Well that's great news for the start to the weekend mate. [emoji41]
It is mate! Hopefully this is the start of the end (as it were).
Really hope this is the final hurdle Andy and it is soon done and you are finally happy with it !
Thanks mate - I can't wait to get it home and run-in. It'll be getting a good spanking once all is good to go.
Finally some good news, hopefully soon Mick will have it ready to be fired up!
I think he plans on turning it over soon mate. He's got a couple of little things he's done / doing until he has more time in his schedule to work on it fully.
2018 is going to be the year, up and running!! Good luck, you certainly deserve it..
I think it will be mate - I fully expect to be out and enjoying it this year.

Fantastic news mate! - Big relief.
You're not wrong! Bullet dodged!
Cheers buddy!
Fantastic News Andy - Long may it continue!
Yep - I totally agree
Told you to fire the thing up as it was. (;
Great news mate!
Hahaha! Yeah, yeah, yeah... whatever...

Cheers mate.
Thanks mate. It was nice to get away without the wallet taking another hammering
Has Mick given any idea of a time scale now Andy?
He's not given a definite date fella; he's really busy at the moment. He's planning on clearing his current jobs so that he can then get a good run with mine. He's already started on a few smaller bits (such as re-assembling the interior so that it looks like a car again!) but he won't be doing anything too major until he has the time to do it properly.
Should be out on road test Monday morning.
Either that, or he'll have parts for sale on eBay...
Taking his time ain't he ! :smile::wink:
I meant is he just doing bits when he gets spare hours or doing it as a paying job when all bits are there to complete it ?
It's a paying job mate.
I'm sure it's booked in as a job mate, from what I've seen nicks a busy man so I'd imagine he doesn't get very much spare time to do this as a fill in job.
If it was my car then I'd also want to pay to have it done as a proper job, I think it's gone on far to long.
I'm hoping to meet up with Sharkey this summer in my beast, so it better be finished by then.
Yep - exactly this. It's a proper job this time - no more dicking around. I am expecting it to be ready for summer mate; looking forward to seeing your beast! I think a bit of Welsh road action would suit it perfectly... although I might be a bit biased.
Imagine the time of if/when Andy ever comes to the Trophy - that to justify the expense and patience of all this, he would simply have to point the potential customer to this thread.
This thread is almost a part of the CS Forum furniture. It's a shame that it might end up actually being finished! :smile:
Hahahahaha! I'm not sure what I'm going to do when it's finished?!?!?!?!

It won't be sold, so it will be run for as long as I can possibly a) maintain it and b) get it repaired and c) afford it...
About damn time too matey! Fingers crossed it's all smooth sailing for you now.
Absolutely mate! I'm sure there will be another hurdle or two to overcome but I think this is a bit of a turning point.
Really good news mate! Hope it all works out perfect soon :beers:
Thanks mate
See, I said you were making progress! Bloody good news the engine is in good order internally, what's the next step?

The next step is for Mick to clear his jobs/diary and have a crack at mine!

He's got a lot of outstanding bookings to work through first and then he'll turn his attention to the Trophy.
Good news. Nice work sharky boi
Thanks mate, but I can't claim any credit. I've had more than a little help from my friends (wasn't there a song about that?)
Great news, about time you had something good happen without more expense to the pocket.
Hopefully get to see it at some shows this year!
Cheers fella! I'm certainly planning on hitting a few of them this year so I hope to see you there mate!