it has clio bits in there too, BTM potatofamine spec innit. Anyway sod off i'm not talking to you till i have that renault tshirt, you know what to do! x
