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Ok, the truth of the matter is this:
The car was abducted by aliens and subjected to numerous experiments involving probes being inserted into exhausts etc. Fred can't touch it until NASA engineers have flown over to carry out forensic tests. It isn't covered in dust, that is sand from Area 51, where the aliens dropped it back to, which will obviously need samples taken from.
Fred is currently in discussions with Marvel about whether they can keep the Tesseract until they have finished filming the forthcoming Captain America 2 and Avengers sequel. When they finish with it, then it will power the Trophy.

All of the above might not actually be true. It could just be internet hearsay.


ClioSport Club Member
You may as well buy it off Fred now mate, have the ultimate Renault drive way lol. Would be a tough decision which one to take out though.
If work wasn't so volatile at the moment I would be more than tempted to ask if Fred would be interested in selling. Mind you, my better half is also on about getting rid of the Type-R and getting a Ford FRS MkII instead. Would prefer the Vee to be honest. :)

Whens the expected finished date? Or is it as and when & great thing come to those who wait?
No actual finish date was set mate. Right from day one it was agreed that it would be ready when it's ready and not a day before. :) Obviously it has taken longer than anticipated due to the reasons already outlined elsewhere. However, it is in the final stages right now. Should be going for mapping very soon. :) I hope so because the insurance soon expires on the Vee and it's getting expensive now! LOL!

Ok, the truth of the matter is this:
The car was abducted by aliens and subjected to numerous experiments involving probes being inserted into exhausts etc. Fred can't touch it until NASA engineers have flown over to carry out forensic tests. It isn't covered in dust, that is sand from Area 51, where the aliens dropped it back to, which will obviously need samples taken from.
Fred is currently in discussions with Marvel about whether they can keep the Tesseract until they have finished filming the forthcoming Captain America 2 and Avengers sequel. When they finish with it, then it will power the Trophy.

All of the above might not actually be true. It could just be internet hearsay.
I was ready to believe... but then you mentioned the Tesseract and now I'm struggling to find any truth whatsoever in your comments... :rofl:


ClioSport Club Member
  Many Things
Was at fred's is a bit dusty on the inside but its had a power wash on the outside. Still looking good just has an empty engine bay. Not long now though I expect then off to get it mapped :)

Hope it is nice and reliable for you mate, I hope it makes expected power but even if it doesn't, aslong as it all holds together which I have no doubts about, I'm sure you'll be over the moon.

Atleast all this time off the road will most likely make it a lower mileage example (Cant remember if its got a lot on or not lol)
  Clio Trophy
Andy, I was over Fred's today. He has repaired the damage from the milk float incident but is now using the Trophy to grow cannabis inside. It looks like its gonna be a good crop too.

I must say, anybody who wears a Ushanka and sandal's in this weather must a character.... and Fred is a character, and without meaning too sound like I give him oral, he is a honest genuine guy who won't rip anybody off.. He could of done work on my car when it wasn't required and pocketed my hard earned money, but he is honest and simply tells you that the said work isn't required etc.

He also tells you the facts when it comes to mod's... if it isn't going to improve the performance significantly, he will tell you straight. Fred calls a spade a spade. So if he is taking his time its because he takes pride in his work.

Don't judge a book by its cover, i.e. yeah his workshop is a "bit" dusty but its dust created from actual work

Andy, I reckon you'll have a minter very soon.


ClioSport Club Member
Well I'm sure I saw Stan Lee there the other day.
Marvel-ous! :eek:

Was at fred's is a bit dusty on the inside but its had a power wash on the outside. Still looking good just has an empty engine bay. Not long now though I expect then off to get it mapped :)

Hope it is nice and reliable for you mate, I hope it makes expected power but even if it doesn't, as long as it all holds together which I have no doubts about, I'm sure you'll be over the moon.
No worries - a quick hoover and all will be good I'm sure! And yes, as long as there are no setbacks it should be mapped real soon. I have no real expectations as to the power but anything over 180bhp and 160lbft would be welcomed ;) Regardless of the final figures it will be good to know it's got a tidy engine build ticking away under the bonnet, built by a reputable geezer and I will definitely be over the moon. Thanks for the latest report on the T! :D

Atleast all this time off the road will most likely make it a lower mileage example (Cant remember if its got a lot on or not lol)
LOL! Sadly the mileage is still quite high for a Trophy (I think). I can't remember myself what it is though... 100,000 miles or thereabouts. I think. Possibly.

Is he clocking it for him too?
That's one extra I haven't budgeted for... :)

Andy, I was over Fred's today. He has repaired the damage from the milk float incident but is now using the Trophy to grow cannabis inside. It looks like its gonna be a good crop too.
Thank goodness for that! Dairy, dairy me... I heard the damage was quite extensive, too. Hopefully that's the end of that matter as there's no more to be milked out of it. As for the cannabis... well... I did say I hope I could smoke some serious cars once the Trophy is done so maybe something got lost in translation.

I must say, anybody who wears a Ushanka and sandal's in this weather must a character.... and Fred is a character, and without meaning too sound like I give him oral, he is a honest genuine guy who won't rip anybody off.. He could of done work on my car when it wasn't required and pocketed my hard earned money, but he is honest and simply tells you that the said work isn't required etc.

He also tells you the facts when it comes to mod's... if it isn't going to improve the performance significantly, he will tell you straight. Fred calls a spade a spade. So if he is taking his time its because he takes pride in his work.

Don't judge a book by its cover, i.e. yeah his workshop is a "bit" dusty but its dust created from actual work

Andy, I reckon you'll have a minter very soon.
:) Thanks mate.

Personally, I'm not concerned and I'm confident that the results will be more than worth it. I've met and spoke with Fred on more than a few occasions now and not once have I had a problem, concern or doubt. Fred a character? Er... yeah, you could say that. ;) But if he's daft enough to let me loose with his Vee then he's more than alright in my books.

Cheers for the comments!
  Clio 172
Fred honest? I literally can't force him to fit the engine I have into my car as he keeps telling me my car doesn't need it as its fast enough. He is far too much of a gentleman to be working in the automotive industry.

As for the car Andy, I believe it's being weighed in for beer money for Le Mans.


ClioSport Club Member
Fred honest? I literally can't force him to fit the engine I have into my car as he keeps telling me my car doesn't need it as its fast enough. He is far too much of a gentleman to be working in the automotive industry.

As for the car Andy, I believe it's being weighed in for beer money for Le Mans.
:rofl: Bl00dy hell, what's he drinking? Champagne Artois?!?!

the amount of stories i heard off mr btm on saturday about this car was unreal!
but it has moved i saw it with my own 4 eyes!
More stories? These could form the foundations of my planned "auto"-biography... :eek:

As for it being moved. Should I be concerned where it's been moved to?
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
As good as Fred is Chip I doubt even he can influence the supply of out sourced parts.

Lol, indeed mate, we've had a similar nightmare with Porkies engine which has taken roughly as long to actually have in the car!
F4R's are rubbish for parts supply sadly :(
  Lionel Richie
If he spent 10% as much time building engines as he does repeating gossip it would have been finished ages ago, FLOL.

And if others didn't create the gossip in the first place we'd all be better off ;)

Anyway, i'll get back to my ebay clio parts empire/canabis plantation/alcoholicism/crashing customer cars whilst pissed/armed robbery/islamic preaching/flip flop sales etc

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
What strain of cannabis are you growing in the back of the trophy again?
Don't forget I want some ;)
  Evo 5 RS
I'm tempted to post a pic of your car on that site that's dedicated to abandoned garages, Andy :D.

"Limited Edition run of 500 Clio Trophy with no engine left for 10 years, immaculate shell coated in a layer of cat hair and dust" ;)


ClioSport Club Member
I'm tempted to post a pic of your car on that site that's dedicated to abandoned garages, Andy :D.

"Limited Edition run of 500 Clio Trophy with no engine left for 10 years, immaculate shell coated in a layer of cat hair and dust" ;)
PMSL! I keep checking that thread just in case... :rofl:

LOL! Fred, can I have some BTM flipflops please?

But in all seriousness, what parts are holding what up now?
It's pretty much there now, Rob (as far as I'm aware!) The last hiccup was the conrods (which have been replaced with Arrow conrods). All being well it should soon be taking a trip to RS Tuning... :)


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
yeah i never thought of that!
i wish this dam car would hurry up i want to see it finished after seeing the transformation over the past 10-11 years!!!!

Should be at least 300 bhp atw !

the pistons are coming direct from Narnia hence the delay, Harry potter is booked in to map it in june next year and then its goin for a 4 week intensive detail .
Should be all done this time next year by which time the Vee will have 300000000 miles on it


ClioSport Club Member
Haha! Good one!

LOL that's awesome!

So it is true then.
The truth will always out, Tony.

ooffftttt it just so happens the guns have moved and the cannabis has been cut down
Hopefully they've gone to a good home. Fred did actually offer me some used magazines that he's had lying around the place for some time. Naturally I assumed back issues of EVO and Top Gear but how wrong was I... :p

TBH the flip flops are the real crime there anyway.

yeah i never thought of that!
i wish this dam car would hurry up i want to see it finished after seeing the transformation over the past 10-11 years!!!!
Patience, patience. I am told that good things come to those who wait. :)

Should be at least 300 bhp atw !

the pistons are coming direct from Narnia hence the delay, Harry potter is booked in to map it in june next year and then its goin for a 4 week intensive detail .
Should be all done this time next year by which time the Vee will have 300000000 miles on it
^ Yeah, that about sums it up mate. You're, perhaps, a little conservative with your ATW estimate but the mileage estimate for the Vee is pretty close already...

I'm genuinely getting excited now. :)
